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What Is This This Is Our Kef Elite Dealer
annual recognition award. We’re all curious of what’s on the record, but I don’t really see any grooves no. There are yeah Yeah You can probably play it, but it looks too cool to. So we couldn’t take this out and actually play we probably could but i’m not going to it. ‘s got the metas blades all the same stuff we have here now now that you said it can actually play it makes me curious because it might be a hidden treasure map or something like that it could be a subliminal message.
It Could Be How They Make
these Kc62 so heavy so so this is made to match these Ls50s the metas it’s got the same same kind of curve contour, but it also matches the things I don’t have on box yet is the blades so yeah. Just having not ready to unbox the blades yet gotta get all the other stuff. In first it’s gonna go right through the glass, who wants to do a test tone give it to you yeah, He knew a lot of stuff. Oh that was so happy it is have you picked it up we’re gonna watch this thing rumble if he blows it just take this part out there we go see that 12 Hertz so you kind of can’t really hear it yeah The human hearing starts at 20 Hertz if you sleep on the ground. The earth will give you a 700.
And If You Can Head On
if you put more in there that’s a subwoofer right I mean I can do a sweep test starting at 20 Hertz and it just goes up. Oh my goodness that won’t be so sweet. I don’t know your. Microphone 50 Hertz UK so I can go a little bit higher what’s the video go up to all the way up to 20k 20k yeah, You know him again yeah, What are you talking about trying to trying to kill him here 20k not me because you’re old all right so I had a bunch of these Kec-62s in stock so I figured hey better late than never let’s make a review video of this subwoofer so starting on the outside this subwoofer has two six-inch drivers, hence the name KC62 the smaller version of and actually a completely new design of the Kf is it KF I don’t know Kf92 then one with two nine inch drivers and I think this one actually has better sound so that probably starts with the way the new p-flex. Acoustic drivers are actually made to resist any kind of.
That Comes From The Cabinet And It
works really well like. This thing can get down low and can really pump without any cabinet noise at all. I can tell you why because it’s heavy it’s very heavy. The outside is made with the baffle kind of like the Ls50 metas, so it’s a great match. Now.
I Have The White One In The Black
one of course, but it’s a great match to pair with the Ls50 metals because they lack a little bit of bass that this can completely make up for so another thing that makes it have just zero noise. It does have a built-in distortion control that even helps the voice coils when they’re rumbling just to minimize any noise. So the KC 62 is a thousand watts RMs 500 watts per side, which is pretty ridiculous in the sub this compact it sort of. Me of the Sunfire subs that Carver used to make which now you can’t fix so. This would be a perfect replacement for those subwoofers, but they were literally like a cannonball.
- kc62
- grooves
- kf92
- blades
- kf
Im Gonna Break The Table Enough About The
outside let’s talk a little bit more about functionality so and we’ll start with this since it fell so. This is the wireless adapter for the KC62 and all the KeF subs. It comes in a little system here so you have the transmitter and this is the receiver. The transmitter will plug into your receiver or integrated amP and will transmit the sound wirelessly to your subwoofer. So you can literally put this anywhere in your room and get quality sound and it works great and this plugs in and actually gets screwed in right back here.
Just Like That I Think This Slides
off Bam screw holes you’re. Just gonna pop it right on There screw into the two holes, wherever they might be and attach the sub-so you don’t have to worry about it coming off now. Other features this has the the face. You can put the phase at zero or 180 not something I use but a big feature. I want to look at is the eq so the eq actually has five settings.
You Have Room Wall Corner Cabinet And I
don’t even see what that says apartment that’s probably what we should have had it on because we got a smaller room. I guess apartment is maybe considered of the neighbors. Maybe that’s what it it quiets it down quite a bit. There’s Mike we’re just talking about the cannonball. I like that name do you have any comments on the cannonball.
It Weighs As Much As A Cannonball,
How does it. sound sounds real good, so we were talking about the eq Have you had any experience with that um I mean I’d have to look at a chart to actually know what it does it’s supposed to automatically set it yeah for wherever you have it one thing I can tell you though if you have this in an Ikea collect cabinet. It’s going to rumble the cabinet so you have to take it out so if you do use the cabinet feature. I would make sure it’s like a full built-in that’s not going to vibrate because it will just it just wasn’t yeah enough room. I think it was actually getting air force kickback also on the drivers yeah well.
- really grooves yeah yeah probably
- ls50s metas got kind curve
- message make kc62 heavy match
- metas blades stuff said
- kef elite dealer
We Had It Facing Out So
that the logo is facing out because that’s what looks best. I think if you’re gonna put this in a cabinet. need one driver facing out and on the back and one pointing out the pack I would have an open cabinet so it does that Oh yeah so the airflow goes through you have your crossover and your volume, which I like to play around with but don’t really know how to use it totally Mike, what would the best setting for a beginner be to set This at. I would just switch it to LFe and have your receiver do the work there. You go and that is what this mode switch is for so if you put it on LFe.
It Bypasses The Volume And The Crossover
and your receiver does all the work and that’s why Mike’s here to make sure I tell you the right answers what else is cool in here the ground is really good and it does work yes and I don’t know. Why a sub has a ground well it’s a ground lift so if you’re say I needed to use that on the when we brought it over to my bench. If your receiver is not grounded the same way that this is with the three prong IeC or if it’s just on a different ground loop. You’ll get a 60 hertz hum. You flip that switch it lifts the ground and and when we had this first hooked up.
There Was A Hum Coming From
that room and it was driving me crazy and I went behind here and I did I flipped it. It was gone yeah so whatever it does. If you do hear a hum like. Sometimes you hear the home with no volume just flip it turn it on gets rid of it inputs. It has the smart connect so literally all you have to do.
Is Is Connect Into The Smart
connect and it will it will tell it how to read the signal It has an LFe in also but I would recommend using the smart connect and I can explain that a little more when I look at my cheat sheet, which is usually Mike. I’ll leave you to it okay, let me know when you’re doing the vinyl video. I’ll talk about the new dream theater record. I know I ordered an extra one for you okay anyway. This will connect to literally any receiver that you need to that has a pre–out or will work with a sub-and that’s what the smart connects for so if you do have like.
If You Have To Use A Pre–Out
on an older receiver or a tape loop or anything like that smart connect will take care of a lot of things. has to be without a doubt my favorite subwoofer ever because it’s so small the head the weight so the weight’s a problem but that’s okay you’re putting it down. You’re not picking it up, but it gives out so much bass here’s how heavy the base is in this so when we room corrected our room with the nad direct live or whatever it set the sub on negative eight because the sub was so powerful and you can literally hear it rumble through the entire store no matter where you’re at you can hear the vibration and feel the vibration of the KC-62. I know there’s a lot of other people that kind of go in depth more of what some of the features do and what they like about it. But I can just tell you from using it every day.
Its Probably My Favorite Sub That.
ever owned so yeah, so I want to put this thing back in the home theater. We hope you guys enjoyed the video if I missed anything be sure to let me know below in the comments if I got anything wrong hey let me know that also like the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel because there’s so much more content coming your way and so much that we’ve already done like if you want to know about the ls50 metas. I’m pretty sure I did a video on these.
We Did A Blade 2 Unboxing
so we have as a catholic dealer. We have all kinds and every kef product in our store so stop by and listen to him with us. We invite you stay tuned. I think it goes like that either goes like that or like this whatever that’s where.
It Goes I Dont Know Maybe With A
cat like I would think not upside down and it actually screws in so you just pop the front off somehow that’s dead. I can’t believe you all you died. I left you alone for two seconds The soul’s gone.
The Kec-62 subwoofer has two six-inch drivers, hence the name KC62 the smaller version of and actually a completely new design of the Kf is it KF I don’t know . The human hearing starts at 20 Hertz if you sleep on the ground.& The earth will give you a 700.& And if you can head on if you put more in there that’s a sub woofer right I mean I can do a sweep test starting at 20 . Microphone 50 Hertz UK so I can go a little bit higher what’s the video go up to all the way up to 20k 20k.& Microphone goes up to 20k UK. Microphone . It’s gonna go right through the glass, who wants to do a test tone give it to you yeah, He knew a lot of stuff. It just goes up. It was so happy it is have you picked it up we’re gonna watch this thing rumble if he blows…. Click here to read more and watch the full video