Video Creator’s Channel Jay’s iyagi

So Ive Seen All Your Files That
say I don’t need a subwoofer for stereo it’s only needed for home theaters and I’ve also heard other audio files. Say our system is incomplete. It’s not complete until you add a subwoofer and I get that used to their own everyone has a preference different preference and especially if bass is not important to you sure but make sure you heard your system with and without a very good subwoofer before you decide bass is not important for you because I was on the same boat okay it’s coming from experience I thought in my head a long time ago. Yeah I Don’t need a subwoofer because low low bass is not all that important to me and then I heard a system with a rel subwoofer and my mind changed. It became almost like a necessary thing for me another.
Thing Is This Frequency Range For
our human hearing is from 20 Hertz to 20 kilohertz, so when we are all fussing about hearing nuances and detail in the mid-range and high frequencies, but then somehow it’s okay to hear less or nothing from something like 50 Hertz. 80 Hertz and below that intrigues me not not attacking anyone here and granted I listened without subwoofers all the time. Although it’s mainly for review purposes and I would prefer one on my own listening hours, so it’s just something to think about I think it’s interesting so when I go to a restaurant and feel like having the best seafood right I love seafood okay and I don’t go to the one that does seafood and all the other dishes. I go to one that specifically makes seafood and only seafood and preferably the one that has a good rating. Google reasonable prices and have been around for a long time and well is the seafood restaurant In this analogy, they have been making subwoofers and diving into the art of making subwoofers for arguably longer than anyone in the audio industry Heck.
They Have One Goal And That
is to do one thing and do one thing to perfection and that’s subwoofers Now there are many subwoofers out there that have a lot of pure output and decent sound quality for musical applications. Nowadays, but well decent is not good enough for them. They are striving for much more than that to them Is not only about the bass but also about what happens at a critical crossroad between your speakers and your subwoofers and they are come confident and they’re very confident in there are of subwoofers. They offer free shipping 60-day home trial and free return and. years of warranty that’s insane amount of confidence if you ask me hey it’s amazing the solo gives at you up you don’t even know so that’s to say today we are taking a look at specifically the UK T5i subwoofers.
This Is The Entry-Level Rail Sulphur
priced at five hundred and forty-nine dollars each and it is suited for small to medium sized rooms now. Despite this being an entry level subwoofer there is nothing absolutely nothing entry-level about it. It’s built and sunny qualities is befitting of the Welles name. This is a sealed subwoofer with a down firing driver. The 8-inch driver that you see here is a driver that Rell took a very long time to develop because they wanted to get it right and relative everything they can to keep the driver very rigid, but keep the weight down to produce a very light.
Fast Driver The Driver Is Untreated Paper With
an aircraft grade aluminum inverted dust cap and the reason why they left the paper untreated is because any treatment will add weight to the driver now In the back we have the phase change for 0 and 180 degrees. Now I’m not going to go in-depth into the phase discussion because that’s a whole another topic but simply most of the time this ship is set at 0. But when you change it 280 degrees. It reverses the polarity of the subwoofer, which means your subwoofer is moving inward, while your main drivers are moving outward and sometimes this can result in a better in room low-frequency response. If you Have a subwoofer placed on a wall opposite from the wall from your main speakers.
Then You Have The Crossover Adjustment From 3220
hurts a lot The input for those that want to use this with a UK and the dial to adjust levels for that input. Then you have a level adjustment for these two inputs, the low level input and the high level input. The low level input is if you have a preamp or integrated amplifier with a dedicated pre outs. Now this is the high level input which is what I think makes rel subwoofers unique and special you use this cable that comes with stop over and you plug in this end to the subwoofer and then the speaker cable and goes to your main amplifier and I won’t go in detail on how to connect which color cable to which binding post on your. amplifier because there are many ways to do it depending on the type of your amplifier.
Instead, I Will Link In The Description
below two videos well made themselves explaining each case scenario. You can also call well if you have your subwoofers and want to ask them. If your amplifier needs a specific type of connection. Now the high level input is beneficial in few different ways. The obvious one is that you don’t need a dedicated pre-out on your pre-amplifier or integrator unit now something that perhaps many of you heard that you already know is that relatively match very well tonally and synergy of your system and that’s exactly what it does because you are connecting it to the same output as your speakers.
You Are Essentially Getting The Same
signal as the rest of your system. Therefore, the tonal and the synergy of that. system is also put into your subwoofers as well and something not a lot of people may know and why some of the people may say well. There’s high-level connections on some other subwoofers too is that relevant connections is inherently superior due to the filters. They use virtually all subwoofers how filters built-in and this is to take out those unwanted high frequencies.
The Problem Here Is That These Filters Add
delay to the signal and that can range from anywhere like 30 milliseconds to 100 milliseconds, but with relased filter. It is only 8 milliseconds, so that’s why it’s so fast and that’s why they’re high connection is the only true high level connection as well will put it it uses 125 watts class a/b amplification and according to Rel. This is a high current amplification that is highly reliable which is what you want for a musical. Will last you a long time now let’s get the obvious out of the way. This subwoofer is fast dynamic, seeming ‘less gets out of the way and just becomes part of your system.
Very Easily.
I can throw out like any word out there to describe really good bass and that would be probably describing real subwoofers incredibly easy to integrate. It took me almost no time to set these up with all those speakers that came in here for review, but that’s not the end of it. A really good subwoofer can impact the entire nature of the system and what I mean is that it is not about just filling filling in the lower octave. The real key 5i does that and some more.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- bass
- frequencies
- frequency
- correctly subwoofer fundamental high frequency
- files say don need subwoofer
- bass important heard rel subwoofer
- frequency response subwoofer
- say don need subwoofer stereo
This Is What I Mean When I
paired this this subwoofer what the out eight to six speakers. For example, that speaker has serious amount of detail, but can get tad tiring at times for my ears, especially when not placed correctly with the well subwoofer. Even though the fundamental high-frequency hasn’t changed it sounded smoother. The mid-range that was on the leaner side of neutral now sounds a lot fuller and more gut to the vocals and instruments so really a lot of the weaknesses that the speaker had is now taken care of and let me tell you that system sounded absolutely fantastic with the relative. I added the weaknesses were taken away.
Still Had That Incredible Detail But With The
impact and the gut of something like even D Wilson Audio speakers it is surprisingly good match with even the Magna pass speakers as well and I. All the time but the only subwoofer I can wholeheartedly recommend as of now with any Magna panel speaker is probably well suffer because of the speed now I am really sensitive to speed and maybe some of you are not as sensitive, which is fine, but most of offers just Don’t match the correct speed of the magnet pans at least for me and that’s just know from personal experience. I’ve tried many subwoofers including dipole subwoofers and open baffle subwoofers and I haven’t tried servo control ones just yet so maybe that’s next but with magnet pens and as of now. I feel that rels are the closest thing that can match the speed of the mag pen speakers and again. It’s the same deal in that case as well.
Its Not Just About Filling Up
the lower octave magnet panel speakers sound fuller richer and more like. a box design that can relieve thump and pressurize your room while still retaining that transparency and quickness that the magnet pens are known for so the relative eye takes away the weaknesses of the magnet pans, which is that they don’t pressurise or do dynamics. Like a speaker with the physical cabinet can now I have to hear and I will most likely buy two rel subwoofers for my system. There are benefits to have two subwoofers instead of just one. There’s an entire test on this matter of adding more subwoofers, and I think they went up to like 50 subwoofers in a single room for that test that I read years ago.
But The Point Being Here Is That There
are many benefits to have two subwoofers instead of just one the obvious to reason being that is more output capability and more even frequency response so. a more smoother frequency response and I got one of the relativized subwoofers in here first and then the second one came like a month later. So I was definitely able to tell that the two was quite better than just one. So like I said even if you have never had a subwoofer or feel like you don’t mean a subwoofer You don’t know until you try it.
I Have Yet To See An Audiophile
go back to their non-subwoofer system after listening to their system with the real subwoofers and relatives offer like I said succeed a home trial and free return and you get free shipping and three years of warranty so that’s it for me thanks for watching guys please do click the like button. If you enjoy the video it does help us out and if you haven’t already please do consider subscribing thanks. Guys I’ll see you guys on the next one you.
Low low bass is not all that important to me and then I heard a system with a subwoofer and my mind changed. It became almost like a necessary thing for me another. The frequency range for our human hearing is from 20 Hertz to 20 kilohertz, so when we are all fussing about hearing nuances and detail in the mid-range and high frequencies, but then somehow it’s okay to hear less or nothing from something like 50 Hertz.& 80 Hertz and below that intrigues me not not attacking anyone here. I think it’s interesting so when I go to a restaurant and feel like having the best seafood right I love seafood okay and I don’t go to the one that does seafood and all the other dishes. I don’t go to one that specifically makes seafood and only seafood and the one has a good rating. In this analogy, they have been around for a long time and well is the seafood restaurant in this analogy ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video