Video Creator’s Channel HighTechCheck

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and today we’re going to be taking a look at Boo Maker’s Tapio 3 sound bar now Don’t let these budget sound bars fool you because I did a review on one not too long ago and I was blown away with how well it sounded especially for the price and i’m kind of hoping that this one is the same thing. This is a 2. 1 system. It has a total of 190 watts. The sound bar has four built-in speakers that are two and a quarter inch in size and the subwoofer is five and a quarter inch in size.
It Also Has Six Different Eq Settings
as well as Bluetooth 5.0 in case you want to wirelessly transmit things from your phone or pretty much anything that uses Bluetooth and in case you’re wondering about how long it is. 32 inches wide Now you can’t pick this up online right now I will be putting a link in the description. In case you guys want to pick it up yourself and if you guys like me and you want to support my channel. Please use those links because it helps me keep purchasing products do reviews for you guys Boo maker also did send this out to me so I could do this for you guys today so I’d also like to thank them for that we are going to see what we get inside the box first.
Then Im Going To Go Ahead And
set it up and we’re going to see how good it sounds so here is the sound bar itself. It does come in two pieces. You just kind of twist them together. Then here is the subwoofer it is not wireless. It does use.
The One Rca Cable To Connect
and it is made of like a kind of like a wood feels pretty nice and here’s what I was talking about as far as connecting the two pieces together. It does feel um pretty light. It does and then here’s where I was telling you about connecting the two pieces of the sound bar together they do seem to be made of metal. The ends here are made of plastic, but it feels like everything else is metal. If we look on the back side here we’ll see that there is the power connection the RCa cable for the sub.
There Is A Usb Port, An Auxiliary Port,
an optical port and an HDMi arc and on the side here we have our power button our volume buttons and the bluetooth button okay so it looks like all you need to do is. Take the two pieces here make sure this is facing upward This one is kind of flat we’ll kind of twist it so it puts it together and then we’ll just rotate to the back here and we’re all set it’s got some nice rubber feet on the bottom here and I can see the speakers on the inside there. So here we have our manual some RCa cables to the auxiliary cable. We also have an optical cable which is pretty nice here Are some wall mounts here’s our remote and then here is the power adapter okay so here I have my soundbar all set up to my sony Tv. I do have it hooked up using the HDMi arc input because what that allows you to do is use the sony remote to control the volume of your soundbar instead of you having to use this remote.
- soundbar think bluetooth
- let budget sound bars
- audio soundbar think bluetooth
- total 190 watts sound bar
- bar built speakers quarter inch
To Turn The Tv On And
off and then the soundbar mode to change the volume it just kind of makes everything easier Now. You can also use the optical cable, but you lose the ability to control everything with one remote so the sound quality will be just the same but you’ll like I said you’ll lose control now. You also have the capability of using those RCa cables which will give you okay sound. It’s not the best but if that’s all you can do, then you really don’t have any choice but I would definitely recommend using the HDmi arc input. If you have it on your Tv so I’m going to go ahead and tell you right now that this sound bar actually sounds really good.
‘s got some pretty good base to it, especially because it comes with that subwoofer and don’t let the size. Fool you, It actually can fill up a decent sized room really well. I have a 16-by 16-foot room that it’s in right now and it the base sounds really great, especially if you’re watching like a movie or playing a video game. We’re going to go ahead and listen to some music to kind of give you an idea of what it sounds like, but it’s going to be kind of hard because it depends on what kind of system.
Youre Listening To This Video On
your end Oh and the orange leds behind the metal mesh here make it very easy to see what volume level you’re at or which input you’re on I can easily see it from my bed or my couch. Also the flickering you’re seeing is not actually on the sound bar it’s just because of my camera now as i said. Before this sound bar does have six different eq settings. I’m going to tell you that the ones that I like the most are going to be game movie or bass. I think those are the ones that have the most the fullest sound possible the other ones like news kind of sound very tinny and I guess are more for like talking.
I Also Have My For The Subwoofer
up all the way because if you turn it down any less than that it’s not going to be as good as it can be because of the size of the subwoofer okay so now we’re going to play a little xbox. This is call of duty called Cold war zombies and we’ll see how good the sound is coming from the sound bar UK thank you so now that we know how good games and music sounds let’s go. ahead and take a look at one of my videos to see how good speech sounds here’s that may come with it really don’t sound all that great and then we have to spend more money to buy a system that gives us better sound and that’s where this product comes in. This is the blue D bluetooth dual speaker desktop sound bar so speech does sound pretty good I don’t see any noticeable lag so thumbs up for a speech so now let’s go and test out the bluetooth connection. I’m going to go ahead and connect the soundbar to my iphone 12 and we’ll see if there’s any lag watching Youtube on there so first we’ll change the sound bar to Bluetooth.
Then Well Go Into Our Settings On Our
phone. We’ll see the tapio three. We’ll click that connected and it is connected so let’s go ahead. And try out the sound, so we all know that most of the time we buy a computer monitor the speakers that may come with it really don’t sound all that great and then we have to spend more money to buy a system that gives us better sound and that’s where this product comes in. This is the glue D bluetooth dual speaker desktop sound bar.
So I Think That Worked Out
pretty good. The sound was great through bluetooth and I didn’t notice any noticeable lag through the speech from the Youtube video through the audio on the soundbar. So I think the bluetooth lag is pretty much non–existent, so I definitely think that this sound bar is worth your time. If you’re looking for a budget sound bar it will definitely fill up a large bedroom. I don’t know if it has enough base for like a theater room, but definitely any size bedroom.
It Would Probably Be Enough For
good for watching Tv movies anything like that it would definitely give you a much better sound than just your Tv speakers, especially because they’re aimed towards you and not down like Tv speakers usually are something else that I really like about this sound. Bar is I never heard any distortion. No matter how high I turned up the sound bar. It was always crystal clear. There was no distortion at any time and not that you’re going to turn it up all the way because it is super loud, especially if you’re using it in your bedroom.
- soundbar
- subwoofer
- bluetooth
- speakers
- speaker
But Again I Didnt Hear Any Distortion At
any time When I was listening to anything. I know the sound bar does mention it has like a kind of. like a 3D effect, but at no time when I was playing games or watching movies, did I hear any kind of surround sound. It does have a good sound. Don’t get me wrong, but it’s not going to give you any sort of a sound A surround sound Feel so we know that this sound bar does sound good.
Its It Sounds Good For Watching
movies sounds good for listening to music and playing video games. It’s definitely going to give you a much better sound than just using your regular old Tv speakers, especially because this has a subwoofer so again. I will be putting a link in the description in case. You guys want to pick this up yourself and if you guys like me and want to support my channel. Please use those links because it helps me keep purchasing products to do reviews to you.
Guys So I Hope You Guys Enjoyed The
video if you did give me a thumbs up. Don’t forget to subscribe and hit that little notification bell to let you guys know when I put out new videos thank you guys for watching I hope you have a great day. I’ll see you in the next one later.
Boo Maker’s Tapio 3 sound bar has four built-in speakers that are two and a quarter inch in size and the subwoofer is five and a . quarter inches in size . It also has six different eq settings as well as Bluetooth 5.&0 in case you want to wirelessly transmit things from your phone or pretty much anything that uses Bluetooth . Now you can’t pick this up online right now I will be putting a link in the description. Please use those links because it helps me keep purchasing products do reviews for you guys and I’d also like to thank them for that we are going to go ahead and set it up and we’re going to see how good it sounds so here is the sound bar itself. It does come in two pieces. The ends here are made of plastic, but it feels like everything else is metal.& Then here are the ends here were made of metal, and it does use the one RCa cable to connect and it is made of…. Click here to read more and watch the full video