Video Creator’s Channel HappyRider Reviews

- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- speakers
- woofer
- speaker
Whats Going On Guys So In This Video We
are going to be talking about this Both F1 sub-woofer so I have been owning this up for the past several years now Since it was released to the market so I’m going to be sharing with you guys some of my real life experiences that I have had with this product. So this is a powered 1000 Watts up that has two built-in 10 inches in there that’s what power supply it will supply and provide anywhere from 100 to 240 volts so that means it pretty much works worldwide no matter where you are and after 15 years of dealing with audio equipments and speaker. This subwoofer right here is definitely one of the best subwoofer I have ever used now. This was made by Bose professional line and more specifically it was actually made to be used with. Eight 12 which is the louder a speaker that goes on top of this SUn, but to answer the question Could you use this for any other purpose with any other speaker and the answer to that is Yes now Of course to get the highest audio quality.
It Is Best To Use This With
the most F one module 812. However, you can actually use this in combination with any other ordinary speaker. Matter of fact. I have my three boats S1 Pro connected to this sub y are using it in my house right now or again. You can also use this up again with any other speakers.
So Now Will You Notice Any Difference
in audio party for not using this together with the modulate 12 most likely not unless you are a extreme audiophile. So can you use this outdoor or indoor and you can actually use this either way you want because it has enough power to use it wherever you want so as you can see I’m currently using it inside my house right now and when using it in home. One of these sub it’s more than enough to shake the entire house now. When it comes to playing for outdoors or using it for bigger venues or parties. However, these badboys will also do a amazing job.
So Our Band Mainly Uses Two
of these subwoofers together with the moderate 12 goes on top of them for weddings or church events both outdoor or indoor and two of these subs along with them to modulate 12 is more than good enough to cover wedding events with over 600 people. The biggest event we used these were a church event that were outdoor and open parking lot with just under a thousand and five hundred people. In both cases. These two F1 sub-woofer and the 812 module does the job just fine so one thing I notice about this sub-right here is when using two of them at bigger events. The subwoofers are much more powerful and giving much harder punch when you put them side-by-side instead of having one on this side of the room and one on the other side of the room.
- definitely best subwoofer used bose
- talking f1 sub woofer
- lot lighter bigger professional subwoofer
- sub woofer 812
- equipments speaker subwoofer right definitely
Now One Small Issue Issue With Setting
them up side by side is that we will need a separate speaker stand for our second 812 module on the other side of the room. So we can evenly distribute the audio through the entire area, but let’s not talk about that in this video. Since we are strictly discussing about this eff wants the woofer only now I forgot to mention how light and small this thing is compared to most other professional subwoofer. More specifically it weights only 57 pounds, which is a lot lighter than many other bigger professional subwoofer out there. This means I can set this all up by myself without needing a help of a second person or a third person so guys.
I Hope This Video Was Somewhat Helpful To
you. In some way. Now I will leave a link to where I purchased this in the description box. Below so thanks guys for watching and I will see everyone in the next video.
This is a powered 1000 Watts up that has two built-in 10 inches in there that’s what power supply it will supply and provide anywhere from 100 to 240 volts so that means it pretty much works worldwide no matter where you are and after 15 years of dealing with audio equipments and speaker. I’m going to be sharing with you guys some of my real life experiences that I have had with this product. The subwoofer right here is definitely one of the best subwoofers I have ever used now. It is best to use this with the most F one module 812. But to answer the question Could you use this for any other purpose with any other speaker. The answer to that is Yes now of course to get the highest audio quality. You can also use this up again with anyOther speakers. I have my three boats S1 Pro connected to this sub y are using it in my house right now or again.& One of these sub it’s more than enough…. Click here to read more and watch the full video