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Hey Guys Welcome Back For Another Video Today Ive
got a full review of the UK s prime wireless speaker system. Wireless We’ll get to that so if you watched my boxing overview. I went over my first impressions and I’ll recap briefly what I mentioned in that video. This is at its heart an active meaning it’s self-powered all the electronics are in one speaker and the other speaker has its crossover done digitally before amplification in the other speaker. So there when paired together a two-channel active speaker system with built-in streamer and UK so that’s what they mean when they say Wireless.
It Can Stream Music From All
the various streaming music sources out there and it does so very well. It also has analogue inputs digital coax UK so you can use it. It has a 3. 5 million use it with a television as they. Replacement you can plug in your physical sources to it.
You Can Put Them On A
desktop. You can put them in a room. They’re quite versatile now they’re not perfect spoiler Alert. I think these things are great I don’t even have to qualify it with for their price or what they’re trying to do they’re just really great. These are a sonic treat if you love listening to music you are going to love these things now that being said for the price.
They Are A Phenomenal Deal When You Get
the two point one adding that sub makes a tremendous difference really does they’re great on their own for what they are without a sub but as soon as you add a sub there instantly rounded out. They have a lot of advanced features and they are also heavily relying on Sony to get some of those. Features now that’s a pro and a con and we’ll go into details about that. But this is a definite collaboration because all of the streaming duties are handled by SonyNK] Play Fight, which is their app based streaming platform for all the other sources coming into these and you do need it to get a lot of the features out of these. If you’re one without smart devices and yes or her people out there like that of them.
These Arent For You Because You Cant
do much without a smartphone or smart tablet controlling them so just getting that out of the way so I’m gonna go over the pros and cons we’re gonna detail everything that I’ve been doing with them and testing with them. We’ll see what they do well what they need. Some improvement on who they might be for and who not spoiler. Spoiler Alert I’m giving these a thumbs up so everything negative about these I would just like to see UK change or improve it’s not a knock on the product. I have to get that out of the way but I’m gonna go through the negatives first simply because I want to end on a good note, and there aren’t that many all right first of all potential deal-breakers now this isn’t going to be for everyone This is going to be for people that need these or want these for a very specific purpose.
There Are Gonna Be A Couple
features about them that may be a deal-breaker for you. The first of which is static is amplifier noise. It’s interesting because it comes and goes these seem to go into a standby mode. I couldn’t find anything in the manual that notes this, but they kind of they. off number one.
Theres No Power Switch If Theyre
plugged in they’re on, but they kind of go into a completely dormant standby mode. After a few minutes of non-use because right now I hear hiss volume on them is all the way down and this is kind of a negative. Also there’s no indicator of the volume. It’s a digital volume knob, so it just spins and spins and spins, but there’s no bar or indicator anywhere other than in app. What the volume is set to and doesn’t matter what input it is, but when they’re being used like just touching the volume There’s a lot of amplifier.
- wireless
- speakers
- subwoofer
- speaker
- channels
Yes Ill Move This One Closer
to the mic here so you can hear and it is very audible. I mean it’s not like gift a stream to hear it it’s loud you can hear it feet away if they’re. up if the volume is turned all the way down you can hear them maybe a foot away. I mean turned all the way down so they’re it’s all the way down now I can still hear it out here it’s low level. The house is very quiet right now the UK isn’t running or the heat and you can hear it but turned all the way up.
Its Obnoxious, So If Youre Thinking
about using these on your desktop system. If you’re like me, this would drive you insane absolute deal breaker. I have a very quiet office. My UK is water-cooled I’m UK based you know it’s just quiet and if I’m not playing music and I hear that these are going out the window instantly luckily we’re these are going to my parents house. They will never hear in their lives.
So Were Still Good But That Is
something that UK needs to improve upon period Now like I said after a few minutes of non–use, they do go into some kind of standby and it completely disappears, but as soon as you touch the volume or touch the input or use the app. It comes right back. So it kind of wakes itself up it’s pure amplifier noise and it’s in both channels equally so that’s really only the major problem. Everything else is design-wise or feature wise that could be better now as far as that goes. I would love to see some type of remote control functionality and it’s not like they haven’t done it before they include it with almost all of their subs.
You Get A Nice Little Credit Card
remote. It’s got all the basic features and functions like input settings, control menu volume and you’re. The reason that’s important here is you could very easily integrate them with almost any universal remote control for soundbar duty as it stands because they don’t have any remote volume capability outside again of using a smartphone or tablet, which you can’t integrate with a universal remote. You have to switch your UK. If it does it or your input source or whatever you’re using to variable volume output which doesn’t always work right and then you’re gonna have to leave this volume cranked up to whatever the maximum you’re ever gonna use it at which is probably maximum or close to it, and there’s that hiss again and then control your volume through the televisions or whatever source volume, so it’s not intuitive for use as a sound bar replacement.
- uk mean say wireless stream
- say wireless stream music
- active speaker built streamer
- speaker wireless ll watched boxing
- review uk prime wireless speaker
Now I Have To Say They Dont
specifically market them that way, but functionality is there you do. get the three and a half mil input which and the optical input which are both typical of use for television out So if you’re thinking about doing that just be aware that you will not be able to. For example, tie these into your Harmony remote or you control for or any universal remote that you’ve consolidated everything down to just a drawback, but not a deal-breaker now this next point is very minor. I am just mentioning it because there will be people out there that are sensitive to this and it is something that I think should be changed. It’s gonna cost a little bit of money.
Hope Theres A Couple Different Options.
They can change some marketing material or they can change the product. I hope they change the product. This isn’t specifically about the speakers but the sub and other products in their line. I Checked my other sub here which has this feature and it’s also not correct and I imagine most of their other products out there or like this piano gloss black piano gloss black is not a color gloss Black is a color black is a color gloss is a coating over the color piano gloss black means that you’ve taken gloss-black and you’ve sanded it and you’ve polished it and you put more color on it and you’ve sanded it and you polished it you put more color on it, etc.
Etc Etc.
To get a mirror finish to get a perfectly smooth, flat, non-distorted gloss black finish that’s what these are these have a beautiful piano gloss finish every surface is mirror smooth. You have a perfect non-distorted reflection. Deep gloss black flawless finish in the speakers in the subwoofer you do not you simply have a. Gloss black there is tons of distortion because there’s distortions in the product surface itself.
Its Called Orange Peel, Its Called Eggshell
and there’s also a defect in the finish of my particular subwoofer which I don’t care about like I said these are going to my parents. They’ll never notice it but people do pay attention to this when they’re spending $1,100 for two little speakers and a subwoofer that’s a lot of money to a lot of people. So there’s some quality control issues as far as the defect. It looks like a meat tenderizer pattern somewhere either in the finish or in the base material. I don’t care again, but it’s there.
Its Very Noticeable And You Can Feel
it with your finger. The finish between piano gloss black and regular gloss black is day and night when you put them next to each other and if. You’re getting a two point one system. They’re all marketed as piano gloss black and you instantly see the difference and you’re going Oh? Why does this one have all the wavy lines and the reflection and these are like a mirror that’s why so I would love to see them actually produce all of their piano gloss black marketed products in piano gloss black that would be fantastic or they really should change all their marketing material and stop calling their gloss black products. Piano gloss black either way the way it is right now is not what you’re actually getting so just be aware not a big deal, but something it’s very obvious when you get the system and I had to notice it so that’s really Hall the cons.
You Can See Not A Big Deal
Now let’s get to the pros okay first of all who are these going to be for These are gonna be for a wide variety of people because literally I’m talking about the 2.1 system where you buy the two speakers and the UK 1002 Se is a perfect match for this speaker system for multiple reasons first of all size-wise it fits in very well thumb it’s their smallest subwoofer physically it is it’s a cube no bigger than the 12-inch driver that’s inside it it’s tiny I’ll show you compared to my mid-range ported sub, which is on the extreme of the other end, but you’ll see exactly how small it is. It produces a sound that complements these two in every way beautifully. Even though these speakers are ported at the frequencies.
The Port Is Making A Difference As
soon. The sub in it’s gone alright These things do not dig deep. They’re not bass speakers whatsoever that should be obvious to everybody looking at the tiny little you know 4-inch driver for an 1/2-inch driver can’t remember which is at the moment, but it’s small all right. It has
UK s prime wireless speaker system is a two-channel active speaker system with built-in streamer and UK so that’s what they mean when they say Wireless. It can stream music from all the various streaming music sources out there and it does so very well. It also has analogue inputs digital coax UK so you can use it. It has a 3.5 million use it with a television as they. can plug in your physical sources to it. You can put them on a desktop.& They’re quite versatile now they’re not perfect. They are a phenomenal deal when you get the two point one adding that sub makes a tremendous difference really does they’re great on their own for what they are without a sub but as soon as you add a sub there instantly rounded out. They have a lot of advanced features and they are also heavily relying on Sony to get some of those.& Features now that’s a pro and a con and we’ll go into details about that.&…. Click here to read more and watch the full video