Video Creator’s Channel Rob Dahm

As Awesome As This Cheap Sound System Has Been
it severely lacks one thing the bump the base that feeling deep into the song we need to fix that and here we are at Walmart behind you. This is not a sponsored video and since the last video on the $20 speakers was so popular though number one comment was why not do a sub here we are doing just that and for those you that are doing a beginner amplifier or sub system we’re gonna take something very simple no not the screaming kid in the background a sub-amplifier and box all built into one let’s see just how effective this really is what comes in an all-in-one sub woofer the box mounting brackets that’s actually pretty heavy. There we go a nice-carpeted box of speaker. What’s slightly different about this versus the speakers is they were. This is gonna require some extra wiring, which is why we have this so This thing?’s got a little bit of everything wires for the power and ground which are important and of course a fuse because if you mess up and short it out you don’t want your car catching on fire speaker wires for both sides left and right and extra lengths of wire to run it to the amp so those cheap speakers from the last video are kind of meant to play everything mediocre, but this one is more of a purpose-driven speaker Yes it’s bigger so you would think that bigger means louder, but it’s really meant to capture the base or the deeper notes in the music.
This Larger Speaker Requires So Much Power That
the wires alone from the head unit aren’t capable of powering it so you have to run power directly. This unit which then has a built-in amplifier to power that speaker because this is such a purpose-built system. It’s not meant to play every single note that comes through the music. So you have settings on the side that let you adjust how much of the music is actually played through this speaker. Oh you know this is for right so you keep your amp strapped keep keep your blumin strapped case anybody pulls up on you while want to make this video as cheap as possible.
Theres One Thing You Will See Me
not mess around with at least this section of the wire. This is the positives is coming off the battery or the alternator charge line. There’s a fuse right here. If you do not have the fuse close to the power source, you will do very bad things to your car when you. ground it out or do something bad.
This Step Is A Little Interesting.
They’ll be different for everybody’s car but we’re gonna have to find a way to get this wire through the firewall or a bulkhead. Or however, you want to call it and get it into the passenger compartment. Safely first step take off your positive lead. You could in fact run this here but now you have to worry about this way you’re splitting and what having problems and potentially getting shorted out start from the fuse box area.
Were Gonna Snake It Along Where
the wire loom goes along the car and the fender here and then have it run down by the base of the kickboard over here finally run it along the side of the door frame up the back and then there we go we’ve poked it right all the way to where we want the subwoofer to be so we’ve got the wire going through the rubber waterproof sealant. When we wrap it up along the wiring harness zip tie it to it so it does not move and then snake it out under through here and then connect it to the fuse box. This is really why you want that fuse on this line. This is in an area where it’s gonna get a lot of traffic and say this wire shorts up and it shorts to the body of the car there. goes your battery or here comes a big thick fire wire and there we go We are about 90% of the way to the subwoofer.
Unfortunately, Grounding Is One Of The Easiest
steps. We’ll just find something that shorts out to the frame and properly attach it to the ground wire. You have to keep in mind, though that power runs through the full circuit. So you can see that this gauge of wire is the same thickness as the power line and that is for good reason power goes in a full circle. This is about our closest spot for a nice and solid ground as you can see we’re starting to collect the wires into a spot that can become sort of a makeshift loom.
So Now That Weve Got Power And
ground ready to go. We need the ignition on and the two speakers. This is something. Weird about the Honda Insight as well as some other economy vehicles is that beneath this. There is a plate for where a speaker should go we’re looking at all the different options on where to mount this and this seems to be the best space.
We Cant Fit It Behind The Seats
and I don’t think facing it away we’re facing at any other angle is really good option those who that might know more please in the comments. Let me know where you think this sub should be placed the remote turn on. This is basically wired to ignition on and I figured why not use the one from the head unit. We’ll take it off from the passenger side run it through the head unit through here because there’s no clutch pebbles or anything to really get in the way and then run it of course along. the whole side of the car and back to the amp and so a potential pitfall you might run into depending on your head.
Unit Of The Car Is Running
your subs and your amps from the rear speaker wires. If you want to splice the rear speakers, you can that’s considered a high-level situation instead thankfully. This has UK outputs on the back of this newer head unit. It’s a twenty dollar one so I’m all the more expensive units definitely have it and this is more of a low power level output. We can run all the way through the rest of the car there we go now.
The Other Aspect Of This Is
that we have to undo this wiring. I have all of these individually wrapped, but the important one here is this dark blue dark blue on. Here is the remote turn on we’re. Gonna splice in B sub-2 this line just third one in there mix them all up make a nice little menagerie tois with the wiring setup Now we have the speaker wire and the ignition on wires that we’re gonna run through the rest of the car. Put this back out of the way of the seatbelt and it looks pretty good for where we want to come in it we’re gonna leave this like this for the moment because we don’t know exactly how we want to cut the carpet.
We Just Know We Do Just Not Yet
This isn’t quite as nice as the head units wiring harness, but it’ll still do there’s a little bit of confusion with how this is set up. Though you got two ground wires which makes sense to remote turn-ons and then to power leads but on the diagram it’ll actually confuse. Little bit by showing you that the battery has a plus and minus. The remote turn on has a plus and minus and then ground has a plus and minus That’s where you can tell there’s something wrong so what we’re gonna do is take the guesswork out of it and we’re gonna just crimp these together and do a quick power on test. This is the result of a poor wiring diagram.
- subwoofer
- speakers
- speaker
- amplifier
- amp
Im Just Setting Everything All Together Real Quickly
just to see with a quick flip of the switch. Does this thing burn out or do I burn out a fuse that’s a good sign powered on, which is also a good thing, so we flipped the power around real quick because if anything we’re just gonna blow a fuse and see what’s going on before we damage anything else thankfully. I trusted my gut on this wiring. setup and this is correct.
Were Gonna Terminate These Properly And Finish This
all up So it sounds fairly decent plug-and-play, but there’s a little bit of tuning you’re capable of doing with this speaker. This thing is called crossover and that’s at what the highest note. This speaker will attempt to play look at it at Max. It sounds horrible but we tuned it back a little bit and it’s gonna play the notes It’s best at playing.
So Its Very Clear On Those
lower notes without much calibration at all this thing kicks ass it’s certainly for a little virgin years. Like me type of guy it works. I think it passes the test that was certainly worth $80 and hating my life running wires. I think we should test a little bit more.
Jarett Between Shots Has Been Bitching About
how well. I don’t I think it’s. Weak, okay, he thinks this week so we’re gonna play it one of his songs off of his playlist to see what he thinks it sounds like give me the damn.
- speakers gonna require extra wiring
- running subs amps rear speaker
- really comes sub woofer box
- cheap speakers video
- screaming kid background sub amplifier
This is not a sponsored video and since the last video on the $20 speakers was so popular though number one comment was why not do a sub here we are doing just that . This is gonna require some extra wiring, which is why we have this so This thing?’s got a little bit of everything wires for the power and ground which are important and of course a fuse because if you mess up and short it out you don’t want your car catching on fire speaker wires for both sides left and right and extra lengths of wire to run it to the amp . This larger speaker requires so much power that the wires alone from the head unit aren’t capable of powering it so you have to run power directly.& This unit which then has a built-in amplifier to power that speaker . The bigger speaker is more of a purpose-driven speaker Yes it’s bigger so you would think that bigger means louder, but it’s really meant to capture the base or the deeper notes in the music…. Click here to read more and watch the full video