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We have a special request a lot of people been asking about different speakers so today. We are testing out the Bose F1 top and the Bose F1 sub. So These are new products from Bose. We’re going to show you how to set it up what it’s going to sound like all the specs on it.
I Got My Man Alex Choi With
me from vox Dj company looking like my twin over here thank you guys for always tuning in to Adonsworth click subscribe click like leave a comment all right we’re going to hook this up for y’all so this is the cover that comes with it from the bottom. What’s nice is when you put the sub up. You see back here is a built-in stand all you got to do is unlock this pull it out. Then it rests right on top of the sub just like that so talk about minimal setup. Don’t even need a stand.
My Only Complaint Is That Its A Little
short when you put the speaker on top. This is as quick of a setup as you’ll get and then you take the top which is the Bose F1 812. I think 12-inch speaker. It’s got an array inside of it so you just pull up and so what’s cool about this speaker is that i’ve got this flexible array so if you needed a to-project up you just click this back and then it projects up say you were on a stage like this and you needed to project down. You pull this push this in and then it projects down so.
This Configuration Is Like A Very Full
wide spectrum for weddings I think it’s easier. To just do the top so that you go up and over people’s heads so all you do now is that there’s a little hole there all right right there’s the hole so this hole is where you mount your speaker on top with the stand that already comes that’s it all right it’s nice all right Yeah. I mean it’s not like super tall, but it’s not enough you know unless somebody’s like yeah so all right so it’s all set up. I’m gonna tell you right now probably sits about six feet high. There’s six feet high and has its own stand right here, which actually clips off and then sits on the actual sub.
So You Take It Out Pop
it right on top right here and then put your speaker above it actually looking at it right now. I think it’s a pretty cool look is. There anything that you could put in here did they give you something or is it just made like that no I’ve seen some Dj’s put a light there which I don’t know okay that’s pretty cool but the cool thing about this F1 model Bose is once you have your cords hooked up you can just run your cords right through here of the stand so you can hide your cords. So let’s talk about the input so you have of course input one your volume knob input to your volume knob your Xlr in your line out just in case you need a daisy chain to another speaker really simple bag set up your on and off button of course right here your power power switch your limit and we’re gonna cut everything on so this is for the speaker and for the sub you have of course. Your two XLr ends and then your xLr out and of course your volume knob your polarity? What is the polarity for I don’t even know what that’s for what’s polarity? What is that even for do you know? Do you even use that Kevin I just keep it on normal okay so the polarity we never really touched that and your volume knob and of course your power and your switch to cut it on so right here on the eq it says full range and with sub so if you flip it to full range.
You Can You Still Use It
as a regular speaker and mount it on a speaker stand so above here there is a hole so you can still have it has a 12-inch sub in the back of this actual speaker. So once you click it to full range, you can still. use it just as a standalone speaker without the sub right now we’re gonna test it with the sub as you can see you don’t see any cords anywhere because all the cords are tucked which I think that’s pretty cool. The only thing is this right here this hollow space. I don’t know I would do something with it.
However, I Think Its Really Cool That
you don’t need a speaker stand that eliminates that portion and you still have your sub so you don’t have to hook up a pole or anything like that so I really like that about it um and that’s it. The only couple of gripes are the cord. The power cord that comes with the Bose system is very short. It might be six feet so you’re gonna have to buy of course either an extension cord or of course provide a different. Cord that’s just skinny right here that it’ll fit inside your groove all right so we’re gonna cut everything on and hook it up.
So We Have It Already Hooked Up.
I mean we have it set up now so of course your speaker and like we said before the speaker is an array speaker So all you have to do is tilt it does it put back here. Oh you just push it in yeah okay so if you look right here. You can just push it in if you’re on top of the stage and you want to point your direction down and it clips up or this also from the top all you have to do is push it back so your speakers can project overheads a couple of things that we’ve taken away from just looking at this speaker is that it’s a full line array. speaker so you actually get a really full sound of course you know we know bows from everyday home use headphones speakers that people install in their houses, so you know just to name those alone let you know hey It’s a quality brand speaker.
Theyre Just Trying To Break Into A
different market and sell to Djs so so like I said inside the actual sub are two eights these bows they don’t they don’t have that harshness that you would hear you don’t really get that out of these bows um it’s a lot less harsh a lot cleaner and of course the punch and the lows are definitely coming from the bose sub so those are a couple things to take away. We’re gonna set it up with the new Rev7, which you see right here and give you a sound check all right so don’t forget. To click like click subscribe you guys want my promo on the Rev7. The 200 is off All you got to do is click subscribe on this channel follow me on instagram at Dj paradigm and I will hook you guys up with the promo code. All you have to do is DM me that you like the promo code for the Rev7 all right at like 10 O’clock so we have everything hooked up all right.
- thing bose f1 setup breakdown
- quick setup ll bose
- coming bose sub couple things
- f1 bose f1 sub new
- review bose f1 speaker sub
- bose
- speakers
- speaker
- headphones
- stand
Well Keep Everything At 12 Coming From Your
speaker straight to your controller. Oh so we’re going to take a time lapse of how long it’s gonna take to break this down all right three two one let’s go UK that’s it that’s it that took like 15 seconds and he’s done so that’s all it takes. I think it’s another good thing about the Bose F1 the setup and breakdown time Oh. Man probably cut down about 15 minutes comparison to you know your regular sub and stand and then it pulse so that was quick so I hope you guys enjoyed the review of the Bose F1 speaker with the sub-thank you to my man Alex Choi from Vox Dj Company for allowing me to come test this out It sounds really good. There’s a couple of things.
I Would Take Away From It Just Understand
that it doesn’t sit as high if you were to have a speaker on a stand and to extend it all the way up, so it’s about. I’d say I don’t know six feet tall on top of this um and also you also need to understand that the cords that come with it. The The power cords are very short, so you probably need to invest in those if you’re looking to purchase the Bose S1 stand and if you guys still want to enter to win my Numark Mcstream pro all you have to do click subscribe follow me on Instagram and shoot me a DM on Instagram Dj paradigm to let me know that you want to enter to win all right thank y’all for tuning in peace.
Adam Adonsworth is testing out the Bose F1 top and the F1 sub . The sub has a built-in stand so you don’t even need a stand . The speaker sits about six feet high and has its own stand right here, which a stand is just like that . The F1 812 speaker has an array inside of it so you just pull up and so what’s cool about this speaker is that i’ve got this flexible array so if you needed a to-project up you just click this back and then it projects up say you were on a stage like this and you needed to project down.& This configuration is like a very full wide spectrum for weddings I think it’s easier. To just do the top so that you go up and over people’s heads so all you do now is that there’s a little hole there all right there’s the hole so this hole is where you mount your speaker on top with the stand that already comes with the speaker…. Click here to read more and watch the full video