Video Creator’s Channel Zinx

You Know Im Back Here And This Thing
certain my ears is sitting right here all right what’s bottom people We’ve got ourselves A nice little review here of the Rockford Fosgate P 312 T so I’ve wondering T does that stand for well. I mean it’s meant for a truck and obviously I don’t have a set up that way but in the future maybe come on along without a truck. So I got this one because I plan on keeping this for a long time. Because this is a one hella unit is there’s a lot to it. This thing.
Its Pretty Damn Hard For What
it is you might be thinking Oh, but it’s only 300 watt UK well if you’re debating between the 300 to 500 and you’re kind of on a budget definitely go with the 300 because this thing still hits hard and I. Mean hard I am very impressed by how hard this thing hits and how much it This is a big car. This is a three row UK Okay your Honda Pilot that it’s completely filled with sound. This thing completely fills a car with sound and is more than enough to fulfill my needs for bass quite frankly sometimes it’s too much fun fact if you use Sirius UK they actually bass boost their music. So if you’re listening to the hip-hop station, you will see that there is a lot more bass than say you’re playing through Spotify.
Its Actually Quite Surprising How Much
more bass there is so sometimes I’m driving along and I usually have my bass knob turned a half and that thing and my volume is only on like seven eight out of like 40 or whatever this car goes up to and it still. it so I can’t hear another thing in the world like you can’t hear the music. The bass is so up so if you’re considering a 300 and you’re like what the 500. The 300 is plenty unless you’re trying to look to hear the people that you’re driving past and just hear nothing but bass from like a mile away. This thing there’s not too much noise pollution actually if you’re that type of person that wants all the people that are driving down the road to hear you listening to your stupid tunes well.
This Is Not The One For You
unless you have a completely turned up the windows open but a normal listening. This thing is plenty believe me. It did Zakhar what I wanted the too but anyways now that we know more about that let’s actually go through the whole thing and how I did it we’re just going to do a quick little thing on it. I’ll tell you guys what I did and what I learned on this experience is my first time ever doing a install or whatnot for a subwoofer and you know I only took me a few hours to do learning all the wiring and stuff pretty simple. This this unit is very very simple install yourself.
I Think About Just About Anyone
coded with a little bit of basic car knowledge can do it so if you’re intimidated by normal install. This is actually in fact a lot easier than a normal one would be, and I’ll tell you why so anyways let’s look right here real quick so this. Is my positive terminal as you can see this is the power wire running from that I’ve got it wrapped up in this half-inch tubing just to make it look clean. Make it look like the rest the engine bay Because you see all the other wires got this stuff wrapped in it. So I was like hell yeah I’m gonna toss that on there make it look like a professional you know install and then my like 70.
I Think Its 75 Amp Fuses Down
here underneath just kind of hiding it so that you can kind of see you don’t really have to see it to kind of not like you know less clutter in the engine bay and then as you can see it goes right here that goes into the Grum that goes into the firewall just a really really clean looking setup I think. This looks professional to me and you know if someone were to actually do this professionally. If I was actually pay someone. I think a cord like 120 bucks do it professionally. I was like hell No I’m doing myself.
- honda
- crutchfield
- amp
- car
- subwoofer
I Think This Is As Good
as you’re gonna get so that’s pretty simple to do yourself that and if you’re wondering this is a th wire underneath of here so the half-inch fits perfectly minute and then alright we’re gonna come back so random power wire through the firewall. I don’t know if you can’t probably see it’s a little dark, then it runs along all the trim. This is pretty easy just basically rip it up very easy to do yourself pull this battery and all this is pretty simple. No I mean really need tools quite frankly I purchased them just in case they actually really even. them so run the course through here and then we come back to here.
Im Gonna Pull This A Little Bit.
I got a bungee corded as you can see just hold it in place a basic way to do it but it works and then you see the cables run up through here now I’ve got this tape it’s not electrical tape it’s like a fabric tape. I’ll show you I’ve got to roll it over there in that box left over, but if as you can see it runs it back here and then you can see you got your ground your power and then these are to your UK cables and you’re probably wondering UK cables are you running a aftermarket head. You know you can tell you how you’re gonna do that and that makes it’ll help a lot easier too and then this is your. This is your remote wire so that you can run your bolt remote base now to adjust it and then you’re probably wondering hey where’s your single wire well with subwoofer actually has an audio detection thing enabled because you know there this is where your amplifier is you don’t kind of have any actual cables or nothing like that so this actually automatically detects when an audio is played and will turn the subwoofer on and it will automatically turn it off when there’s not sound being played to it, which is extremely useful because you don’t gotta run no power or a single wire anything and I think your the run to like the fuse or something in the back of the radio.
Which Is Complicated And Quite Frankly Make The
difficult to install, so this is super nice. This is very very nice to have quite frankly. I love it. You got a bunch of different automatic turn on things so you can do that so that that is one of the main selling points on this subwoofer. I think is how simple it actually is and how nice it is to have that feature believe me it is it was fantastic when you just don’t need to worry about any of the other wiring because quite frankly the rest of wiring.
Its Pretty Basic And Easy To Do And
that was the only part that was kind of worrisome so let’s talk about the actual UK to you know actually get sound a plate to it so now. If we go back here close the door we go back here a little box of extra parts left over as you can see here’s the single wire right there not even needed don’t need it. There is that a tubing see right there what it is you can go and then then that that’s the tape it’s like a fabric tape something like that I’ll link everything down in description that it used just so you guys know but this is how I made the whole UK thing work so now. Imma put a link to the actual little harness that I used to connect the UK to these tappets, which then. You can then tap into the wires in the back of your head unit to wire it up.
I Didnt.
I don’t have any actual video of me installing it because this is my first time doing it So I don’t have any actual way to show you how I did it. But I’m gonna explain it and I tell you. This is the easiest way in my opinion to do it. You got you don’t need to worry about any soldering or cutting or nothin it’s all ready to go and it’s basically just plug in play.
- uk okay honda pilot completely
- thinking oh 300 watt
- car row uk okay honda
- bass considering 300
- debating 300 500 kind budget
So These Things Are These Make This
they install so much simpler and it is so easy to use these and these things are amazing for like 4 bucks or 3 bucks or whatever how much I pay for these so worth it to go this route and you don’t need to. Do no cuttin and if it doesn’t work, you can literally just take it out and plug in just tap it into a different frickin wire and you can just you could tap it into any every single warrior in the back of your head unit until it works that’s how simple that is to use so that was awesome and then you know you got This is this is velcro strips that I actually use to mount the room. The there are a remote to the bottom of my dash to make it look all clean and then you know it comes a bunch of extra nonsense that you don’t even actually need any of this. The only thing I actually used was this little thing to tighten down the cables to the little power and the negative so that’s what I used right there that’s basically everything they go up front show you real quick the remote so as you can see I just cut off a little bit of section because I think what they want you to do with the Velcro is use it to like install to the floor, but I use bungee cords back there what quite frankly work better and then see I just put a little bit of hot glue and to attach the velcro to the actual remote and then slapped. It on the ax-and that works out pretty damn well intimate, but yeah so we ran the power and the remote cables down this way ran the UK cables on the other side because I think they say there’s something about the interference.
I Dont Really Know Too Much
about that they use Don’t want the frequencies or whatever to mess up so you don’t hear any like buzzing or not not ran them through here and then you get to the back here and then Crutchfield that website ordered it from sends you a little thing explaining your wiring splicing guide you Don’t actually need to do really too much splicing usually a tap into four different cables. I cables I tapped into my front right door speaker, my front left door speaker, So I can adjust the bass through the actual you know Stock head unit, which is pretty freakin nice and then the manual for like that comes with a subwoofer tells you like the gray and black and then black with a white stripe and everything tells you what what what’s your positive and negative and then the Crutchfield tells you what your positive and negative in the back of the head unit so pretty damn easy. I’m gonna link everything.
The Rockford Fosgate P 312 T is a 300-watt UK car . The bass is so up so if you’re considering a 300 and you’re like what the 500.& The 300 is plenty unless you’re trying to look to hear the people that you’re driving past and just hear nothing but bass from like a mile away. This thing completely fills a car with sound and is more than enough to fulfill my needs for bass quite frankly sometimes it’s too much fun fact if you use Sirius UK they actually bass boost their music. It’s actually quite surprising how much more bass there is so sometimes I’m driving along and I usually have my bass knob turned a half and that thing and my volume is only on like seven eight out of like 40 or whatever this car goes up to and it still. It still. The car is completely filled with sound. There’s not too much noise pollution actually if you are that type of person that wants all the people driving down the road…. Click here to read more and watch the full video