Video Creator’s Channel TheJuanCarlos

Hey Guys Hope You Having A Great
day today I’m going to be reviewing none other than the 18-inch-powered subwoofer by Electro-voice as part of their UK 200 series make sure to check this out if you’re interested in buying a set of speakers and/or subwoofers now if you have not seen my recent video link will be in the description down below make sure to check out my review on the harbinger V 2300 speaker series I did the 15 inch speakers but yeah check those out if you’re interested and these guys will definitely come into play for today.’s video so further ado let’s jump into the specs of this woofer now just weighing in at 65 pounds yes. If you believe it this guy is actually 65 pounds. This is generally a good once a beginner, but maybe a more intermediate and maybe beginner level Subwoofer. Who is a mobile entertainer deejay or band and you know what compared to other leading brands of woofers 65 pounds if you think about it is not a lot of weight.
In Fact, I Can Even Pick It
up or maybe even two people can pick it up of that matter right it does not take a whole village to lift it up. I can promise you then what is this UK anyway so let’s turn this bad boy on and let’s see what this menu has in store, but just before we do that let’s look at the odd sign right. We have two outputs and two inputs a knob and none other than the on and off button and the power supply all right here we go let’s check it out so now that we have turned this bad boy on we’re looking at the menu screen. In which you first turn it on so you may be thinking how do you turn the volume on I don’t see anything else Besides this knob good question, so you turn it to the right. It takes you all the way to 10 decibels, which I believe would be the highest volume level for this woofer and if you turn it all the way to the right you’re turning it past the negative numbers all the way till you hit mute, which that means there’s no sound coming out of this speaker, but I like to keep mine at relatively zero.
So If I Ever Need Or If You
ever need to turn the volume up. I would definitely recommend going in pairs so that means we’ll go in two four six eight all the way to ten. If you should ever need to turn the volume up you. know same thing when you go in below you go in pairs, but it really all depends what you’re using it for now. Let’s look at the menu so if we click on this once press it, it’ll show the different modes of the buffer.
So The First Mode Were Gonna Look
at is the music settings right so we click on it. We see Music Live and Club right so music is kind of like if you’re just UK or just playing music to pass the time that is what user forum live self–explanatory you’re using it for live band purpose or maybe you know you want to make it sound a little more lively. You know sure go for it whatever floats your boat and last but not least we have the club setting now should you ever need to use the club setting as well if you’re. Club or if you’re outdoor and the venue is packed with a bunch of people and you want to have that nice deep bass go for a club setting but I like to keep my net music since my UK Controller allows me to control the different modes for sound right high mids and lows anyway next we have the low pass. Now this is important.
I Was Always Told That Is Recommended To
keep it at a hundred Hertz now truthfully it depends what you’re using it for so the lowest you can have is 80 Hertz hundred where it’s where I keep it 12150 and then of course pairing it up with the other electro-voice speakers that are out in the market. But for now I’m keeping it at a hundred next we have the led which is for the front of the woofer which determines like hey. Gonna leave the UK on lanterns on we can have the limit set to where we know when we’re clipping or we can have it off, but I like to keep it On the display focuses on the brightness of the screen. The contrast same thing and back we have the store and recall now forgive me. I do not know much about these two specific things here on this woofer, but if you check the manual if you ever decide to buy this lovely product, then it’ll explain a little more detail than just me talking out of my butt, but I can probably have an idea that recall it helps you kind of I guess you can say recall the difference.
I Guess Mos That You Want To Save
it for right kind of like storage memory so that’s something to think about but don’t take my word. For it control app is if you have the app for electro-voice. You can use your phone or mobile device to control the levels of the volume lock. This is important. This is kind of like if you lock it.
This Will Allow You To Not Mess With
the menu right, so you can only turn on the volume on or off right so because in case I need to use the menu that’s why it’ll be on and then of course we have the reset and then we have information and exit alrighty guys so without further Ado The moment you’ve been all waiting for let’s hit up that audio testing so bear with me guys. Originally I was going to do a video outdoors, but it’s a little rainy out there so now to control the sound from here we’re gonna plug this in so this is connected. my mixer which is back there so I’m gonna plug this in right here input 1 right so we put an input 1 cool. So this is this is being led to where the sound will be coming from Ok. Now we take this other one which is connected to that speaker and we put it right here in output 1.
- 18 inch powered subwoofer
- specs woofer just
- review 18 inch powered subwoofer
- speaker 65 pounds great mobile
- woofer just weighing 65
So We Put It In Put One Excuse
me right here perfect so now we have both the speaker and the woofer connected from the controller so to kind of recap that for one second the music is coming from my controller into the woofer, which is then connected from the speak from this cable to the speaker. So that way. The woofer is the main honcho of the sound all right. So here we go with the first sound testing with only just the subwoofer all right so. Just a little disclaimer I suggest that you put on some earphones or headphones to test out the sound I’m not 100% sure how much justice the camera will be picking up from the woofer.
Im Standing About Like A Few Feet Away
from there. So hopefully the projection will be how it feels when you’re kind of up close I want to put the volume at least at like maybe nine or ten o’clock on my controller so we’ll be hearing it from how far it is from here to here and then as the music projects and keeps going I will stand back and keep going further back until we hear more set all right here. We go subwoofer sound test part one so hopefully you managed to pick something up sound wise from what you heard from the woofer Now We’re going to introduce both speakers which are chained together based off the woofer being the main input for all the sound and we’re going to see how that goes now. I’m going to slowly graduate the volume from the speaker so where you can hear the woofer slowly move up, incorporating the music coming out from there all right here we go awesome hopefully you pick something up from that now we’re going to be cranking up the volume and we’re gonna put it on the club level setting so right now those subwoofers on the club level settings so you can kind of get an idea keeping it still at the ten o’clock mark on the controller working the music we’re gonna have. It set to the club level so that way you get 90 adjust how much stronger and a little louder The club setting is from the music setting, incorporating the speakers as well okay guys so that was pretty much.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- woofers
- woofer
- loudspeaker
My Review On The 18-Inch-Powered Subwoofer
from Electro-voice as part of the Elx 200 Loudspeaker series. If you liked the video give it a big thumbs up make sure you comment something that you know you want to know or that you liked and hopefully. I helped you give some sort of reason to go buy this great product. Now. I think this This product came out back in like 2017 roughly I don’t know 100% sure him most likely between 2017 2018 but hey you know what it’s a great powered speaker again 65 pounds great for mobile entertainersNK] live band check it out again make sure to check out my video in the description down below of my other review on the speakers and yeah at the end of the day buy what works for you you know I got a lot of comments from the last video saying Oh you know can you compare it to this speaker or this or that I’m like well.
Well, I Dont Have That But At
the end of the day you have to work with what’s best for you right if you’re live band go for it If you’re a mobile UK, especially yeah go for something that you can carry and make it quick. So that way you’re not spending so much time setting up so you can focus on projecting great music and giving a good time and that’s for anybody really so yeah. I will see you next time until then stay smiling stay dancing and have fun later.
Electro-voice’s 18-inch-powered subwoofer is part of their UK 200 series . This is generally a good once a beginner, but maybe a more intermediate and maybe beginner level Subwoofer . It takes you all the way to 10 decibels, which I believe would be the highest volume level for this woofer . The woofer weighs in at 65 pounds and can be lifted up by a whole village to lift it up . It does not take a lot of weight for a mobile entertainer deejay or band and you know what compared to other leading brands of woofers 65 pounds if you think about it is not a lot . Check out my review on the harbinger V 2300 speaker series I did the 15 inch speakers but yeah check those out if you’re interested and these guys will definitely come into play for today. I like to keep my own version of these guys out if I’m interested in buying a set of speakers and/or subwoofers…. Click here to read more and watch the full video