Video Creator’s Channel Man Discovers Tunes

So Hello Guys And Welcome To Another Episode
of man Discovers you’ve reached a channel where honesty is the best policy today. I’m going to be doing a review of the SvS SB2000 Pro, which is a sealed subwoofer. Now here’s a challenge for you guys try your best not to scroll through this video. This is just a little experiment. I’m doing I’m trying to keep this video short and sweet so please Don’t scroll through the video.
Any Specific Questions Let Me Know In The
comments below specifications so reading from here watt class d sledge amplifier with discrete mosfet design so that’s going to give you more power lower distortion than the previous model. The SB 2000 original over 1 500 watt peak amplification also means that this amplifier should have more headroom than other amplifiers on the market. SVS say that the Sp 2000 pro has a new high excursion driver better than the previous generation, so they say however, I can’t find any peak or one-way measurements for the excursion. So if SvS can please clarify that that would be great. SvS have included a new bluetooth controlled app with this new pro level subwoofer, which I think is a lot better than the previous SB 2000.
What It Means Is That You
now have access to the DsP via an app. You can change the parameters to to your liking the gain the phase all that stuff is within the app. You don’t have to go behind the subwoofer anymore and fiddle around with the controls, which I think is great design now personally I don’t really care about the design that’s up to you which color do you like do you like the size leave. All in the comments if you like this subwoofer and how it looks personally. I think it’s nice looking not the best but you know who cares so next thing.
Were Going To Talk About Is Measurements Measurements
are really important when it comes to choosing a subwoofer because when it comes to reviews. People have subjective opinions basically on how something sounds but a measurement a microphone doesn’t lie what can’t speak can’t lie am I right so here’s some measurements now I didn’t measure this subwoofer myself as i don’t have the proper equipment or the room to do so. But I have found some data for you online and I’m going to go through this now let’s analyze it together. I got this data if you want to look yourself from Erin‘s audio corner. I believe he has a website and a Youtube channel as well go.
Check That Youtube Channel Out If You
want to see more I’m going to stick to the data below 40 Hertz because I think that’s really what we’re interested in if you’re buying this sort of subwoofer mainly for home cinema use that’s what I would imagine cea 2010 Type A and this is the test that was run I’m going to give you the figures in RMs not the peaks okay so the data I’ve got here is slightly different to Erin’s I’m really only interested in the RMs data from two meters away so the measurement microphone two meters away so let’s go 40 Hertz 111 Decibels 31.5 Hertz 115 Decibels, 25 Hertz 110 Decibels, 20, Hertz 99. 5 Decibels 16 Hertz 88. 29 Decibels and at 12. 5 Hertz.
It Failed The Test As Youd
expect from a subwoofer. This size. I believe that this test was taken in Erin’s. room okay, so it wasn’t in anechoic conditions or it wasn’t outside. For example, where you can also take these measurements with better accuracy, so what we’re going to do We’re going to take the room gain into account.
Now You Can See From That
data that around 31.5 Hertz it gets suddenly this the subwoofer gets a four decibel boost over 40 hertz so that’s where the room gain is most likely going to kick in and judging by Erin’s. Room gain I’ve calculated just using some basic mass that the room is probably about 5. 5 meters to 6 meters long. You can work that out using um the wavelength right and yeah so in feet that’s about 18 feet 19 feet something like that.
So Remember Guys These Figures Ive Talked To
you about they include the room game if you have a bigger room expect lower output. perhaps in the in the lowest notes, and if you have a smaller room. The room game will start kicking in earlier now around 20 hertz you’re gonna see about five or six decibels less in anechoic conditions so to put this into perspective for you right now at 20 hertz right I would expect this sub in anechoic conditions to hit 99. 5 decibels. So if you have a larger room.
This Is Not Going To Be The Best
sub for you because I think it’s not going to be able to hit that thx ultra specification and maybe even for medium-sized rooms. The thx select two specification. It requires a minimum 105 decibels out of a subwoofer peak to be fair. But I feel like this subwoofer is almost there, but it’s not quite there at that level. Okay it’s kind of straining don’t forget at the highest outputs.
Well Youre Gonna Get More Distortion
so that’s my recommendation. Another option is to get two of these subwoofers and then you should gain about six decibels between three and six decibels, depending on where you place the sub. If you place the sub in the same spot, you should get six decibels. If you place it around the room you might only get three so it really depends but three decibels is a lot to be fair. I notice a lot of people when it comes to sealed subwoofers.
They Always Forget About Distortion Figures Fair
enough sealed does have some benefits over a reported design but below 30 Hertz. They do distort like crazy. Some people say that you can’t really hear it. I disagree I think you probably can hear it down to about 10 percent distortion, but these sealed subs they tend to be distorting around. 20 25 Aaron didn’t have any distortion measurements there so I’m just guessing here but look at other subwoofers from SvS’s range and you could tell that it’s going to be about 20 distortion underneath 30 Hertz.
So You Know If Youre An Audiophile
when you care about distortion. Even though you might not be able to hear it it will matter to you so don’t forget guys There are lots of compromises to be made in audio. It’s just how it is okay if you want any specific advice tailored to your room or whatever your gear is put in the comments below and I’ll be happy to help you now we are on to the part where I talk about my subjective listening experience of this subwoofer. Here’s the notes that I made I’m going to read through them to you. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.
Lets Have A Look So I Wrote Written
here The sound offered up is mostly clean below 30 Hertz. Things can get a bit distorted which I think I can hear things also get noticeably quieter below 30 Hertz as you’d expect because it’s a sealed sub. I’ve put, which means that you probably need three or four of these to match the s So basically, if you are looking for either you’ve got the choice between a PB 2000 pro or an SB2000 pro. You’re probably going to need three to four of these sealed subs to match that output so yeah that’s a lot of subwoofer right there that’s why people go ported a lot of the time Now I’ve written here. I think this sub shines really between 35 and 80 Hertz, but above 80 Hertz.
There Are Some Better Options That You Could
consider to provide. a more refined mid bass, so yeah, I think perhaps something with a smaller driver diameter, something that’s less geared towards output something that’s geared towards you know fleet-footed you know-ness, let’s say something that’s quicker. I don’t like using these terms, but in some regards they are it is true like a lighter smaller lighter cone might not be able to cope so much with the highest output, the highest decibels, but they might be a bit more accurate in the it and provide more finesse with the with the bass frequencies and you’re going to start hearing that especially above 60 Hertz because that’s just how it is that’s just how it works so I can explain that using music theory another time. If you want you know I do play music. I don’t know if you can see down there.
- sb2000
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- peak
- amplifiers
I Have The Piano I Have The
violin the guitar you know so with music theory. I could explain that but not in this video we’re going to stick to the topic right so um I have written here. Oh. I can tell you that this subwoofer is much better than the PC2000 Pro The ported cylinder that I tested a while ago yeah so check that review out if you want to have a look at that. I feel I feel like I’ve said that because if you want to balance a subwoofer that’s balanced for music and movies.
I Would Say The Sealed Option Is Going
to be better. The sp 2000 pro that would be my pick. I’d get one or two of those rather than one PC 2000 pro for my room and my setup. If you have large floor standing speakers, I would recommend you the PC2000 pro instead because your floor standards can probably handle a decent amount of bass anyway Now. I also say here if you want to go for 80 movies sorry 80 music 70 80 music.
I Would I Would Pick The 3
000 micro instead okay and yes. I feel like it’s just a little bit better for music than the sb 2000 pro remember guys. I’ve tested this subwoofer for numerous weeks. Now um and I’ve had the the 3000 micro probably a couple months so yes I’m just providing my details the details of what I heard in my room. Let’s talk about what tests.
I Did.
I always do the same sort of test. So I can reference okay. So first of all is my top gun trailer, which I seem to like these days. Now I’ve written here The fighter jet sounded very very dynamic and explosive more so than the SB, no not the sp The 3000 micro sorry.
There Was Output There That I
was not getting from the 3000 micro and it made All the difference is what I’ve written like the you know the ferocity ferociousness whatever the word is of the fighter jets if I remember correctly number three overall. I also preferred the SB2000 pro when compared to the PC 2000 Pro. During this trailer, I felt there wasn’t so much Lfe that the Sp2000 pro was left behind okay, although at times I felt there could have been a tad more, but the trade-off is worth it with this sort of audio so there you go okay. The next thing I did was the thx trailer, The Sp2000 Pro I feel like yeah it started started.
- better previous sb 2000
- watt class sledge amplifier
- pro level subwoofer think
- subwoofers svs range tell
- review svs sb2000 pro sealed
Show Its Weaknesses In This Trailer And Yeah!
I would say with this sort of trailer. You need more of a ported sub and um my go-to sub for this trailer is the Xtz 1217 edge. I think it’s both more dynamic and it’s better in this especially in this trailer as well much more low end output and even the kick.
The SvS SB2000 Pro is a sealed subwoofer . The SB 2000 original over 1 500 watt peak amplification also means that this amplifier should have more headroom than other amplifiers on the market . SVS say that the Sp 2000 pro has a new high excursion driver better than the previous generation, so they say however, I can’t find any peak or one-way measurements for the excursion.& So if SvS can please please clarify that that would be great. I think it’s nice looking not the best but you know who cares so next thing. I don’t really care about the design that’s up to you which color do you like do you want to leave. I like the size leave. You can change the parameters to to your liking the gain the phase all that stuff is within the app. You don’t have to fiddle around with the controls, which I think is a great design. I say you don’t want to go behind the sub…. Click here to read more and watch the full video