Video Creator’s Channel Zero Fidelity

##Nk] You Know Its Crazy Back When I Got
into high-end audio Svs was a new company. In fact at the time they only had three models in their portfolio and all three look like giant cat scratching posts yet here we are today in 2021 and a lot has changed between then and now. Not only does SvS offer up a full lineup of products. But in that time they’ve become the most dominant high-end subwoofer brand in the world and i think that’s due to two main reasons. Number one they’re just really good at marketing let’s call it what it is, but then number two.
They Continue To Release The Kind Of
products that a lot of people like namely products that offer a high quality base at prices that people can afford and today. I’m here to talk about two of the more popular models under. dollars the SB 1000 pro and the micro 3000 so here’s the game plan I’m going to go over some light technical information with you all first and then I’m going to focus on how they sound and how they compare to one another. So let’s start off with the bigger of the two, which is the SB1000 pro so. This subwoofer serves as the entry point into the Svs lineup.
Its A Sealed Box Design And
it retails for 500. in terms of hardware. It comes with a 12-inch woofer which is backed by a 325 watt class D amplifier and this sub is rated at extending all the way down to 20 hertz. Now if you’re interested in more technical information about this sub specifically as to what the pro brings to the table over the outgoing 1000 then just click on the description box below and. I’ll have that information for you so now Let’s move on to the micro 3000 so this is the first micro subwoofer from SvS and the whole point is they give you that SvS sound from something that has a small footprint.
It Too Is A Sealed Box Design
and it retails for 800 and you may be thinking whoa wait a second here. How come the smaller sub is more expensive than the bigger sub well. According to Svs is for two reasons number one the drivers which are two eight inch woofers supposed to be of higher quality than what you get out of the 1000 series and then number two. It comes with a much more powerful amplifier offering 800 watts of power as opposed to the 325 and the bigger sub and the micro is rated at extending down to 23 Hertz and this brings up. The big question which subwoofer should you get because on paper the 1000 pro looks like the better way to go.
It Extends Just A Little Bit Deeper.
It’s supposed to get a little bit louder and it costs less money. However, the micro has the higher quality drivers. It has more power now granted that’s to help compensate for the small size of the sub, but still which one is going to be better for you well. It’s time to talk about that okay so I’m going to do something a little different for this review.
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- woofers
- brands
- brand
You See Usually My Evaluations Follow
a distinct format. First I tell you about the product. Then I go over to performance and then I go over things like comparisons. But this time around I’m going to start off with comparisons first for two reasons. Number one.
- 3000 micro subwoofer
- subwoofer getting ultimately buying
- completely different brands svs
- high end audio svs new
- completely different brands svs offers
I Think This Is Why Many.
of you clicked on the video and then number two. Despite the differences in size between both subwoofers, the difference in terms of performance is very subtle and thus easy to talk about so let’s get the comparison out of the way first and then I’ll give you a performance overview of the subs. So first let’s talk about sound quality. This is where I think the Micro 3000 has a slight advantage because even though both of these subwoofers have an identical tone to them, by which I mean that weighty and strong bass output that a lot of people like about Svs.
The Micro 3000 Is Going To Exhibit Quicker
bass and just a little bit more nuance in the upper bass, particularly at the crossover point so if you’re somebody who wants that classic Svs sound, but you are going to be critical about how that subwoofer. integrates with your system, then the micro 3000 is going to be for you now When it comes to frequency extension and raw output. This is where the bigger SB1000 pro is going to have its subtle advantages because it’s a larger subwoofer. It’s going to give you just a little bit more of a fuller bass response in room. It’s not going to be a huge difference, but if you’re in a larger space.
You May Appreciate That Itll Get Just A
little bit louder not to any meaningful degree, but just a little bit, and it will give you deeper frequency extension, which could actually be a big deal to you. If most of your use is home theater, or if you’re a bass head and you listen to a lot of electronic music and that brings up the question then which subwoofers should you go with well. If somebody came to me and they said hey look. I say that the majority of my use is home theater and or games and I can accommodate either sub. Then I would say go with the SB 1000 pro or better yet get two of them and I think that’s just a better way to spend your money.
However, If Youre Somebody Whos Limited On
space or maybe you do 50 50 music listening with something else and especially if the music you listen to isn’t always just bass oriented music. This is where I think you’ll appreciate the slightly better quality of the micro 3000 so that is going to be it for the comparison so now let’s go over how they perform as a whole okay so now that you’re aware of the differences between both subwoofers. It’s now time to discuss their overall performance now to be clear. I am not going to break this down into different categories such as this is the sound of the Sp 1000 pro and then this is the sound of the Micro 3000 because it’s not necessary as I mentioned earlier. Both of these subwoofers have an identical sound.
So What Im About To Say
about one is going to apply to both pretty much evenly so with that out of the way let’s hop to it and really it doesn’t matter which subwoofer you’re getting what you’re. Ultimately buying is a compact sealed subwoofer that’s meant to deliver jack of all trades base performance and I think when most of you listen to it, you’ll notice that these subs sound a little larger than their physical size would suggest they sound very full and they give you this. weighty and strong output just a little bit punchy and when it comes to tone, they’re going to take on this slightly thick and warm sounding character. Now it is important to note that the Micro 3000 is going to be just a little quicker and more nuanced than the upper base again. We’re not talking about a big dramatic difference here, but it is noticeable so with that out of the way look.
I Think This Is The Kind Of Sound
that a lot of people like because when you’re spending this kind of money on essentially base boxes. There’s a lot of people out there that when they throw on their movies. They want to feel the base pressurize the room they want to feel those explosions in their chair and these subs do a good job of delivering that experience with respect to their size and price. And yet it’s not always just about the boom boom right it’s also about the quality and this is where I think a lot of people to include myself tend to sell SvS short because the sound quality is good. This isn’t just a one note based solution.
So A Good Example Is There Are Times
to where the Svs sub will sound better with music than some sacrosanct options from the likes of rel and rhythmic, and it all just boils down to the kind of speakers. You pair them up to in my experience. If you have speakers that use thick drivers like for example, pretty much anything polk audio has made in the past 20 years. I found that SvS sounds more natural with those type of speakers than subwoofers that use even thinner drivers again just my experience and it’s also worth noting that with SvS. You get the app and within that amplifier you can download different profiles for the subwoofer and even customize them.
So You Can Really Dial In That Sub
for your taste, and there’s a lot of flexibility there so it’s easy to understand why so many people love their subwoofers. You get flexible bass performance and you get a lot of flexibility in terms of setup so normally this is when I cut to different sections of the video, but I don’t really have much for you. So first let’s discuss compromises so these subwoofers are fairly compact they’re they are fairly affordable and they’re more for rooms that are medium to small sized rooms. So if you have a big space and you know you want very loud and visceral bass output. This is when you’re going to have to go with a different option my recommendation if you.
Want To Shop Within The Svs
lineup would be the SB 3000 at 1 000 that’s when you’re going to get really good quality and you’re going to get that quantity to go with it, But you do have to pay for it and then beyond that I would say that SvS is mostly a great value here in North America, but I understand that the prices are a little higher elsewhere it is what it is but that’s it as far as the compromises are concerned and clearly it’s not going to be based for everybody right. I mean there are people out there that are just absolutely fanatical about the integration between the subwoofer and their speakers and they’re basically people kind of like me that you’re going to spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on the subwoofer and you don’t actually want to hear your subwoofer. This probably isn’t the best match for you. I mean that’s what brands like Rel are about but again I think it’s a minority of individuals, even though that may represent a large portion of my viewing audience.
Its Nonetheless Worth Noting And Then
when it comes to comparisons, I pretty much want to focus only on Svs here. Obviously for shopping between Rel and Svs those are two completely different brands. SvS offers a lighter, quicker, more agile sound usually integrates better with speakers and SvS does at least in a general sense, but Svs has a much stronger, much weightier sound and it’s going to pressurize a room a lot better than a similar price rail will so that is going to be it for this general evaluation. So you know what this is a short video so why not go ahead and wrap it up okay so.
Now Its Time For Me To Reveal
what I truly think about these subs and I think the best way to begin is to summarize some of the conversations. I’ve had with other reviewers who have also reviewed the same subwoofers so in a nutshell. We all pretty much agree that no matter.
Svs is the most dominant high-end subwoofer brand in the world and i think that’s due to two main reasons. They’re just really good at marketing let’s call it what it is, but then number two. They continue to release the kind of products that a lot of people like namely products that offer a high quality base at prices that people can afford and today.& I’m here to talk about two of the more popular models under.& dollars the SB 1000 pro and the micro 3000 . The SB1000 pro is a sealed box design and it retails for 500. It comes with a 12-inch woofer which is backed by a 325 watt class D amplifier and this sub is rated at extending all the way down to 20 hertz. The micro 3000 is the first micro subwowoofer from SvS and the whole point is they give you that SvS sound from something that has a small footprint. The smaller sub is more expensive than the smaller sub…. Click here to read more and watch the full video