Video Creator’s Channel HiTechKing

What Is Going On Guys In Todays Video
we’re going to be checking out Sony’s UK 350 sound bar with the wireless over here over here wireless subwoofer so here It is this is a 2.1 channel sound system. This is the sound bar over here and here we have the wireless subwoofer it’s like almost the size of a UK so taking a look at the sound bar let’s talk about its build quality. It’s made out of plastic on the top it kind of has this grainy leather look to it but it’s actually just plastic and then on the top of the sand bar. We have all of the control buttons.
We Have The Power Button Bluetooth
the volume buttons and then on the back side. We have couple of ports. The sound bar has two ports, UK arc port and an optical audio port. The front. Grilles are made out of metal on both of them and setting up the sound bar with the subwoofer was very simple.
All I Did Was Plug It Into The
wallet and the subwoofer automatically connected with the sound bar and then the sound bar. I connected it to my phone using bluetooth which was you know it’s like you know how to do it. It’s like connecting a wireless headset. You can mount this on the wall. The sound bar is thirty-five and a half inches in length or width and then the subwoofer itself.
I Dont Know I Havent Measured It
but it’s like a size of a UK but a little bit shorter. It’s a very clean setup. I like how these look all black. It looks very clean against the white wall or anywhere. This is going to look really nice one thing I wish.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- bluetooth
- wireless
- speaker
The Sound Bar Had Is A Little
digital display like there’s an UK light that’s going to tell you what mode you’re in it’s gonna take a while for you to get used to it. The only mode I know is Bluetooth and there’s like purple all these other colors. I haven’t really looked looked into it but yeah I wish there was a little digital display here Alright Now I’m going to plug it into the wall end that you guys hear how the sounds here’s the remote control. It’s a nice little remote control. I like the fact that I can make it stand up okay let’s go ahead and turn it on.
You Can See These Are The Lights
and then we have a couple of different modes. There’s Bluetooth mode, cinema, mode, music and voice mode. The voice mode actually works when you’re watching movies it. does help increase the dialogue in the movies or whatever you’re watching This sound bar sounds good, but it’s not going to replace a whole sound system like a 5. 1 channel sound system like an Amazon $100 sound bar compared to that it just comes with the sound bar.
This Sounds Like Way Better Than That Because
of this subwoofer-it’s in Bluetooth mode. It’s looking for a device when it’s blinking that means it’s looking for a device. I’m gonna turn on Bluetooth on my phone and then it’s going to turn solid once it connects so yeah It connected that means it’s solid and we can also turn up the bass in the subwoofer on the remote control. It lets us do that when it’s all the way up you can see two UK lights turn up that means we’re like all the way turned up to. To whatever setting we’re using same goes with the volume If we turn it up all the way there’s going to be three UK lights that’s going to blink saying or two UK lights like that that’s going to be saying This is how it looks like when we’re maxing out on the subwoofers volume and this is what it looks like when we’re maxing out on the sound bars volume which I don’t want to do so let’s turn it down a little you see that how it indicates is very hard to know since there’s no digital display so right now.
- sound bar subwoofer simple did
- setting sound bar subwoofer simple
- bar wireless wireless subwoofer channel
- sony uk 350 sound bar
- uk 350 sound bar wireless
Im Watching A Video On Uk
and there’s not really any lag that I can notice. This is being viewed via bluetooth when you’re gonna use this with a like your UK or something connected through UK UK It should sound the best using that method watching. videos over Bluetooth There’s no Major Lane see that I can notice that’s going to make me not want to watch videos via Bluetooth so that’s Nice I can’t really find a song that’s has no copyright okay. Here we go.
I Can Turn Up The Volume From Right
here. I don’t think the bass subwoofer is connected there’s there are buttons on the back there’s a power button and a link button so I’m gonna go ahead and press the link button and hopefully this going is going to link with the sound bar alright Finally connected it All I have to do is turn it off turn both of these off, then I turn it back on and they just paired automatically here we go alright now you guys are going to listen to some gameplay and kind of get an idea for how the sound bar is. going to sound when you watch movies It’s playing at around 75% volume right now your dead brothers make sure of that we were supposed to have a double the body calibrated the basis-all right so I hope you kind of got an idea for how the sound bar is going to sound. If you’re going to be upgrading from let’s say a UK speaker.
This Is Definitely Going To Be An
upgrade that’s worth it. This sound system has a total output power of 320 watts and I think that is great enough for an average consumer like me to enjoy music watching movies. I know this is not going to make you feel like you’re in a movie theater, but this is a 2. 1 channel sound bar so yeah upgrading from a UK to.
This Is Definitely A Big Upgrade
and if you’re an average consumer. Consumer like me you will definitely enjoy this are you guys that pretty much wraps up this video. If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section down below and then until next time guys peace.
Sony’s UK 350 sound bar with the wireless over here over here wireless subwoofer . The sound bar is thirty-five and a half inches in length or width and then the sub woofer itself. It’s a very clean setup. It looks very clean against the white wall or anywhere.& I wish there was a little digital display here. The only mode I know is Bluetooth and there’s like purple all these other colors. I haven’t really looked into it but yeah I wish it had a digital display. The UK bar has two ports, UK arc port and an optical audio port. The front and the front are made out of metal on both of them and Grilles are made of metal . It’s like connecting a wireless headset. You can mount this on the wall. I like how these look all black. It doesn’t have any problems with the sound bar. I don’t know what you’re going to get used to it. I’m not sure what it’s a…. Click here to read more and watch the full video