Video Creator’s Channel contraptional audio

Hey Guys Cpa Here And Welcome To
the channel where I do dumb things with audio so you don’t have to so today We have this dual 10-inch subwoofer bring you a review of a 10-inch dual subwoofer in the vented enclosure 500 watts max and inch four ohms don’t forget your amplifier and installation kit easy installation vented enclosure amplifier required yeah that’s for the mono amp if you’re running just one that’s bridged two channel lamp that’s with the four channel lamp and it’s so hard to fit in the frame. So there’s that okay so this is where I took off my gloves because I’m not touching this nasty outside full of dust and gross grossness now for the fun stuff This thing better come with cables this thing better come with cables if not that’s just rude okay okay there’s the inside right there. Oh the inside of the box, it’s like a toy okay, let’s go ahead and pull this oh man that stinks smells like a brand new sub-stinky, though so that’s kind of what’s inside UK. Oh I did not just see a cheap terminal cup back there I wouldn’t be surprised either way there you go okay so underneath the subwoofer box under Oh come on okay so underneath the oh wait is this there you go if you want in spanish. There’s that sorry about the glare guys so it’s basically saying the same thing just in different languages.
- subwoofer
- amp
- cables
- amplifier
- mono
There It Is Its Definitely Smaller Than
I thought what’s the the cardboard box makes it look bigger than it really is so you can get these at their website. You can get these autozone got this one for 60 bucks a little over 60 bucks and it’s feels. A little sturdy not bad You can definitely feel the staples out here like say right um right here you can definitely feel like pretty sure this thing is stapled. The surround is pretty soft, actually feels as cheap as as cheap as it sounds wow. This is incredibly.
Oh Man Is That Seriously The The Actual
port wow let me show you all the terminal cup first real quick obviously it’s a cheap one let me go ahead and show y’all the port don’t even look at this okay so I hope you all are able to see the port All this this is all a fake port um probably might have a function but um you’ll see the port there it is right there none of this is important. All that is sealed that support right there let me see if I can zoom this in a little. All right, let’s go ahead and get this thing open pull this thing out Oh come on okay so finally skin side of this thing for real okay so here’s this thing looks nice typical basket stamped steel okay that’s nice actually it has a braided. I think that’s what you call an embedded or braid. See it’s kind of looped around I might want to get a flashlight for this so you know flashlight but it works so there’s that right there that’s the minuscule port Cheap terminal cup I’m not going to explain what’s going on here.
- subwoofer bring review
- 10 inch dual subwoofer vented
- dual subwoofer vented enclosure 500
- subwoofer box oh
- enclosure amplifier required yeah mono
Besides The Fact That The Edges
are glued as you would expect from a box all right to give Y’all a better look check inside of the box so all of this area right here and the port is this big Y’all tell me in the comment section below what y’all. Think about this enclosure and the sub-love to hear from Y’all with a clean on offensive comment so do do um time all right guys okay I’m going to keep this short and sweet honestly. If you’re on a budget I would definitely recommend this I would definitely not recommend you pushing it probably to 500 watts Max it does have its loss. I think there’s I don’t even remember there was an actual I don’t think there was an actual seal behind a sub-like an actual gasket. Y’all let me know if you want me to see how low or how loud I can make this thing go with the couple little modifications fixes you’re definitely gonna if you’re a careful listener.
Most You Probably Will Be Able To
notice um some port noise due to the fact that the parts are not smooth out they’re just. Sharp however, if you’re not if you’re really just once a bump, This is this is definitely a pretty good deal. Hope you all enjoyed this video until next time with contraptional audio.
Cpa reviews a dual 10-inch dual subwoofer in the vented enclosure . 500 watts max and inch four ohms . Vented enclosure amplifier required for the mono amp . Cpa: “This thing better come with cables. If not that’s just rude okay okay there’s the inside right there. The inside of the box, it’s like a toy okay, let’s go ahead and pull this oh man that stinks smells like a brand new sub-stinky, though so that’s kind of what’s inside UK.& Oh man is that seriously the the actual port wow let me show you all the terminal cup first real quick obviously it’s a cheap one let me go ahead of the cheap one. You can definitely feel the staples out here like say right um right here you can feel like pretty sure this thing is stapled.& The surround is pretty soft, actually feels as cheap as as cheap As cheap as it sounds wow.& There it is it’s definitely smaller than I thought…. Click here to read more and watch the full video