Video Creator’s Channel HifiVega

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sponsor your friend and mine the third era and his wife Leslie Arambula. She’s a author, a teacher and an editor. If you need any of your work edited you should check out our website. Leslie Arambula com I will leave a link in the description below. It’s a boy high five Vega back again.
This Time Were Here To Check
out the sundown audio UK 310 inch subwoofer so let’s get this thing out of the box and then we’ll kind of go through some of the features of it. After that, we’ll get some audio demos and we’ll finish up with my final thoughts about this. Some of the notable features on this subwoofer is a 14. 5 millimeter one way x max 500 watts UK power handling 2. 5 inch alloys cool and it also has an inverted surround as.
You Can Tell This Thing Is
quite beefy even though it does sport a low profile. I mean look at my hand my giant hand compared to this thing. So let’s get it in the box and then we’ll get onto them sound demos you if you’ve ever wanted to prototype your own UK boards. I got great news for you our friends over at UK we’re offering 10 prototype boards for $5. 00 and guess what if you sign up today.
You Can Get $5 Off Your First Order
so that makes them first 10 boards free please check out our friends over at UK Wacom just a quick note on my final thoughts. There is a few spots in which we get a little bit of crunchy audio. I tried to fix it the best. I can but I figured I’d give you a heads up okay I just. kind of wanted to give my final thoughts on the Sundown SD-3 10 inch subwoofer Overall, it’s a fantastic driver.
This Driver Kind Of Shocked Me In
a sense that when I open this up knowing the Sundown name looking at how beefy this thing is immediately the thoughts of UK pop up in my brain. You know I just looked at it. I was like man sundown does a lot of UK stuff this sub is beefy it’s an UK sub in my mind. Even though I should have looked at the enclosure specification. The scene hey half cubic foot for a 10 sealed that screams sq doesn’t it so my expectation for the sub originally I kind of expected more output but to be honest with you out of a half a cubic foot sealed 10-inch subwoofer in my huge suburban on roughly three hundred twenty watts.
The Sony Big Red Es The Sub Channel
does 320 watts. It’s ready to throw in 20 watts at 1 ohm, which was what I was running it it actually did It did give me quite a bit output in those conditions so but what I come to realize is this subs a bit of a sheep in wolf’s clothing so to speak and it’s not a sheep and how put wise anyways It is in any which way I mean it is actually it has very good output, but the thing that surprises you about this outside of the output would be the sound quality. The inverted surround is reminiscent of a high-end home audio no fur or mid-range driver. I’m not exactly sure if the intent of the inverted surround was for cone control, but it definitely definitely seems like it is because it does have good cone. The thing sounds clean it just sounds clean all the way through the range I was able to turn my low-cut on the head unit up to 80 Hertz played up to 80 Hertz Beautifully.
I Could Even Went More Than
that. Although my mids play well into the 60s, so 80 Hertz was perfectly fine. I could have probably went a hundred and been okay with this but yeah this thing sounds good it plays the music as it was meant to be played in my opinion so it kind of threw me for a loop just knowing the Sundown name knowing the UK roots of them that a UK 3 or this UK 3 is actually it’s a sound quality subwoofer in my opinion it’s a sound quality subwoofer now if your intention is to try to get as loud as you can off a single driver maybe. At the UK 10 inch or 12-inch or whatever the UK is that fantastic of drivers kind of a benchmark sub. In my opinion, it has a balance of.
- fantastic sound subwoofer check
- uk 310 inch subwoofer let
- quality subwoofer intention try
- thoughts notable features subwoofer 14
- audio uk 310 inch subwoofer
It Does Sound Very Good And
it can get loud. It can get louder than UK 3. In my opinion, people that have a little more experience with both may have a more nuanced take on that but in my opinion, it’s a good balance. It can sound very good. I think UK 3 sounds a little bit better.
- subwoofer
- surround
- audio
- demos
- enclosure
I Think To Come Control Uk
3 is better and it’s a more sound quality sub but like I said if you’re looking for to lean more UK or you do have a UK but you also want to kind of beat the block a little bit lean si 1012. Whatever Whatever size you’re gonna choose if? On the other hand, you have limited space. You need a shallower subwoofer. The SD-3 is an option for you.
It Is Much.
It’s not I’m not saying exactly sure how much shallower it is in the UK series, but it is fairly shallow. It will play in a half a cubic foot for the ten that I have and you can fit you know quite a few of these know in a small space so that’s what this suds for and if you’re just using it in a large space, but you want a fantastic sound and subwoofer. This might be the one for you so check it out I can recommend this up.
Its A Great Sub I Think You Will
be impressed with the sound that you get out of this subwoofer in such a small space so yeah thanks for watching the video. As always I appreciate all of you and we’ll catch you next time shout out to my $6 or more Patreon supporters Alison UK 2001 Monolithic the third era Jean Nava Joaquin Juarez, Paul, Smith Rick Quattlebaum, William Berg City Sounds byron Chambliss, The Cardio guy and Jason Tzemre for his little studios Mutts you can get on the team and get exclusive Patreon only content not available UK if you want to help me with my goal of one new patron a week please check me out at Patreon. com/scishow Vega Oh.
This video is brought to you by show sponsor your friend and mine the third era and his wife Leslie Arambula . The Sundown audio UK 310 inch subwoofer is a 14.5 millimeter one way x max 500 watts UK power handling 2.5 inch alloys cool and it also has an inverted surround as.& I was like man sundown does a lot of UK stuff this sub is beefy it’s an UK sub in my mind. Overall, it’s a fantastic driver. This driver kind of shocked me in a sense that when I open this up knowing the Sundown name looking at how beefy this thing is immediately the thoughts of UK pop up in my brain.& There is a few spots in which we get a little bit of crunchy audio. I tried to fix it the best but I figured I’d give you a heads up okay I figured he figured I just figured out okay I just wanted to give it the most of the heads up ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video