Video Creator’s Channel Subwoofer King

All Right Lets Give A Honest Detailed
review of the scar evo six now I have plans for this. I have plans could not be another boss inside the box. Oh here It is right here. Nice. This thing is more beefy than I thought it was going to be.
Its A Wide Magnet Very Wide Minute.
I forgot to mention something the cone on this is very stiff and rigid even the dust cap is very stiff that’s good right there that’s a good sign. This thing also has a two-inch full school, which is very good for a six and a half very good first six and a half and I’m going to install this thing in my truck. I know what you’re saying you got two Zvs 18s why are you installing a six and a half inch sub all right My plans is to install. This little six and a half right here on the side panel Real quick got foam and wood back here because the base was cracking the metal look at that cracking all that it would have continued to crack but didn’t pick the wooden and I got another crack on this side right here.
- magnet
- build
- scar
- evo
- cracking
- saying got zvs 18s installing
- foam wood base cracking metal
- detailed review scar evo
- beefy thought going wide magnet
- 18s installing half inch sub
See That Correct All That Had The Phone
that side to you and then on my hatch. See that crap right there. I had to follow my hat as well and then right here crap freaking license plate that’s the same right there and the reason I’m doing this is when I want my voltage to build up on the way to a show. You know I have my subs off so you know.
I Can See I Have Some Bass You
know while they’re off or when I’m coming from a show let my amp. and subs cool off and you know I can still have some bass on my downtime so that’s the reason behind it All right let’s get a little demo of this thing free airing on some music me these all these. This thing was stiff at first, but it’s not stiff anymore have plenty of playing now. This thing has some good x-maps um it wasn’t full tilt um don’t want to play it too hard just got it when I’m breaking in a little bit but this thing has some throw to it um anyways look at this this is a DD9918 has a four-inch force cool look at this the oh the voice call is almost wise.
The Freaking Speaker Itself Actually Takes
up the whole cone. Oh mess stay tuned for the box. Build I’m gonna build a box for this thing my own custom box. Thing for my side panel can’t wait you?
This thing is more beefy than I thought it was going to be. All right let’s give a honest detailed review of the scar evo six now I have plans for this.& This thing also has a two-inch full school, which is very good for a six and a half full school and I’m going to install this thing in my truck.& I forgot to mention something the cone on this is very stiff and rigid even the dust cap is a very stiff that’s good right there that’s a good sign. The reason I’m doing this is when I want my voltage to build up on the way to a show.& You know I have some bass you know while they’re off or when they’re coming from a show let my amp . Let’s get a little demo of this thing free airing on some music me these all these. It wasn’t full tilt um don’t want to play it too hard just got it when I’m breaking in a little bit…. Click here to read more and watch the full video