Video Creator’s Channel CarAudioFabrication

When We Are Installing An Amplifier To
power one or more subwoofers in our car audio system, we are going to use a monoblock amplifier. The term monoblock means that the amplifier has one channel, but things can get confusing. When a monoblock amplifier has two sets of connections. Does this mean that I have to connect two subs. Does this mean that I need to bridge the terminals.
If Im Only Going To Use One Subwoofer.
How do I know where to connect the wires. Hey there I’m mark welcome to car audio fabrication The show where together we learn how to master car audio and how to design, build and install our dream car audio system. In this video we’re gonna answer all of those questions we’re gonna do some testing let’s dive on in and learn so here we have two amplifiers and both of these amplifiers. are a monoblock we’ve got the audio control LC-1.
800 And The Audio Control Lc-1 Point 1500.
. Although these are both monoblock subwoofer amplifiers. This one has a single pair of outputs and this one has two pairs of outputs. Now here we have a multimeter and i’ve put it into continuity mode.
What That Means Is When We Complete
a circuit you’re going to hear a beep so let’s see what happens when we put this on the single terminal. Nothing there’s no continuity between those two connections on our double terminal let’s see if it’s the same case on the positive and negative Yup. No continuity between those connections, but let’s check a positive to positive. The multimeter is telling us that those two connections are connected. Let’s do the same with the negatives same case there so as we’ve just tested on an amplifier like this the negative.
- amplifier use subwoofers configuration
- connecting subwoofers want
- monoblock amplifier sets connections does
- channel things confusing monoblock amplifier
- lc point 1500 monoblock subwoofer
Wired Together And The Positive Terminals Are Also
wired together and to visualize this. We can just add little jumper wires like this. If this helps you better understand do note that this is just for illustrative purposes, so that you understand positive is connected to positive negative is connected to negative. We don’t need to do this with our wiring. This offers no performance benefit This right here with the negative connected to negative and positive connected to positive is the exact same thing as this or as this so to answer some questions.
Here Do We Have To Use Two Subwoofers
do we have to have a wire connected to each of these terminals Is this a two channel amplifier. No This is a single channel amplifier and while you could use two subwoofers In this configuration, you could also wire the two wires together and make a connection like that We don’t have to use all of the terminals. The thing that is important is when we’re connecting our subwoofers. We want to make sure that we don’t have an impedance below the minimum value that an amplifier can handle do you need to do any special wiring to bridge the terminals nope just treat it exactly like it was just a single set of terminals like this amplifier here if we’re only using one subwoofer, where’s the best spot to connect the wires again. It doesn’t matter negative to negative and positive to positive.
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- wiring
- amplifiers
- amplifier
So With Everything Ive Told You So Far
this terminal is essentially exactly the same as this terminal, so that begs the question why. Do amplifiers manufacturers add this anyway and how can you use it for far better wiring? We’re going to talk about that in a second but real quick I do want to thank our sponsor for this episode. Audio control audio control has several amplifiers in their AmP lineup, but their subwoofer. Amplifiers have this feature here built in which is called accubase. A lot of times on a factory car audio system that you might be using for a source to send signal to these amplifiers when you turn up the volume.
They Intentionally Reduce The Bass Output And They
do that to protect their inexpensive stock speakers, but when we upgrade to an aftermarket amplifier like this, we don’t want that bass roll off anymore, so audio controls unique accu-based technology helps us to restore that base as we turn up the volume. This is a very nice. to have as the base will continue to increase in output as you turn up that volume now. These have a ton of other unique features. So if you guys want to see the full detailed videos.
I Did About These, You Can Check Them
out on the channel and I’ll also put links to learn more down in the video description, so why do amplifier manufacturers bother having this two pair style anyway well. First off we are powering powerful subwoofers so we need to have large speaker wire imagine that we are using this large speaker wire to power. Two subwoofers with a large wire size. Like this it’s going to be very difficult to double up wires within a single terminal and for that reason they have two terminals so now I could connect two sets of this wiring easily if need be but again remember I. Hope none of you skipped forward in the video.
We Dont Have To Use All These Terminals
and we could always run just one wire if needed to one subwoofer. Another advantage of this terminal is let’s say that we have a dual voice coil subwoofer with the dual voice coil subwoofer. There’s going to be two positive connections and two negative connections and you always have to make sure that all of these are connected. You can’t just connect one voice coil or the other they must all be connected to the amplifier with this style of terminal for wiring simplicity. You could have this wire going to one set of voice coils and then this wire going to the other set as a quick side.
Note If Youre Wondering What These Are These
are wire ferrules and you can learn more about these on the channel some moral. of the story, This style of terminal isn’t significantly different from this style in any way it doesn’t make it a two-channel amplifier. You don’t have to do any bridging it just gives you more wiring options now if you really want to improve your car audio system. I recommend this video here next time you need a subwoofer amplifier definitely check out show sponsor audio control learn more at the links down in the video description, a big thanks to them along with Anthony Mike Moe, Jerry Marcos, William and the rest of the caf membership team and thank you guys for tuning in and watching.
When we are installing an amplifier to power one or more subwoofers in our car audio system, we are going to use a monoblock amplifier . The term monoblocks means that the amplifier has one channel, but things can get confusing . When a monooblock amplifier has two sets of connections, it means that I have to connect two subs.& Does this mean that I need to bridge the terminals.& How do I know where to connect the wires.& If I’m only . going to . use one subwoofer. How do you know where the wires are connected? Check a positive to positive. Let’s see if it’s the same case on the positive and negative. Yup. No continuity between those connections, but let’s check a positive.& The multimeter is telling us that those two connections are connected. We can just add little jumper wires like this. The video is just for illustrative purposes, so that you understand positive is connected…. Click here to read more and watch the full video