Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

What Is Going On Uk Part Of The Base
head here in today’s video we’re doing a full review of the UK sounds Tropo tins. Let’s get into this that’s right guys today we have the UK sounds Tropos. These are of course the 10-inch versions and we have two of them. We’re gonna be running over them and then throwing them in a box seeing how they sound checking out their Excursion and then running some torture tests through these things just to see what they can take. This should be fun first off.
- y35
- motors
- sounding
- specs
- y30
Lets See What We Got Going On Here
guys at the moment these things are 99 not bad at all. I’ll leave a link in the description below so you can check them out, but let’s see what we got over here you got dual Forum or dual 2 Ohm. We’ll do dual four. Of course 650 Watts UK 1300 Watts Max. These have a two and a half inch four layer high temp copper voice coil Y30 grade double stack Magnet.
I Believe Your Y35 Is Your
higher grade ferrite Motors so I’m not 100 sure y’all Let me know if 30 if a y30 is better or worse than a Y35. You have a nice High Roll foam surround. The cone is a paper cone with three percent carbon fiber reinforcement We have the round-weave copper tinsel leads 12 gauge push terminals If you can see response is 41. 5 Hertz. Sensitivity is 86.
42 Uk And We Have 11 Millimeters Of X-Max
and then for box specs. There’s our cut out diameter they’re of course the sizes. It wants a 0. 8 cubic-foot sealed box or a one cubic foot ported box tuned to 36 Hertz that’s if you want a more. response for sound quality or of course, if you want it to go more UK you could do 1.
- temp copper voice coil y30
- uk sounds tropo tins let
- review uk sounds
- stack magnet believe y35 higher
- y35 higher grade ferrite motors
5 Cubic Feet Tune To 35 Hertz Real Quick
of course, let’s just check over this thing. Of course, we have this nice High Roll surround We have the double stitching pretty stiff dust cap of course your cone not super stiff, but this is a very cheap sub you don’t need it to be very stiff now of course to save cost. We do have a stamped steel basket, but that is not a big deal Gets the job done. We have nice soft spiders which again for a cheaper sub is nice you won’t need a ton of power to get this thing moving you of course have venting around the sides moving over here. You can see we do have two strands of tinsel leads.
I Really Really Like That That Is Awesome
for a hundred dollar sub normally you just see one little thin one and here are 12 gauge terminals. Now I do wish they had a little bit bigger terminals on here it is a little tough to squeeze. You know two strands of wire in there if you’re running you know if you’re of course running in parallel and you’re running two wires to the same thing, but that’s okay is what it is now the main thing. I don’t like about. This is this basket that little part in there is quite flimsy.
Where This Piece Of Metal Has Been
over actually when I got these they were bent in where they must have been just leaned up against something or dropped not a big deal, but if you were to drop this guys. You can kind of see how that one’s a little bit more you know over on this side. Yeah not a big deal you just got to be careful if you were to drop these you could snap that off pretty easily before this test Y’all we have got this scar ported dual 10 inch box. I really do like these boxes for a decently budget. You know prefab box they are tuned well below 30 Hertz.
Most Of These Are In The
mid-30s and overall there’s just a nicely built awesome sounding box great for your entry guy who wants to get into base and want something. That sounds good much better than going with one of those really really cheap UK boxes I believe thank you you made a moment s foreign y’all Let’s do the UK test on these things all right everything is hooked up. Let’s turn this guy on yeah. This sets you Dino Power starting out at 35 Hertz Okay two little tins guys. We got a 134.
3 Yall And That Was Up To
3448 Watts On these things all right let’s set this to 40 Hertz. See what we can do all right look at that getting a little better 135. 9 and that it went up to 2700 Watts. We had this set at 45 Hertz now let’s see what we get knocked the thing off ah dang it guys Oh let’s see if we can get it back on there try it again 137. 2 or 200 dollar 10 inch subs.
You Know This Car Is Definitely Not
set up for UK Whatsoever? I have tons of leaks and whatnot but hey not too bad That was at 2500 watts All right next up Let’s do the musical UK test on these things just to see if they can make it through a full song keeping it around that 12 to 1500 watts. Let’s see what happens wake me up all right They made it through. They did definitely get a little warm but I was pushing it pretty hard. We were picking up to 2200 Watts really staying between 600 to like 1500 most of the time hey they made it through they did all right all right.
Its Getting Dark Out Here But
let’s play a couple of real lows. Just so y’all can see these things move and I guess we’ll wrap it up foreign. There is sweet. dreams there you go guys as you can see there those things take a pretty good beating They really really stretch out nicely and they don’t have that weird like bottoming out sound that some cells will have when you’re really pushing a ton of power to them and that Excursion is really maxing out so hey for 99 bucks.
These Things Are Pretty Cool Guys Well Yall
it’s freezing I gotta get inside get through some editing so that’s gonna do it for this video. I appreciate each and every one of you hope you have or have had a very Merry Christmas depending on when I upload this but hey all right guys. I can do it remember as always keep basing on.
UK sounds Tropo tins are the 10-inch versions and we have two of them . We’re gonna be running over them and then throwing them in a box seeing how they sound checking out their Excursion and then running some torture tests through these things just to see what they can take . These have a two and a half inch four layer copper voice coil Y30 grade double stack Magnet . The cone is a paper cone with three percent carbon fiber reinforcement . We have the round-weave copper tinsel leads 12 gauge push terminals . Of course 650 Watts UK 1300 Watts Max. Sensitivity is 86.&42 UK and we’ve got 11 millimeters of x-max and then for box specs . It wants a 0.&8 cubic-foot sealed box or a one cubic foot ported box tuned to 36 Hertz that’s if you want a more than a more.& response for sound quality or of course, if you . want it to go more UK you could do…. Click here to read more and watch the full video