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You Whats Going On Uk Booth Dinette
This is UK blaze and I’m here in the lab to give you guys a quick review video of the new Alto Professional True SonicNK] Sub-15 powered sub-woofer and this is from the alto professional true Sonic line and they have a whole range of speakers. They have these woofers available in 12-inch 15 inch and 18 inch. This is the 15-inch model for the review and they also have a full line up of speakers as well. They have passive models and active models. We reviewed the active 12 inch powered speakers and those were reviewed and they came out really nicely and this is a part of the same lineup part of the same series.
- woofers
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- woofer
- speakers
The New Uk Pro Lineup The New
UK pro lineup and this is the sub-15 so right off the bat We’ll just talk about the build quality and the outer casing and first thing that you’ll notice is. There’s a full metal grate on top of the actual speaker to protect your speaker. In here you’ll see there is Airways cut out on the sides in order for the airway to pass through fear sub woofer can breathe to the beat and we have a 18 millimeter plywood, which is very thick very sturdy. I’m not gonna let you down there in that department and it is coated in a textured black paint. Similar to other speakers that are out on the market today you have some very rugged rugged handles.
They Are Recessed, But They Are Actually
all metal and you have a nice bar that you can grab onto here for for. Starting this and for easy transport around the top. There is also a pole mount, a 35-millimeter pole mount. So you can put your pole in there and mount your speakers on top of them and all in all the build quality is very good very solid. You got 60 pounds here of a Ross speaker subwoofer power so next up we’ll go into the inputs and outputs on the back so we’ll turn it around now that you guys see what’s in store there okay so now we’re around the back and you can see here.
There Is A Decent Amount Of Options That
you can use in order to work this speaker and what we have here is your inputs which can either be UK or you have a UK slash quarter-inch. Only one of them is an UK two-quarter inch adapter the other one is pure. You run them in a stereo left-right input configuration. You also have here. Your link your left and right link is used for your active and your passive speakers.
You Can Connect Them Directly Through Here
through your UK output and it’s off also a left-right straight output that will just give you just the the actual sound that’s coming directly in from your input direct out to your output and you also have a volume control here which can be adjusted so you get the accurate volume on your subwoofer. There’s also a ground button here and a phase button here and those both will change the sound depending upon whether you need ground in your system or if you actually need to reverse the polarity of your subwoofer. There’s also an on/off switch nice heavy duty switch here and we also have your UK power cord and put. Well there’s a fan on the back. This is powered by a 600 watt continuous or 1200 Watts peak amplifier which is built inside and everything is working exactly as advertised here and everything works just spec okay so now we’ll talk about the actual sound quality of the unit and the sound quality of the T S Sub-15 is very good.
We Didnt Have Any Issues With This At
all. We also always do our stress test on speakers at 50% or more volume and we always run it for at least two hours and during that whole test run the t s 15 pro was excellent like everything about the subwoofer just handled well. We didn’t get any pops any shakes any hisses. All of the the subwoofer feedback was really nice and it was fun a little bit more punchy than other subwoofers that are out. there on the market in a similar price point you can get these and pick them up for about 600 bucks Right now.
- sound quality sub 15
- woofer alto professional true
- pro excellent like subwoofer just
- sub woofer breathe
- woofers available 12 inch 15
You Have A 15-Inch Woofer Here And We
also have a 3-inch coil voice coil in the back. So you know it’s going to last long and it’s going to be dependable and it’s going to be there When you need it. It’s pretty easy to maneuver due to the nice rugged handles and it’s very good for mobile. NK] is good for club installations bar installations.
You Know Installations You Know Itd Be Good
for any small to medium-sized type venue that you guys may have planned and it’s also good for you know your bedroom set up or wherever you need you know that extra base push that you know you can feel it in your chest so for more on the written review and for other reviews news and UK equipment updates. You can head on over to our blog site, which is updated daily from Monday through Friday and that’s at UK booth Dinette / UK s for UK. You can also follow me on twitter at UK blaze underscore UK booth and you can also subscribe to us on Youtube, where we’re always giving you videos we’re up to about a hundred something videos now so go check out the back catalogue and that is real real UK blaze as the username thanks. For watching you?
The Alto Professional True SonicNK] Sub-15 powered sub-woofer is from the alto professional true Sonic line and they have a whole range of speakers . They have passive models and active models . The sub woofers are available in 12-inch 15-inch and 18 inch speakers . We reviewed the active 12 inch powered speakers and those were reviewed and they came out really nicely and this is a part of the same lineup . We’ll just talk about the build quality and the outer casing . You got 60 pounds here of a Ross speaker subwoofer power so next up we’ll go into the inputs and outputs on the back so we’ll turn it around now that you guys see what’s in store there okay so now we’re around the back and you can see here. You got a decent amount of options that you can use a few of the options that we can use in order to use the speakers. You can put your pole in there and mount your speakers on top of…. Click here to read more and watch the full video