Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

What Is Going On Uk Park For The
base head here in today’s video we are taking a quick break from my build series because the new sub-just showed up that we got review for Y’all Let’s check that out Big Jeff over at Big Jeff audio sent me something from Black Diamond to check out so really appreciate that let’s check this thing out all right We’ve got a black diamond sticker got a couple big Jeff audio stickers a big Jeff audio stuff over here Black Diamond Audio lanyard We’ve got the user manual let’s check this thing out real quick 1 000 Watts UK 2000 Watts Max sensitivity is 85 UK frequency response nice and low 15 to 200 Hertz. We have a three inch voice coil now the former is aluminum The Voice code itself is a copper voice coil non–pressed paper cone of course. out 120 ounce motor then here’s some more Ts parameters Y’all can see all that right there. Foreign of the year I had done a review on black diamonds entry level 15 inch sub. This is the UK 15 inch sub.
This Is The Dia-T 15-Inch Sub
and this was really your you know average entry level sub. It did fine had no problems was accurately rated and all that been sitting at me in my workshop since the beginning of the year but overall it did fine so I’m excited to have another sub from them just to see how it does I want to give big Jeff over at Big Jeffaudio. com a massive shout out for sending me this Black Diamond Audio sub really really appreciate the support on the channel. It means a lot it really helps me out and it helps bring some more awesome. to all my viewers to the basement family so once again thank you so much if you want to check out this sub over on Big Jeff’s website there’ll be a link in the description below.
So Ive Ordered A Good Little
stuff from Big Jeff audio in the past and they have been great stuff shows up within two or three days and they normally have very competitive prices. Let’s get a close-up look at this sub-we have a nice tall a high roll surround does look pretty good. It’s nice and thin so you’re not really eating into the cone area of this thing. We have a very stiff paper cone same goes for the dust cap and we have just a nice plain gasket material over here I do like that much better than some of the brands. I’ll just put a plastic material on this.
Is Of Course Actually Rubber, So
it will act as a gasket. What I really love is this tooled basket so tired of seeing just plain cookie cutter baskets so really awesome to see this there of course the spider now one thing to note, we do only have one singular round strand of wire going to each coil. Now this is a thousand Watts UK so I’m not going to say that’s necessarily bad but I wouldn’t mind seeing two on a thousand watt UK sub we do have these really awesome big push terminals, though absolutely love that this makes my life so much easier when I’m putting multiple wires in there for testing this guy out you can see that three-inch copper coil in there Looking nice. I also have a cool boot on this motor once again just a little tired of seeing you know. plain boots they definitely went a little bit above and just to make this sub appealing down here at the bottom, we have our sticker now.
I Actually Talked About Jeff And I Told
him I was gonna have to mention this, but of course it says 2 000 Watts when it is in fact 1000 Watts UK but there’s all the other info on it. Obviously it’s not a big deal but personally I would just rather see people play the UK numbers on their subs. So many brands are really going to that now and overall it’s just it’s more honest and there’s really no reason to put a silly. You know Max number on this thing as you’ll see in this video one we’ll put way more than 2000 Watts through this when we’re doing some tests. I’m sure two it’s just again it’s just kind of.
A Silly Number When Youre Buying An Amp
You’re going to buy an amp that’s UK rated so if you buy a 2000 watt UK rated amp and if you’re trying to kind of match that with a 1000 watt UK sub. But it says 2000 watts can be confusing for some new people getting into the audio scene that being said hey it does have enormous rating that’s what we’re going to be testing it at that’s what I care about not like some of those Brands that’ll put in UK rating on their subs that’s just absolutely crazy a thousand Watts seems somewhat reasonable for this, but hey you know we’re gonna put this through the test. See what it does we’re gonna be throwing it in the truck today. I’ve already got the 15 bucks in here so that works out just perfect now so far I’ve. Had this Hutchinson‘s audio origin Sub in in Here This is of course a pretty expensive sub, but this thing has been awesome has given me no problems so far, but let’s pull this thing out throw the new Sub in got this guy wired up like I was saying having these big terminals just makes it so easy to put two separate wires into one terminal when you have the really teeny ones sometimes just an absolute pain, so that is awesome okay guys before we test out the sub if you would please like comment and subscribe.
It Really Really Helps And Remember If Youre
doing a subscriber giveaway on the channel here in about a month or so we’re giving away this American-based UK and up to fifteen hundred dollars along with it so please subscribe back to the video. It is another extremely chilly morning over. In North Carolina but I got this black diamond in here for the past little while been driving to and from work running errands around letting this guy break in for a little while so I guess we can get to playing it turning it up a little bit seeing how it does we’re gonna be pushing this with this black brick UK amplifier over here going to be giving it plenty of clean power foreign foreign so we had it really really stretched out there as you saw what I like about it. There was no mechanical noise nothing slapping on anything sometimes with these Subs. When you really stretch them out, they’ll bottom out or something like that but not this guy.
- diamond audio sub really really
- entry level 15 inch sub
- 1000 watt uk sub says
- uk rated amp trying kind
- inch voice coil aluminum voice
- coil
- amp
- diamond
- bass
- motor
I Think We Had That Guy
about Maxed out as far as that’s around really would stretch and I mean it sounded fine foreign foreign please. Stop so far so good taking some awesome power as you can see just absolutely really moving this thing and hey it actually sounds really good on those lows. Some of those last songs dip down into the 20s or even lower 20s, and it actually sounded really really awesome pretty clean sounding had the whole car shaking really really nicely for one 15. I Know video won’t do it justice, especially on those really really lows. It can be kind of hard to pick that up, but it actually sounds pretty clean.
Does Pretty Good All Right Yall Its
time to see how loud we can get this guy. We’ve got the Espio LAbs mini bass meter hooked up on the glass here and we’ve got the UK amm1 over here so we can see how much power we push to this guy. We’re gonna do 35 40 and 45 Hertz running through burst through it to see what numbers we can get at each 35 Hertz 592 Watts get a 127. 9 2212 watts and a 134. 4 2880 watts and a 134.
9 Im Gonna Try Same Power But With
that window down just to see if that helps us I think it did 2780 Watts but guys that helped a ton. We got a 139. 2 wow lowering that window I mean that is a huge gain over four UK guys that’s crazy all right. Let’s try 40 Hertz next see what that does 564 Watts 132. 3 1834 Watts 137.
5 Yo That Maxed Out Super Bad But Im
telling you the x-max on this thing is pretty impressive 2428 Watts 139.5 all right 45 Hertz 683 Watts 128. 9 2762 Watts that 3463 watts and it almost shook that guy out I only got a 136 though all right so this setup definitely shines right around 40 Hertz I’m gonna give it one more 40 Hertz bump really kind of turn it up just to see what we get that is insane how much that moves 2100 watts and they won 39. 6 all right. The sub has definitely reached its mechanical limits, but hey a 139.
6 Almost Breaking Up Into That 140 So
so. Not bad at all guys all rightNK] but we have put this sub through a beating today, but we still have one more test time for the musical UK test we’re gonna play a song as close to that 1000 Watts UK point that we can we’re just gonna see if this guy will make it through let’s get into it foreign. I felt bold I really pushed it there as you can see in that video we really stayed above a thousand Watts. Most of the time averaged a little closer to 14 15 and we even were picking up into 1800 watts submate it through let’s see here’s a little bit of heat on the dust cap not really extreme though definitely I’ve had Subs get hotter doing that test also no smells no I did smell something a little bit when I was letting it break. break in but today it seems to have been just fine.
Okay Well Sub Is Held On This
far for a little bonus stuff. Let’s play some really really low music just to see this thing Flex thank you okay. Some of those songs are nuts going all the way down to 20 Hertz y’all that got the sub a little stinky not gonna lie but hey, what do you expect it is what it is all right UK that is the Black Diamond Dia Dash T15 of course we had the Dual 2 Ohm here overall approach of the sub-it sounds actually sounds really really good really like this box. This box seems to be specked really well for it just plays all the frequencies really really well sounds great for an everyday bumper two it takes power really well made it through the UK test just fine. That being said it also still sounds fine at low volumes as well, which is great three.
I Just Really Like The Way It Looks
I like that real kind of thin High Roll surround leaves plenty of cone area. I love the custom tooled basket the custom boot on this thing overall a really really clean and good looking sub okay for cons main thing. I really don’t like about it is just those really small tinsel leaves running to it now. It seemed to have done fine here, but I really just personally for a thousand wattNK] sub would have loved to either have seen two of those small round.
Big Jeff audio sent me something from Black Diamond Audio to check out so really appreciate that let’s check this thing out all right . 1,000 Watts UK 2000 Watts Max sensitivity is 85 UK frequency response nice and low 15 to 200 Hertz. What is going on UK park for the base head here in today’s video we are taking a quick break from my build series because the new sub just showed up that we got review for Y’all Let’s check that out Big Jeff over at Big Jeff a massive shout out for sending me this Black Diamond audio sub really really appreciate the support on the channel. It means a lot it really helps me out and it helps bring some more awesome.& to all my viewers to the basement family so once again thank you so much if you want to Check out this sub over on Big Jeff’s website there’ll be a link in the description below the video below the description . Back to Mail Online home. Back to the page you came from ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video