Video Creator’s Channel Williston Audio Labs

Thank You, Whats Going On Guys Derek
here from Wilson Audio Labs today we’re going to look at if not the smallest one of the smallest amplifiers I’ve ever seen and definitely the smallest one I’ve ever tested. This is a tar amps Ds-160×2. Let’s look at see what’s in the box you see we’ve got a couple pieces of paperwork. We got a high level input adapter and yeah check the size out so literally Palm sized has speaker level inputs on one side. It does not have UK on the other.
You Have Your 12 Volt Power And
ground connection as well as your speaker outputs. It is a stereo amplifier as far as Dimensions go I told you it’s small three inches by 2. 3 inches crazy small by just a little over one inch in depth. Crazy crazy class D rated 45 watts per Channel at 4. 80 watts per Channel at 2 Ohms and yeah! We just had to get one of these in and try it out so here we are hooking it up.
- amps
- amp
- amplifiers
- amplifier
- speakers
- connection speaker outputs stereo amplifier
- going inputs tar amps 12
- amps ds 160×2 let look
- amp need really small
- ground use 16 gauge speaker
You Can See.
We had to use some small 12 gauge wire for the power and ground. We use 16 gauge for the speaker connections got it wired up here on the bench and hooked in the speaker level inputs from the pioneer Adprs head unit so that we could Power It Up all right you can see the amp has no UK light we’re going to turn on the head unit and it actually doesn’t come on until it senses music so let me start the track there’s the UK all right not much to it but to do it let’s fire up the good old UK the more engineering Amp Dyno try this little palm size amplifier out to. See how it performs four Ohms rated 45 Watts by two at 13. 8 volts.
Well Run The Test At One Kilohertz
and we got 39 and 38 Watts, so it’s close just not quite there so let’s try it uncertified This takes us up to the clipping point. Can we get that 45 Watts not quite if you watch shy 40 and 38 at 14. 38 and what about the dynamic burst and we get the 45 watts per channel here No we’re still a little bit shy 41 and 39 Watts right at 14. 42. Now it’s a little bummed when I calculated efficiency we only got 68 and a half percent efficiency at four ohms.
It Should Do Much Better Than That So
that is a bummer 2 Ohms is rated 80 Watts by two and a palm size amplifier so let’s find out if it can do it certified. Here we go fire it up one kilohertz test track not there all right so not only did it fall short. It fell way short let’s try uncertified see what we get Ah 46 and 47 Watts Why are you rated 80 Watts by two I could never understand that maybe she’s got to enter dynamically Let’s try a dynamic one kilohertz and still shy 68 and 61 Watts Gotti UK yeah that’s quite a bummer and with speaker level inputs. Unfortunately, you just can’t get as clean of a signal as you could through UK you can pause this if you want to see all the results here as a full test. All the different results now next up we’re going to try it out with some speakers and see if it bumped Oh thank you thank you foreign foreign all right just to show you don’t have any.
Funny Stuff Going On Heres The Tar Amps
160×2. Here is the head unit the pioneer AdPrs. We have high level. We have speaker outputs going into the inputs here of the Tar Amps. We have 12 gauge power going into this distro block down here which goes to 8 gauge which goes to the 14 volt batteries and then we have the outputs which are here.
These Are 16 Gauge.
We can follow them along they’re going right here into the dyno and what we’ve done is we’re just kind of using it as a bridge. Here are the wires you can follow them and they’re going right in to the blowpunk 12. So we’re going to try these four twelves out with this tiny amp and see how it performs you might be amazed all right here we go let’s fire it up fill the vase part four. What foreign due to copyright concerns I could not play very much of that song Here’s the exterior measurement 113 degrees Fahrenheit is about what we got so now.
Lets Find Out Whats Inside This Little Mighty
Mite of an amplifier using our favorite screwdriver kit check the video description you can pick up one of these off Amazon and get one of these and help you out just the way it helps me out every time I need to get into an app three screws on the bottom of this amplifier. Then you can pull the little bottom plate off and see the bottom of the circuit board. Let’s pull it out and take a closer look foreign difficult to portray size here. You can just tell it’s in the palm of my hand how small it is and these caps 470 microfarad 25 volt they’re just so small. In this one 25 volt 47 microfarad is literally here’s the size of a DOm here to give you an idea of how tiny these components are now.
It Uses The 18537 In Which Is A
N-channel X-fit power Mosfet. It’s really a class D amplifier built on this little tiny chip, which is really amazing now let’s talk about the good things. We like about this amp the size you cannot get over that how small it is you can make a backpack stereo system. If you wanted to price is reasonable around 53 bucks sound quality is not bad. It does have the auto turn on when you use the speaker connections and has insert terminals for all the leads which are nice things that could be better no UK inputs.
It Has A Fixed Gain Its
locking power at 2 Ohms. The efficiency is not great as. less than 70 percent at four ohms and reliability. We’re not sure with it being this small and putting out that much power make you think that it will probably have some overheating issues. If you’re not careful all right guys there you have my test of the tar amps Ds160x2.
I Was Really Blown Away With
how it sounded with the speakers with the bookshelf speakers and also the fact that it could push the subwoofer the way that it could kind of really surprised me with that but it’s too bad it didn’t do its power at two ohms still had fun. It’s a tiny amp if you need a really small amplifier take a look at this one thanks as always for watching it’s big D until next time know where I’m at I’m out of here shoot all right. This is the Pioneer 80 UK We’re. Going to try a certified 4 Ohms both channels measured here We go 18 watts per Channel a little bit more 20 and 19.
All Right Lets Try Dynamic Burst Foreign Watts
per Channel. All right Pioneer Adprs we’re going to try Dynamic two ohms 40 Hertz burst track there we go 33 watts per Channel all right so we know what it did Dynamic let’s see if it can do certified at two Ohms 40 Hertz two ohms here we go oh yeah 30 watts per Channel. Cool might as well do uncertified while we’re here DPrs internal amp two ohms all right 32 watts cool.
Palm sized class D rated 45 watts per channel at 4.& 80 watts per Channel at 2.& Ohms . Wilson Audio Labs says it’s the smallest one of the smallest amplifiers I’ve ever seen . It is a stereo amplifier as far as dimensions go I told you it’s small three inches by two.&3 inches crazy small by just a little over one inch in depth . The amp has no UK light and it doesn’t come on until it senses music so let me start the track there’s the UK all right not much to it but to do it let’s fire up the good old UK the more engineering Amp Dyno try this little palm size amplifier out to try it out to. See how it performs four Ohms rated 45 Watts by two at 13.&8 volts. The test at one kilohertz and we’re still a little bit shy 41 and 39 Watts right at 14.&42.& The test is not quite quite there so let’s try…. Click here to read more and watch the full video