Video Creator’s Channel Subwoofer 101

All Right So This Is My Review Of
the monoprice Monolith 15 thx-rated subwoofer Now before I get started Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the like button. I need to keep that UK algorithm happy to keep my channel afloat so I really appreciate it now. I always like to disclose any affiliate relationships and I’ve been in a monoprice affiliate for a very long time. The only one longer is Amazon, so it’s it’s there so if you want to order this sub you can follow one of my links in the description you can get it through Amazon if you want or direct through mana price either way works but yeah. This review has been a tough one to do.
I Sent Countless Emails And Twitter Messages Trying
to get in touch with Mana price. I’ve been trying to get these subs in for review since they. came out it’s been quite a while you know and if your sub look for manufacturer and you think your sub should be on my list and then my content. You know watch this video to see if I’ll be fair to your product okay because I actually had to buy these subs myself for this review and I’ll be returning them. It was the only way I was told it works when I called this was their suggestion.
So I Had To Order These And Get
them sent out and this is all on my dime so just keep in mind the frustration I’ve encountered and the absolute lack of engagement from monoprice. As I do this review. It’s frustrating because I’d like to review more of their products and I think they have good products I’d like to talk about them and so anyway and I apologize my. Neighbors running his truck in the background so sorry for that so here are the basics You know it’s a 15 inch subwoofer thousand watts UK it’s got variable ports. It’s got two UK settings one for extended one for ThX and it’s one of the taller box subs.
Ive Reviewed So Far, But They Also
came out with a dual driver variant which I couldn’t even fit in this set up unless I ran bookshelf speakers those are pretty insane really heavy looking. These are heavy enough as it is so I’ve always made a big stink about depth of presentation that’s a term I coined to describe how deep a subwoofer sounds which is different than Mac’s extension you can see my video on that now there’s no metric that truly describes this as far as I know so some people dismiss me as just ignoring measurable specifications. I can assure you that it’s real and that is measurable and it’s really important. It does make a difference and I’ve got people coming at me all sideways talking about wattage driver size Max UK and telling me that I’m just being biased and you’ll see why it’s not true in a minute but essentially driver size Wattage Max UK Don’t mean squat unless the depth of presentation is there if it’s not there it’s not something I’m interested in I’ve had that experience before so the subs right before these were the UK for thousands which I’ve had for quite some time. I’m very familiar with them and as I always do I plug in new subs and just give them a quick listen, which means that they’re still on the room correction profile from the previous subs.
So Its Not Perfect, But It Just
gives me a quick idea of what I can expect now to give you an idea of the stakes here. This moment was huge I’ll give my viewers the truth regardless of any other factors. I’ve done that in the past and it’s actually earning a reputation for bias which is understandable but and the reason for bias has always misunderstood. So I checked out the outlaw X 13 a sub that by all rights should have been a serious challenge to the be B 4000. It’s nearly identical in specs.
The Problem Is That The Depth Of Presentation
just wasn’t there for me honestly that sub turned me off for the UK standard. The thx mode in that sub was way too shallow and you know in that case. I preferred the UK 2000s that were objectively less in every specification you. know to be real I do have bias but it’s misunderstood I I absolutely have bias to ported UK subs, but it’s not because they talked to me or because they provide great support. It’s because they have the deep sound than I’m after so I mean if UK offered me 10 million dollars right but their subs were shallow.
It Would Be A Non-Starter For Me.
My only bias is the sound 100 percent if it doesn’t sound like a deep subwoofer I’m not interested. I have parents plays a role too because you know my list of subwoofers are truly subs. I would spend my own money on now that’s the standard but depth of presentation is an absolute if it’s not there I’m not interested so now I’ll take you back to this pivotal moment first hearing the model of 15 yeah it’ll be good and I. breathe a huge sigh of relief or I’ll be regretting this review and it could very well be the end of my channel I Don’t have a choice here.
It Is What It Is If Its Too
shallow. I can’t lie and say it’s great you know the results are measurable so fudging the results is a very bad idea and basically UK suicide now what I can tell you with great certainty is that the model of 15 the current flagship sub-woofer monoprice not counting. The 215 coming out is indeed a subwoofer that belongs on the list thankfully I’m very happy to report that the depth of presentation is perfect. It has the deep sound that I’m after so I can finally recommend multiple brands with enthusiasm rather than a few brands with the asterisks that you know they don’t sound quite as deep so you know if. have reservations if your subwoofer manufacturer and you feel that I might not be fair to your subwoofers.
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I Think This Review Should Quash Any
concerns. Essentially. I had to do this review without any support from monoprice, but they still get a great review. Even though I had good reason to be irritated. It really is all about the bass, but that’s not the end of the review.
I Have A Few More Thoughts.
The styling is good but just know that it’s pretty tall in pretty deep in dimensions. It’s not a bad thing. It’s just something to be aware of also. I was against the UK certification up to this point, but it actually came in handy and with this up so as I said when I plugged it in and listened to the first time using the previous room correction it was perfect I it was.
It Was Pretty Much.
It was hard to tell the difference between you know there was the 4000 and the monolith 15. Both of them had a similar depth of presentation and it was all great and so but after I ran around correction It was a little different. It was slightly uncomfortable and looking at the graph. I suspect it was the relatively high infrasonic base so and I just for reference.
Iran Rim Correction With All Ports
open any extended eq and it gave me a lot of of infrasonic base. So it was actually too much for me and I switched over to Thx mode, which tapered it off and made it a little more pleasant to listen to not to give you an idea of the difference. The UK 4000. The monolith had nearly an identical sound signature in the audible range yeah you know I. Couldn’t hear the infrasonic bass at all I could only feel it in my ears and my jaw, but I could definitely measure it and you know it really like.
I Said The Only Difference I
could tell between the two subs was with the monolith with having that extra infrasonic s’ just cause more pressure and it was just a little more uncomfortable, but again that’s not a shot and I’ll explain why in a minute, but it’s actually changed my perspective on infrasonic base because I used to think of it as a badge of honor for a subwoofer In practice. I would love to see infrasonic filter that cut off everything under 17 or 16. Hertz also thinking here for sonic filter could be useful you know as far as demonstrating infrasonic base, users could flip back and forth to see which they prefer or if they. Could even notice a difference it’s kind of weird. I would have suspected to notice more of a difference and the only difference I can notice was that slight pressure change in that weirdly in my jaw.
I Dont Know Why And My Wife
notices the same thing Keep mine I’m not throwing shade at the model of 15 infrasonic base is hard to reproduce, so it’s impressive. I just personally misjudged how important I perceived it to be. But another important thing is that after some time I got used to the infrasonic base, which is unlike my problem with sealed sub-sealed subs. I could never get used to no matter how long I listened but with the infrasonic base. You know I eventually switched it back to the extended mode and got used to it it wasn’t a problem anymore.
It Just Took Some Time To
get. used to it all right so I’m gonna break in the video really quick and explain an anomaly. I had that I’ve never had before this isn’t something that’s never happened with any other sub and I’m not blaming these subs. I want to make that real clear what happened was I was trying to you know get used to the subs and things like that and happens with subwoofers they break in and overtime. Usually they get a little bit louder what’s weird is.
These Didnt Get Louder I Actually
had to turn them up later as they broke in and which is okay interesting enough, but like I said my sensitivity to the infrasonic Swen Towei and which I thought I was just getting used to it well it turns out the shape. The response crap response graph actually changed and again I’ve never had anything like this. happen before you know I ran room correction. I took the measurements. I was happy with the results.
There Was No Reason To Change It
and you you know. I’ll show you that result here. It was a nice. It was a great looking graph like I said a lot of infrasonic, but great looking graph structured just the way I like it it was good and what happened was. I thought the hot I was getting used to the infrasonic switch.
I Was An Interesting Thing And When
I took measurements After shooting this video. I noticed that it’s tapered off more didn’t have the same graph that it did after I initially did regression on these subs. I did room correction on the UK 4,000 profile. So I am I had the room correction stuff for the UK for thousands swapped him out for the monolith 15s just.
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To Hear Him Took A Few Measurements Great
I was wonderful. I was thrilled. I would show you that graph, but my computer restarted, but the other graph was taken right after room correction looked great again a little high in there for Sonics, but you know all in all nothing to complain about it’s just I.
This is my review of the monoprice Monolith 15 thx-rated subwoofer . Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the like button. Follow one of my links in the description you can get it through Amazon if you want or direct through Mana price. I always like to disclose any affiliate relationships and I’ve been in a monoprice affiliate for a very long time. I need to keep that UK algorithm happy to keep my channel afloat so I really appreciate it now. The only one longer is Amazon, so it’s it’s there so if you . want to order this sub you can follow one of the links in this description . The only way I was told it works when I called this was their suggestion. It’s got two UK settings one for extended one for ThX and it’s a taller box subs. The dual driver variant which I . couldn’t even fit in this set up unless . ran bookshelf speakers those are pretty insane really heavy looking. Those are…. Click here to read more and watch the full video