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Hello Gear Nerds Of The Internet, You Might
be asking yourself What is this big black box? This My friends is a subwoofer. Why did I buy a subwoofer well. I actually bought two subwoofers. I bought this one and another one keep watching for the review on that one in the same video because I’m going to compare these in a two-channel system. So why did I decide to buy subwoofers well.
Ive Been Actually Hesitant To Even
consider subwoofers for the longest time. Because I sort of feel like they’re cheating a little bit and maybe that’s not accurate, but that’s how I feel and sometimes feelings are irrational and that all sort of changed. When I received my newest stereo amplifier. The Raven nighthawk that has a sub out that actually has a built in low pass filter so it will run a sub directly. out I guess we need to talk about what that crossover does so what that crossover does oop as I kick the camera or what any crossover does I guess is you’re basically diverting frequencies to where you want them to go um.
In The Case Of The Subwoofer
or in the case of the the raven what it’s doing is. It has two different options. At 80 hertz everything above 80 Hertz is going to your speakers and then anything lower than 80 Hertz is going to the subwoofer. It also has a 100 hertz option as well. It does the same thing diverts 100 above 100 below 100 100 below 100 goes to the subwoofer.
Why I Find That Fascinating Or Why I
found it fascinating enough to actually consider buying and then actually buying subwoofers To compare is that that’s a significantly better way to do it. Compared to the other options that you usually get where um you’re sending 100 of your frequencies to your speakers and then you’re rolling off or you’re crossing over, but really what you’re doing is rolling off the frequencies at the subwoofer that you don’t want it to play at least that’s how I understand it. I’m not a subwoofer guy. This is just how I understand and maybe I have it wrong and if I have it wrong let me know but near as I can tell that’s all you’re doing the crossover it’s you’re because you’re not diverting those high frequencies you’re just rolling them off so that this is only playing the frequencies you want to hear and then so why that to me is not ideal is because now you’re having potentially I mean I guess if you get that that roll off or that. Crossover right you’re not overlapping any frequencies, but the odds are you still might be and to me What makes what the nighthawk is doing so interesting is that I’m taking my KeF R300s and no longer by trying to push lower frequencies.
So It Doesnt Have To Worry About
that it only has to worry about the mid–range frequencies and the high frequencies which makes it easier on those speakers because if you ever watch a speaker a bass will extrude that cone significantly because it has it needs a lot of power to push out and make that sound. Once you’re removing that from the your bookshelves theoretically your bookshelves are going to sound better because they’re not going to have to compete with those low frequencies and then your subwoofer is going to be doing that heavy lifting and that’s why I find that what I like? Raven Nighthawk does is good enough to wear I’m like yeah! I want to try that I want to see what that’s like because the way that my speakers are set up. I sort of struggle with the bass sometimes and if I thought if I could get that bass out of those where I have to have my my bookshelf speakers and get that and if I can get that into another area of the room and then that doesn’t have to extrude put out those base frequencies. Then that’s going to make that that’ll nullify that situation where I’m getting base boom out of the out of the bookshelves that brings us to the Svs. So you can see it’s a big box.
It Has A Big Speaker Man.
This looks like it’s 12 inches, but I think it’s only 10 inches let’s measure it it is 12. inches so it’s this 12-inch subwoofer, which is bigger than I thought it was. I thought this was smaller but look at me not paying attention. Oh, So this is the SBs SpS 1000 pro and you can see this thing grabs every little piece of hair and fuzz imaginable um so this is a pretty substantially sized box.
You Can Maybe See That It
has this like wood wrap looking stuff. It’s not particularly great looking let’s look at the back of this alright. So this is the back you can see you have your on off you have your power input you have you can plug this directly into your speaker outputs um but then again at that point you’re still sending 100 of your frequencies to this and your your speakers and then well we’ll talk about this in a second but then you’re modifying how. Much what frequencies you actually care about this and then you’re still sending all your frequencies to your speakers. You have inputted output, so I’m guessing that you could go in here and cross over and then go out here like if you’re running a a separate or a integrated that has a preamp out and then a power amp in.
I Believe I Dont Take My Word On
this because I didn’t research this I didn’t look at this functionality because I wasn’t using it and I have no re well. I guess I could theoretically have a reason to use it, but I’m not um so you have your input, which is what I use I use these two because the raven has um two RCa outs for the subwoofer out and I imagine that then you can like I said you take a preamp put your preamp. in here and you go out to your power amp here and then do the crossover as you can see there’s not a lot of options here that is because you can connect this to your phone via Bluetooth and you can do all kinds of changes on the fly. You can change its volume. You can change its phase which I kind of don’t understand so what the phase is as speakers speakers have polarity right has plus and minus and if you’re using more than one speaker, um you want them to be in phase where they’re both moving at the same time.
If You Take One Speaker And Put Positive
to positive and negative to negative and on this one you put negative to positive, positive and negative. Then when this one pushes out this one’s going to suck in and what that does effectively is kills. frequencies, usually in the low end you get a kind of weird um a weird sound. Somehow this manages to you can modulate the phase not even if modulates the right word for this, but so normally it’s you’re either in phase, which would be zero degrees or 80 180, which would be out of phase. Somehow.
You Can With This Change The
phase to 90 or more or less which to me seems like you know it’s a concept to me of like being a little bit pregnant like either you’re pregnant or you’re not either you’re in phase you’re out of phase. I don’t know how that works and frankly I’m not interested enough to figure it out to actually look into it. So I don’t know if you know how that works I’m guessing it’s just using some sort of device. Some circuit to approximate what it. would sound like in these different phase ranges.
I Cant Imagine That Its Actually You
know 72 percent out of phase like it doesn’t make sense to me, but again I’m stupid so what do I know um it also has like presets. So if you’re using this with a home theater, you can set it to movie. You can set it to music so I set it to music. What I found was. This thing put out a lot of bass too much bass for my room too much bass for my speakers.
- channel did decide buy subwoofers
- subwoofer going doing
- going compete low frequencies subwoofer
- subwoofers compare significantly better way
- understand subwoofer guy just understand
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- crossover
- bass
- speakers
What The The Music Setting Is Negative 10
db. What I found was as I went down in volume at around like minus 17 db. You started sort of losing the bass note and you were keeping the low end frequency, which is kind of not what I would have wanted I would have rather you. know keep the bass note and lose the lower end frequency, So I found this to be kind of useless in my setup quite frankly. I also found that having all of these options where you’re constantly playing like Oh, Let me mess around with the face.
Let Me Mess Around With The Value The
more options. I have the more distracted. I’m going to be the less enjoyment. I’m going to get out of something if you’re that sort of person I would recommend steering away from something like this because you’re going to constantly be fiddling constantly looking for a better setup and you’re never going to just sit there and enjoy the music or the movies or whatever you use this for um so that is essentially my review. The bass sounded.
I Dont Know Bassy Not Particularly
refined. I should say I also bought these which. I never actually used um you screw these into the on the bottom. There there’s a under here that you can’t see maybe you could see if I lifted it up. There are rubber spikes.
Those Easily Screw Out And Then You
can screw in these These are rubber feet. Let’s open them up and see what they look like now. We’re not going to bother because this is sealed and this is going to go back and there’s no point. But it’s basically like a round soft doughnut sort of foot that sits under here and then it isolates some of the vibrations so it’s not as this is doing its thing. It’s not vibrating into the floor, so it’s not using that to overly excite the base and i’m going to guess that also allows this to run smoother that’s you know the claim that would make.
Sense Um Why They Dont Just Put This
on there or include it for 50 like I don’t know why why would you make someone buy that extra just increase the cost by a little bit and include it But who knows um so yeah I’m gonna grab the other one. I bought I’ll be back in a second for you. It’ll be no time at all for me it will be me carrying this back up the stairs and bringing the other one down which is fun in a hundred-year-old house with the rickety ass basement stairs Yay see you in a minute and we are back with my other subwoofer that I bought. This is a rel T5 x um as you can see that you know you could actually you can see the Tv screen that I use to make sure that this thing is. In focus this thing being the camera that you can kind of maybe see it has a mirror shine mirror.
It Has Doesnt Have Spikes Like
the um the Svs. This has slightly padded feet. It has no no speaker here does say.
Gear Nerds of the internet, you might be asking yourself What is this big black box? This My friends is a subwoofer. I’ve been actually hesitant to even consider subwoofers for the longest time. I sort of feel like they’re cheating a little bit and maybe that’s not accurate, but that’s how I feel and sometimes feelings are irrational and that all sort of changed. When I received my newest stereo amplifier.& The Raven nighthawk that has a sub out that actually has a built in low pass filter so it will run a sub directly.& out I guess we need to talk about what that crossover does oop as I kick the camera or what any crossover does . It does the same thing diverts 100 above 100 below 100 below the 100 Hertz option as well.& It also has a 100 hertz option as though as well as a 100Hertz option.& At 80 hertz everything above 80 Hertz is going to your speakers…. Click here to read more and watch the full video