Video Creator’s Channel Tech Meister

Hey Guys, Lets Talk Deck Setup Accessories And Lets
start the video now one one one one shot now Ladies and Gents Rob here Check it out. I have a new death set up here and I thought what would be better to have some new accessories. I bought I used to have Logitech Z313 speakers really good setup. There are two little speakers with a pretty cool subwoofer and for 30 bucks. It’s probably one of the best systems You can get for 30 bucks.
However, I Think I Need A Little Bit
more and I went ahead and bought some audio engine A2 plus speakers and they are awesome, but they were still lacking something They sounded great if you’re playing classical music chamber music or something that was kind of poppy. They were great, but they need a little more grunt. So I went ahead and I. bought the audio engine S8 subwoofer I love it let’s start with what I picked up all right people. My package has arrived from Fedex Let’s see what it is.
This Is A Kind Of My
final piece to my death set up here Ladies and gents well let’s go pull that I guess h. This is incredible. This was spray foamed in do you believe that that’s the packaging if you’ve ever heard of it before. This is probably one of the best packaging jobs I’ve ever seen before in a large package that is amazing. They’re getting 5 out of five stars.
- subwoofer
- speakers
- audio
- bass
- woofer
Theyve Sent It Right They Sent It Express
they packaged it like I’ve never seen clean package before they actually. I swear. I think they spray foamed it in. I think this is the audio engine S8 subwoofer all right anyway here’s the This is a down firing subwoofer. You see the the woofer there and here’s the port hole in the front there for the moment all right.
Guys Were Gonna Plug It In Now
and see if it works here. We go plug in the input create the red and right and left all right. We’re gonna see if this works now let’s turn it on all right. Guys we got it plugged in let’s see if it works now UK Oh yeah it works foreign well people. I call that a success.
I Have The Audio Engine A Two Pluses
and the audio engine S8 a great combo. If you guys want some really good sound and great bass and um I managed to get these um I bought. Them pre-owned they have all guarantees these things came they’re awesome and um I’m really happy right now. So guys I’ll do another review shortly and I hope to see you guys again soon oh excuse me if you got a value at this video leave a like if you enjoyed the equipment leave a like if you have any questions about the stereo, the desk the monitor the computer or anything else put that in the comment section below and also make sure you guys subscribe and also have your notification turned on because I’ll be uploading more videos in the near future. Okay
- audio engine s8 great combo
- engine s8 subwoofer right
- subwoofer 30 bucks probably
- z313 speakers really good setup
- a2 plus speakers awesome lacking
Rob bought two speakers with a pretty cool subwoofer for 30 bucks . Rob calls the audio engine A2 plus speakers “awesome” Rob reviews the package that he received from Fedex . The package was spray foamed in do you believe that that’s the packaging if you’ve ever heard of it before.& This is probably one of the best packaging jobs I’ve ever seen before in a large package that is amazing. They’re getting 5 out of five stars. They’ve sent it right they sent it express they packaged it like I’ve never seen clean package before they actually.& I swear. I call that a s**t . Rob says it works foreign well people. We go plug in the input create the red and right and left all right. We’re gonna see if this works now let’s turn it on all right people. Oh yeah it worked foreign well. Rob calls it foreign well, Rob says. We are going to see if it works Foreign well….. Click here to read more and watch the full video