Video Creator’s Channel Sean Canoy

Im Glad It Came In Three Boxes
safely. Oh, I got a sticker wow Everyone look cool cool yeah all right so as you can see this infinity. Sub has had its fair share of use It’s a years old. I got it for free from a friend and I’ve used it for a while so to replace this sub. I went ahead and went with the scar audio tendon Sub.
This Is Only Around Forty Dollars
on Amazon. It’s actually Amazon’s choice so we’re gonna do a few little tests after we get it installed and we’re gonna see if Amazon’s choice is actually a good choice. So a little bit about this sub is that this is a dual voice coil 2 ohm subwoofer so you see it has two connections on each side. So we’re going to wire this up a little bit different than this one. Which is only a single voice coil so the way I’ll do that is I’ll put one wire from the positive on this side to the negative on this side and then wire the other positive and negative to the amp.
Just Like This One Was All Right
as you can see everything wired up put back together. Dylan you are here for unbiased opinion on everything okay so as far as looks go how does it look compared to the last one Just in general. Amazon’s choice is like 45. What do you think like in the box just how does it look it looks cooler than the last one cooler than the last one that’s good and it comes with a scar sticker Yeah okay so do you remember kind of how the last one sounded before it broke it sounded like bass right yeah okay so we’re. Gonna do a little test on this one.
Ill Set The Camera Up And Were Gonna
compare the two see if it’s actually worth being Amazon’s choice. Since this is on the camera, the audio will not be how it actually sounds. But this view is just so you can look at it bounce up and down also just came out of the box. So it’s not going to be as loose as it will be so keep that in mind all right hopefully that turned out decently on camera at least how it looked Dylan 45 amazon‘s choice what do you think um it was louder than the last one.
- subwoofer connections going wire
- ohm subwoofer connections going wire
- audio tendon sub
- subwoofer like 45 amazon choice
- bit sub dual voice coil
- subwoofer
- amp
- sub
- subs
- wire
It Felt Like It Was A Little Softer
type of bass compared to the last one. Even though it was louder. I don’t know how to describe it softer good like softer cleaner yeah so overall would you say. That this speaker the scar audio 10 inch subwoofer is like 45 Amazon’s choice.
Do You Think That It Is Worthy
of being Amazon’s choice? Do you think that Amazon chose the right speaker. I don’t know I don’t know anything about subs was it a decent speaker Yeah okay. I think so that’s all for today’s video hope you guys enjoyed if you did subscribe we’re almost a thousand subscribers we’ll see you guys the next one peace.
The infinity.& Sub has had its fair share of use It’s a years old and I got it for free from a friend and I’ve used it for a while so to replace this sub . I went ahead and went with the scar audio tendon Sub . This is only around forty dollars on Amazon.& It’s actually Amazon’s choice so we’re gonna do a few little tests after we get it installed and we’re going to see if it’s actually a good choice. Dylan is here for unbiased opinion on everything okay so as far as looks go how does it look compared to the last one. Dylan says it’s not going to be as loose as it will be so keep that in mind all right hopefully that turned out decently on camera at least how it looked . Dylan is looking at the sub. I’m glad it came in three boxes safely. It comes with a scar sticker. It’s not gonna be as easy as you can see everything wired up put back together….. Click here to read more and watch the full video