Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

Oh, Hey There Hey Buddy What Is Going
on Youtube Parker here We have a brand new brand for the channel. This is black Diamond audio. I got one of their entry-level 15-inch subs. So let’s check this thing out if you’re excited for something brand new on the channel. A brand new brand please smash that like Button Guys really really helps and if you like this kind of content and you want to help support what we got going on here.
Guys Please Hit That Subscribe Button.
It really really helps but anyway let’s get this thing open and check it out. So this is of course Black Diamond audio. This is the dia 15 dual forum sub. Now it is raining out there and my workshop was really noisy just a metal building, so I’m filming in here and we got the base head kitty hanging out.
Little Nap So Figured Id Hang Out
with him too but anyway let’s get this fella open now this sub was 78. We do have a black black diamond lanyard over here we’ve got the owner manual over here let’s see what we got this is the dual 4 ohm as I said 300 watts RMs 600 watts max sensitivity is 91 db frequency response is 25 to 250 hertz recommended low pass crossover is 80. Hertz has a 2-inch voice coil. The voice coil former is the black aluminum non-pressed paper cone paper dust cap foam surround. We have a steel basket worth of a ferrite motor that is 59 ounces and the displacement is 0.
1 Cubic Feet.
Here is the sub of course, there’s a black diamond logo got this big old paper cone obviously not super stiff but this is a 78 dollar sub got this big. Steel basket okay! This is pretty typical sort of stuff you get for a sub in this price range There’s the bottom there. We have our normal real small terminals. They’ll get the job done not a big deal, but they are pretty dang small and one thing.
- dia 15 dual forum sub
- audio dia 15 dual forum
- diamond audio got entry level
- sub 78 black black diamond
- new brand channel black diamond
I Will Say If You Should Drop This
this right here is likely to bend or maybe even break obviously you’re not going to be dropping this but just figured. I’d mention there’s a little two inch voice coil. We do have these strands sewn into the spider and then looking at the spider. Here it does seem like there’s at least a decent amount of glue on there as well as we can’t see the coil or anything inside. There is no you know external venting on the sides for the coil, but we do have one vent right there so.
Anyway Not Much To See Here Of Course
you’re not gonna get a ton for a 80.15 inch sub, but I guess let’s throw her in the car and see how she does Hmm yes foreign well. It sounds good. It is nice having a 15 guys. You definitely get some really nice volume out of a 15 without needing a ton of power going through it that being said obviously this is a super cheap sub doesn’t you know smash those lows really and if I do push it it does start to get kind of stinky.
So I Guess Lets Do The Musical Rms
test 300 watts RMs. I’m sure I’ll make it through it, but we’ll see let’s do that and then maybe after that we’ll push it a little bit more and see what we can get out of it so okay. I think that was. A pretty fair RMs test. We kind of stayed around three to four hundred watts picked up in the 500 watts and it did fine made it through no problem As I expected again guys 300 watts RMs is really nothing crazy.
- forum
- diamond
- audio
- sub
- rms
Whatsoever Very Very Low Rating, So It Did
fine hey at least they are accurately rating this thing they’re not like some companies that would make you know a stuff like this and be like Oh It’s 1500 watts or a thousand watts or something like that when it obviously isn’t okay well. I guess let’s do a db test see how loud we can get this fella and if it makes it through that then we’ll play some more music and really kind of push it just to see what this guy can handle okay. I’ve got the sub facing the back that is how I always. get the best results when using this sort of box, so we are gonna do that first. We’re gonna play a test tone sweep through it just to kind of see around where this thing peaks at really low power got a 123 and it peaked at 43 Hertz and it says 42 Hertz so that gives us a good point to start okay let’s try 43 Hertz and see what we get 478 watts and we got a 132.
4 828 Watts And We Got A
135.6 1002 watts, up only a 135. 1672 watts, but we’re actually losing ground here guys only a 134. 6 2645 watts. Ah bumped up there though got a 138.
3755 Watts And We Got A
137.1 3417 watts, and we got a 137. So obviously nothing crazy there not a crazy score, but first up under 80 bucks you can’t expect anything just incredible. out of it that being said we did push you know over 3 700 watts through the sub at 43 Hertz and it didn’t seem like it damaged it so I guess we’ll play a couple more songs just turn up a little bit and see what it does this Hmm Oh Hey there hey buddy Oh goodness okay so far Mr. Kitty likes it let’s bump it up a little bit well.
I Guess Thats Gonna Do It It
did all right did get stinky there and it got kind of warm, but I feel like we were pushing it pretty decently for such a little fella and hey we got to give Mr. Whiskers a demo so that is always a plus anyway. My overall thoughts of course you know when you’re paying under 80 bucks for a sub you’re not going to get anything crazy if it. Was me? I would save up a little bit extra money get something with at least like a two-and a half inch voice coil something with a little bit bigger motor on it. I think in the long run you’ll be so so happy that you did.
But If This Fits Into Your Budget.
I think it’s pretty on par for at least most of the other stuff kind of around that price point now I haven’t done a ton of 15s, so maybe there are some other gyms out there that are this price that are way better. If that is the case guys let me know in the comments below. What other subs around this price range, you think would be as good or better but anyway guys.
That Is The Review Of The Sub.
Let Let me know what you think in the comments below there will be an affiliate link to the sub should you want to purchase it click on that link. I get a teeny percentage of it, which really really helps in the long run. I did pay for this.
I Do Pay For 90 Of The Stuff
on this channel guys so thank you all so so much that’s gonna do it for this video. If you want to be tuned in to the giveaways go to my facebook page link in the description below. I do all the giveaways there guys so go check that out anyway that’s gonna do it thank you all so so much remember as always guys keep basing on.
Parker says he’s excited for something brand new on the channel . Parker has one of their entry-level 15-inch sub . The sub is a 78 dollar sub with a steel basket worth of a ferrite motor that is 59 ounces and the displacement is 0.1 cubic feet . Parker: “If you like this kind of content and you want to help support what we got going on here. Please hit that subscribe Button. It really really helps but anyway let’s get this thing open and check it out.& I will say if you should drop this this right here is likely to bend or maybe even break obviously you’re not going to be dropping this but just figured. It will get the job done not a big deal, but they are pretty dang small and one thing. I’d mention there’s a little two inch vo.& The voice coil former is the black aluminum non-pressed paper cone around here.& We have our normal real small terminals.& They’ll get the…. Click here to read more and watch the full video