Video Creator’s Channel Shane Lee

- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- amplifier
- watt
- grille
Whats Up Guys Today We Got Another
unboxing first if I could open the box. We got a focal subwoofer. This guy here is the focal 1000 yeah. It’s a little heavier than I thought so weight wise for this not not crazy heavy, but it’s, but it’s 47 pounds for this guy so the grill is not magnetic. It’s got little push pins right there little push pin connectors.
This Is Their New Flax Cone Woofer.
This is 12 inches lighter material than what they had previously which was the W series. The Flax series is supposed to be lighter and stiffer so that should give us a nice quick transient responses. We’ll have to test definitely be testing that out it’s got a kind of a two-tone grille gloss finish on the front Baffle focal logo up top knuckle test around back we have got a 1000 watt. Bash amplifier you’ve got your power on off or auto and on volume control knob crossover from 40 to 160 Hertz face from zero or 180 degrees.
Its Not Variable So Its One Or The
other. Then you got your line ends your LFe on the bottom and then your left and your right. No XLrs on this guy. Then you get your main power switch and then your power inlet I got two of these in so definitely get these set up for listening I’ll be hooking up the focals to my trin off processor and a cloud escape will be used to playback demos. I’m going to be placing one of the subwoofers in the right front corner of my room and the other in the opposite rear corner.
This Will Give Me The Best Response For
my space. We’re gonna kick this off with fury since it’s. One of the hardest hitting mixes out there around the 35 to 40 Hertz range. It’s got machine guns and tanks trying to blow each other up so it’s got a lot of bass. The focals can definitely bang.
Theyre Quick And Punchy And Gave Me
that tactile kick I’ve come to expect when I’m listening to this movie. If I had to compare to another 12-incher I’d say it hits like the rel HT-1205s with a little more extension or overhang in the background. I could hear and feel the tanks driving across the ground and they did a great job of adding that extra bit of extended atmosphere next we’re going to go a little lower. If you want some monstrous bass you’re going to want to check out monster hunter. This movie rumbles deep from 20 to 30 Hertz what the hell is that link back in.
Yes Dealer Move Move Move These
subs might not look too special, but they can really dig surprisingly low the part when Diablo starts to make his appearance under the sand got my seats shaking really hard. I was actually kind of worried from a downstairs neighbor. These have got that big booming presence down low that moves a fair amount of air and pressurized my space really great but I will say that I noticed a little mushiness to the bottom end where I could hear the base waffle a bit, but I didn’t think it was going to self–destruct or anything and finally let’s see if these little guys can belt out some infrasonics yeah. I know they’re only rated down to 24 Hertz, but I gotta do it anyways. It’s time for some edge of tomorrow.
Now I Do Feel These Subs
are a bit boomy but. What stuff like this? Where you want a lot of boom? These subs just rocked it’s not touching infrasonic levels, so they’re not going to raise the hair on the back of your neck or blow your pant legs around, but these do produce that large cinematic type of bass that you want when you’re watching these huge action flicks so yeah. It fails for infrasonics but passes for large scale presence now it did take a few measurements in my listening position with one sub then with both I didn’t eq them or anything. I just adjusted the levels and delays because I know not everyone will know how to eq their subs to get perfect response. So keep in mind that this is the result.
I Got In My Space And Its
most likely going to be very different for yours. This first measurement is for the back. Sub you can see that I’ve got a nasty dip at around 42 Hertz. The next one is the front sub with a crazy dip at 60. with both combined.
I Got Rid Of Both Dips
and in my space. They start dropping off at around 20 Hertz so with the edge of tomorrow Demo they just won’t reach down that low. I could smooth out this response if I wanted to with some eq but straight out of the box with minimal setup on my part. This is what I’m getting at the time of this video. A single sub 1000 f is 2 000 each.
- flax cone woofer
- 1000 watt bash
- test got 1000 watt bash
- connectors new flax cone woofer
- focal subwoofer guy focal 1000
This Might Be A Tough Selling
point for a lot of folks because there are so many options in this price point and lower. This sub was meant to be paired with the focal aria line of speakers, so if you’re looking for an all focal setup. These might complement that lineup perfectly I did feel. These subs were a solid performer for home theater. Comparable subs that come to mind were the SvS SB 3000, ReL 1205 and the imotiva Rs13.
All These Subs Will Provide A
hefty kick for movies at 35Hz and above, but don’t really dig deep enough to rearrange your insides. You’ll need something a lot bigger than these. It’s still a quick punchy little sub with a little mushiness down low but overall they gave me a very engaging cinematic experience at home and they do so in a relatively small size. If you’ve got some focal speakers at home, then you might want to give these a try so what are your thoughts on focal subwoofers have.
You Heard Them And How Do You
think they stack up to other 12 inchers In this price range leave a comment and let us know now If you want to grab one of these subs or any focal speakers. You can do so at valueelectronics. com I’ll leave some links for them down below in the video’s description as always guys thanks for watching be sure to like this video if you found it useful and subscribe if you haven’t already and we’ll see you again in the next video.
This is their new flax cone woofer. This is 12 inches lighter material than what they had previously which was the W series. The Flax series is supposed to be lighter and stiffer so that should give us a nice quick transient responses. The focals can definitely bang. They’re quick and punchy and gave me that tactile kick I’ve come to expect when I’m listening to this movie.& We’re gonna kick this off with fury since it’s. One of the hardest hitting mixes out there around the 35 to 40 Hertz range.& If I had to compare to another 12-incher I’d say it hits like the rel HT-1205s with a little more extension or overhang in the background. I’ll be hooking up the focals to my trin off processor and a cloud escape will be used to playback demos. I’m going to be placing one of the subwoofers in the right front corner of my room and the other in…. Click here to read more and watch the full video