Video Creator’s Channel EXOcontralto

So Its Time To Upgrade Your Subwoofers And Youve
got 200 bucks to spend what’s a good overall choice well. In this video, We’ll help expose another great bang for your buck. The 12-inch apocalypse series from 10 accounts Hey what’s going on everybody welcome back to the UK channel. I hope you’re doing well today. We have got some pretty exciting stuff to show you and I figured just go ahead and get right into it with a little laid-back just old-school UK unboxing video Last year we highlighted an alford audio summer that was around $100 so today We’re gonna check one out that’s about $200 and we should get ahead for a lot more performance with that extra cash so let’s go ahead and get her open and see what we’re working with with the UK bounce Sa 26, the UK Sa 26 and the 26 I.
The Voice Coil Size, Which Is An
odd two point six inch voice coil so let’s go ahead and dive in from H into this thing Nice double packaging there to make sure she stays safe so overall. I believe this is the fourth series of Sofer that we’ve checked out from deaf balance and every single. One of them has been right up our alley with specs and performance. Oh what the heck triple box we’re getting up there ladies and gentlemen bringing triple box mayhem here we should be working with about 1500 watts UK with this bad boy so it’s bound to have some good-looking stuff on the inside but scare open here Another little layer of cardboard and there she is Oh yeah you can already see the green stitching coming up there with the apocalypse Neon green look at that beautiful and just like last. To keep the price down you can see right up The first thing you notice is the steel basket stamp steel basket no need to have aluminum for something like this.
It Only Weighs What How Much
does this thing weigh 25 pounds, so that’s definitely enough strength to hold her up in your back. While they’re moving and flexing like crazy check that out guys right out of the gate. You can definitely notice that fat phones around going damn near halfway down the cone and it does have double stitching two layers of neon green stitching going around it, which is sewed on to a nice very pulpy paper cone. If you look on the back side of it. You can see all those very pulpy ridges and looking on the inside.
- subwoofers
- audio
- coil
- channel
- sofer
You Can See That There Are Two Spiders
sandwiched on a platform which are bolted onto. The frame and one two three four five. It looks to be six different places. The tin sleeves are also looking pretty good with some attention to detail with some extra sewing on to the spiders not into the spiders, so they’re resting right on top going down into the form. The triple joint appears to be glued up pretty well.
Too You Can Actually See The Bottom
part where the aluminum coil is right there hovering below it and that looks pretty strong too with a treated voice coil aesthetically they stuck with the cheaper rubber gaskets, unlike the higher end apocalypse who actually uses metal aluminum, gaskets and bolts, but this is fine. I actually like this a little bit more and you peel back the gasket. You can see ply D of that rubber based adhesive to keep the surroundings nice and glued. The terminals are definitely. Standard eight gauge not the oversize four gauge that they see on a lot of subs, but it does have the added metal tab which protrudes from the frame.
- 26 voice coil
- highlighted alford audio summer 100
- subwoofers ve got
- voice coil aesthetically stuck cheaper
- time upgrade subwoofers
So Theres None Of That Plastic
flexi tab that a lot of the time your terminals are left stuck with and peeling backer scared a little bit. We can check out the ferrite magnet assembly see we got a nice double slug structure on here Oh smokes alright so there’s the rubber bootie off. You can see that we’ve just revealed a solid double stack magnet right there no pole venting but that’s okay and we also have some more ventilation here on the side stamped steel basket a quick rundown of the specs again. This is rated for 1500 watts with a X max of 16 millimeters and a good general Qts of around point for totally good for a. lot of general applications like sealed and and much like other drivers in this size.
It Has A Free Air Resonance
of around 33 to 34 Hertz. Depending on if you get the dual twos or dual fours. We also have the 27 series sitting right over there so be sure to check that out here in the last part of the video. Just in case you have a little bit more money to spend than $200 and you want to spend maybe 250 270 dollars on a little bit of a higher quality sub with two more millimeters of Xmax a couple more of better specs, but before we get into that let’s go ahead and get this bad boy flexing. You’ll see how she handled it alrighty we’ll start off with around 20 Hertz and just work our way up probably in increments of like 10 and we’ll.
Give Her Just About 3/4 Volume
What do you think one more He’s moving pretty good there. Eliot check out the just about reaching our limits here, but she’s taking it no problem. We’ll jump up ten frequencies up to around 30 years twenty-eight it’s beautiful go up to around 40 Hertz come on the volume there difference in excursion Lu this that’s awesome this is when it was it was like levitating watch this levitation baby Whoo Oh God all right now we’ll go up to sixty Hertz 6360 right now we’re up to 59 Hertz look at that thing move it all by itself all right so as you can see. She has a very soft light excursion and does quite a bit of it throwing up there near like an inch with that what sixteen millimeters of one-way Xmax so you can’t go wrong with that our tinsel leaves were flexing real good nothing mechanically wrong there so I’d give a a plus for excursion on this one so let’s go ahead and check out the 27 all right so we checked out the 26 now let’s check out the UK 27 which also is going in line with a 2. 75 inch voice coil and I think that’s why they named all their series like this sometimes you wonder how hectic companies come up with all these weird numbers well.
Its Actually Pretty Easy In This
case and just like our last one. We have two more millimeters on the same frame with 18 millimeters of X and X so let’s go. And get this bad boy out do another one of these numbers So here is the apocalypse Si 27 12 again a dual 2-ohm and right on the gate blew. This it looks absolutely identical the only thing you would ever know was different aspects right there look at this guy’s same frame figure lower so that’s how we get an added power rating also with a different toy as you can see that they upgraded. The tinta leads to a more beefier version.
That Is Also Sewed On With
a double stack spider assembly and just holding it in your hand. You can tell it weighs maybe a little bit more 35 pounds on the scale and the boot around it is more soft and chroming. I kind of would like to see a little bit bigger terminals just in case you see people doing huge amounts of these. The ability to fit two runs of eight gauge can really help with splitting the signal across large groups of subs so what do you think guys? This is another good audition to the crew here another solid 12 in case you are wanting to spend a little bit more money than a $200 one, but I’m going to be giving one away in this video the most powerful one so all you gotta do is click like on the video click subscribe on the channel and give me a nice creative comment and then after a little while maybe a week or so we’ll come back to the video and choose someone to win this very nice bounce apocalypse so until the next video guys this is UK oh wait hold on we forgot we got a deal one a little quick free year of the twenty-seven. We forgot to fire it up so let’s end off this video right with a quick little free air excursion of our 27 from the apocalypse and yeah.
Guys Getting On This Cuz Uk
is getting some more free stuff just for you let’s get our moving alright. So here’s the slightly beef year twenty-seven seventeen hundred watts UK with even more excursion. We’ll try out the exact twenty Hertz that we were just doing and yeah just get our move and you know I’m saying look at dead now if you’re noticing there’s quite a bit of mechanical noise coming out for right here, but I’ll actually show you what that is check this out it’s these vents right here you cover it up watch the difference in sound. You’re the difference so that Chuffing noise is just from the air being forced out of these tiny slots. I feel like if they were maybe added a couple inches or maybe another one right here some of that noise can be reduced a little bit.
try to give her one more click on the volume up just for a little bit right there. I think that’s just the powder limit, so I’m not going to give her much more than that now bring your back down and we’ll go up to 30 Hertz well Realty fast 31 beautiful even though or in a room right now. I can still feel that this sub is creating pressure inside this room forty Hertz.
Theres 40 Look At That Lets
get some light Oh yeah taking it all day baby and I will go up to around 50 here. Oh that’s way too fast 50 Hertz yeah. This one’s not moving. H remember how the other one was like levitating this morning doing that Oh there it goes it’s levitating there she goes whoo all 35 pounds once we hit past about 50 for her there she goes.
Levitation Alright Ill Turn That Down And There
we go guys some nice Frickin stroke right there on the UK Si 27. So what do you think what did you like more? This guy moving or the other slightly smaller one moving, But let me know what you think in the comments below and there we have it everybody a nice little expose exposing all the niceties of these brand new summers that we got did pretty well there especially for another budget Bangin Series just above 200 bucks. What do you guys think is too expensive for a summer 4. There’s the $100 category $200 category all the way up to $2,000.
How Much Do You Think Is Too Expensive
So obviously. These are a good option for everybody waiting to go above the next bracket into the twos, but I think it’s single a good question to see. Where what is too expensive to everybody obviously? I have some furs that are worth like a grand apiece back in the day and I have 11 of them so that’s a lot of money tied up into some furs and the other day Obviously we.
This is the fourth series of Sofer that we’ve checked out from deaf balance and every single. One of them has been right up our alley with specs and performance. We should be working with about 1500 watts UK with this bad boy so it’s bound to have some good-looking stuff on the inside but scare open here . The UK bounce Sa 26, the UK Sa 26 and the 26 I. I. We’ll help expose another great bang for your buck. We’re gonna check one out that’s about $200 and we should get ahead for a lot more performance with that extra cash so let’s go ahead and get her open and see what we’re working with with the UK bounce . The voice coil size, which is an odd two point six inch voice coil . The steel basket stamp steel basket no need to have aluminum for something like this. It only weighs what how much does this thing weigh 25 pounds, so that’s definitely enough strength to hold her up in your back….. Click here to read more and watch the full video