Video Creator’s Channel Subwoofer 101

Alright Guys So I Wanted To Do
a review on the UK 2000s and as you can see I have this set up for my sealed versus ported comparison but UK 2000s are the sealed boxes that’s this little one here and this little one here. The ported versions are much bigger. Those are the UK 2000s. The UK 2000s as smiiing sealed P mean ported so I UK sent these out for in order for me to do that comparison. The ported vs.
Sealed Comparison So I Can Get
an idea so keep an eye out for that video but what these are are sealed boxes. They are proprietary drivers twelve-inch drivers and they are you know. NK] went through over 20 versions of those to get them right they’re very picky about it and you know I appreciate that kind of thing that you know they’re they’re known. For bass there they’re probably one of the world’s best subwoofer manufacturers and so they’ve really there when it comes to being finicky about bass. I don’t think you can find any people that are even more so but with these subs you know you’ve got the 12 inch drivers You’ve got 1,100 watt peak amplifier with 500 watts UK which is plenty of power and for me for my listening levels.
I Found The Uk To Be Plenty.
I didn’t feel like they ran out of headroom for me. However, they do have less headroom than the UK mm and so if you run it really high levels. You’ll probably want to consider a ported box and you know is in terms of form factor. They are very small.
Theyre Easy To Locate Theyre Easy
to manage obviously. The the UK version is a lot bigger so you can. kind of get an idea There These have a very very tight bass response. They are tighter than the UK 2000s. However, that is not to say in any way that the UK 2000s are sloppy and I’ll get into that and then you know they have a nice piano gloss finish these particular UK do and you know one thing about the sealed boxes and what sealed subwoofers In general is that with a ported box you’re not going to get much response under the factory rating so the UK are rated for 17 Hertz.
Youre Not Going To Get Much Below That
now the UK are rated for 19 so on paper. It looks like the P weeks go deeper. However, the sealed boxes in roomers in room gain these will actually go down to 10 or 11 Hertz in my room, which is beyond my hearing limits. My hearing goes to about 17 Hertz beyond that I really can’t hear much so in those terms the sealed boxes do go deeper. However, the ported boxes sound deeper.
They Have A Deeper Emphasis In That Lower
range and for more on that check out the sealed versus ported video, but you know in terms of of the sealed boxes. They are more pronounced as pronounced at depth as the ported box and I don’t know if I said that right but and these are a little bit cheaper than the ported version and that’s primarily due to weight and shipping costs and things like that so they are a little bit cheaper than the the UK mm so in that case it’s nice but for me you know the question for me is would I personally buy these and you know in reality no I wouldn’t and it’s. Not because they’re not great it’s not because they don’t sound good or anything like that I have specific preferences I like the way the ported subs have a more pronounced volume at depth. So as you go down the frequency. It gets a little bit louder and for me.
I Like That Because I I
don’t know I to me. It sounds bigger. It sounds fuller and but they’re people who are into reference kind of stuff that why is accurate as possible and no coloration. The UK make a lot of sense. They make a lot of sense If you mix sound if you mix music if you mix movie soundtracks or just anything like that you want to really get an accurate representation of what’s going on.
- subwoofers
- ported
- subwoofer
- bass
- speakers
- sealed boxes sealed subwoofers general
- 2000s smiiing sealed mean ported
- ported subwoofers like
- subwoofers general ported box
- ported comparison uk 2000s sealed
The Uk 2000S Make A Lot Of
sense in a dual configuration okay and you know a lot of people. Ask well, Okay will these will the UK 2000s be okay in home theater yes in comparison, especially to other sealed so are other ported subwoofers. If you go to like a typical ported sub that you might find in a box store and you run those against These these are going to go deeper and it’s going to have a lot more of that you know that dinosaur feeling it you’re going to get a lot more deep bass and these will go deeper than you can hear Okay. However, you know the ported subs will do better in a home theater environment just because they’re more pronounced at depth, so that’s kind of a difference. But people that are very into accurate representation and accurate listening and critical listening The the UK make a lot of sense and particularly for two channel guys.
You Know The Guys That Listen To
you know vinyl and all that kind of stuff and have you know $4,000 speakers and stuff like that you know The UK 2000s make a lot of sense to get that bottom half of the range going. They do very well for that kind of thing but for me. It was an issue of sensitivity. I have you know mild form of Asperger’s I mean almost undetectable to most people, but if for me it’s an issue. I have a problem hearing sounds bother me a lot if it’s off if it’s something about if I walk by a car and someone honks.
The Horn Ill Feel Bad For Like A
day okay it’s. that kind of sensitivity? I don’t like going to concerts because it’s just too loud I my ears or you know they’re there they’re tender and what happened with me when I plug these in I just came off the UK 1000. I plugged in the UK mm and the sound is beautiful. They you know the music is a little bit tighter, but for me it’s almost too tight and I don’t know if it’s because it’s a sealed box with no pressure relief if that’s causing my ear issues and again This is pretty mild. It’s just something I just kind of picked up and like and I asked my wife.
I Said Are You Hearing This
too and she’s like yeah. I do it’s a little little puncher and what she said and I actually kind of I’m wondering how this phenomenon works out maybe it was. Just the way my my room correction worked out but with the sealed subs. It almost sounded as though the highs were a little bit too crisp and I know for a fact. The highs didn’t change because I’m running the same speakers, so it’s just kind of weird phenomenon.
I Dont Know There May Be No
credibility to that, but it’s just something that we both noticed and again. It could be just the way the room and cue you know my UK e cube just kind of I don’t maybe it handled things a little bit differently, but it’s just one of those things I noticed. I noticed that sensitivity in my ears and you know it not not painful. You know maybe slightly uncomfortable but it wasn’t something that you know. I got used to it as time went on and you know when I first got.
It Was Kind Of Is Really Noticeable
and then when I after they broke in but couple weeks about three weeks in. Then I got more comfortable and it was easier on me. So maybe that was me getting used to it. I know the subwoofers broken a little bit. So maybe that was part of it.
But What I Did Notice For Sure Is
that when I plugged in the UK 2000s that issue went away completely so it was there’s no discomfort at all and so that’s just that’s specific to me. You know I have sensitive ears you know not so much that I can hear amazing things but that you know I my ears get fatigued easily so and so if you have you know children with autism. You know if you have another person in the house that gets headaches easily or any anybody that’s. You know particularly sensitive to sound you may want to consider the ported version now granted These are much smaller so they’re easier to fit. In most places you know the UK 1000s a little bit bigger.
Its Kind Of The In-Between.
You know the UK mm and the UK mm. The UK 1000 of right in the middle so that’s a little bit smaller, but you know so just kind of give you guys you know reasons you would or wouldn’t get these now I know for certain that there’s a lot of people that watch my channel who are going to love these they’re going to love the UK to thousands they’ve got such flat response. The Kick drum in music is more pronounced with the sealed boxes. They’re just not as pronounced in you know under that forty Hertz range under the real depth range that’s where a ported box will will come in a little bit better.
Itll Be More Pronounced And So And
that’s. Another thing is if you have these sealed boxes. You can actually and you want more of that home theater you know more pronounced depth at the lower frequencies. You can get a mini UK two by four. A you make one and UK UK wizard and you can actually shape that curve to be a little more pronounced to depth.
So You Can Actually Make A Sealed
box and act like a ported box. In terms of room response and so there are options and you’re not stuck and of course you can go the other way too you. can do that with a ported box You can make it give it more of a sealed box response more of a flatter response. I personally I like that pronounced you know pronounced output at depth that’s my that’s my personal preference.
But I Think These Are Great.
I don’t find anything wrong with them other than my personal preferences. Everything else was right. I mean these things you know no bad sounds no bad noises.
They Had Plenty Of Output For
me. If you like to listen really loud. You’ll want to step up to a ported box, but if you like listening to music and just getting I don’t know you’re very you know if your music purist UK mm make a lot of sense and I would definitely recommend them for people that are in that situation. You know it’s it really is just a preference thing.
So In Terms Of That I Think Ive
covered it all in terms of the UK 2000s. I like them they’re quality for sure I just happen to prefer the ported subs more, but I know some of you will absolutely prefer the sealed so I’ll be doing a ported sealed article on the website as well as another video that I just shot a moment ago on the issue. So you guys be able to kind of figure out what’s right for you so guys hopefully that helps and please subscribe.
UK is one of the world’s best subwoofer manufacturers and so they’ve really there when it comes to being finicky about bass . With these subs you know you’ve got the 12 inch drivers and they’re very picky about it . You’ve got 1,100 watt peak amplifier with 500 watts UK which is plenty of power and for me for my listening levels. I found the UK to be plenty.& I didn’t feel like they ran out of headroom for me. However, they do have less headroom than the UK mm and so if you run it really high levels.& You’ll probably want to consider a ported box and you know is in terms of form factor. The the UK version is a lot bigger so you can.& kind of get an idea of what sealed subwoofers In general is not going to get much response under the factory rating so I can. The UK version of the sealed box you’re not going out of . the UK…. Click here to read more and watch the full video