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- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- altos
- speakers
- alto
Hi There Robin Here From Expert On
and today we’re gonna be talking about this guy right here which is the incredibly just out of nowhere. Also professional drops 80 X to 12s. They’re 12-inch powered subwoofer at 450 watts to go along with their Tx2 series tops. So Altos gone to a lot of trouble with this subwoofer not just because of its great price point and all the features on it but how smart of an actual subwoofer it is It was built to match up with their UK series speakers so if you have anything from a UK 208 all the way up to a UK 215. This speaker will line up with it they’ve gone to a lot of trouble with the way the technology works so because they’ve incorporated UK they can weld digitally process the entire system to do exactly what they want now.
Taken The Time To Plug In All Four
of those speakers into the system now not just for a crossover point that would be too simple. They’ve gone and they’ve added in a time alignment they’ve added in of course the active crossover and level matching so this way with their let’s say their UK a 208 and their UK 210 series speakers. They run at 150 watts UK with a peak of 300 you get through their 12 and their 15 inch they double down on that power Now you’ve got 300 with a 600 peak that’s not the only thing you also have driver size changes of course with those so not just wattage driver size and time difference between here and well over there so they need to make sure that subwoofer is going to match all of those things so that’s a big plus it’s something. Simple you wouldn’t think about sub will free there sounds good or doesn’t sound good but it’s gonna sound better if it’s matched up properly with the type of top that’s on it that’s why package that’s like line of race work out so well because they’ve taken the time to engineer the whole thing to work as a package and that’s pretty much what’s going on here so you would think having a subwoofer that pretty much lined up for their product would be good enough, but they added two more UK features on the actual back so this way. If you didn’t have an auto top you can still buy this subwoofer because they do give you a built-in without of course time alignment or anything like that they give you a crossover a high-pass out a hundred Hertz and again there’s no level adjustments done on that.
Theres Also No Delay On That
one and then of course they always give you the full bypass mode which basically puts the whole thing right through from the in and out on the back of the unit, so that’s all there now When we play it that’s a big difference. You really it’s noticeable because there’s so much of a difference power wise between let’s say they’re ten inch in their 12 inch when you actually hit the actual UK button in the back we are going to hear the difference. We’re going to try that out today we’re going to have both them set up on a table and we’ll be able to go between the two speakers and show you how exactly that works now for overall box size easy enough to carry no more than any other top you might have. This is only forty four. forty-five pounds altogether and it’s simple.
Its Sixteen By Sixteen By About
twenty inches so it’ll fit inside any car that’s for sure no special equipment required you don’t have to worry about putting wheels on it and all that kind of stuff. It’s pretty straightforward in that sense outside of that it is built out of UK and that’s to manage the price because we do need density in the box being a bandpass. It radiates a lot of bass out of the box. So we do need something that’s going to be strong and hold its shape and not distort that being said. I did use an on-stage pole on the actual unit and I realized after the fact that there’s so much for I brace you so much beats coming off here not distorted from the box, but it was reverberating through the actual pole and.
Realized I Had To Take The Pole Apart
and tape up the drop Pole inside it was just polite pole and I had to tape that up to stop it from vibrating against itself. So little things like that you tend to find after the fact, but that was the pole had nothing to do with the subwoofer so let’s take a closer look at the back of the unit. First on the side you do have handles the handles are located on top, which are pretty nice easy to carry so the inconvenient. There are subwoofers that put the handles in some pretty wacky places and just makes everything so complicated. When we look at the back you’ll notice we’ll get closer shot of this but first we have the outside box screwed in which is basically how they got the driver in here and how they got everything.
Inside The Unit Theres 20 Screws That Line
up at the outside and then you have the ant plate dropped on on the inside now When there’s no cables or power cord connected to it. If this was on its backside. None of this would hit the ground that’s really important to make sure that you know safety and you want to have longevity out of it and people do accidental things so I put it down the wrong way and in this case that’s not going to hurt the machine so let’s get a closer look so here we are closer look at the back. We’ve got the alto UK 212 all labeled here some information that we need to know Plus at the bottom. We’ve got our safety stickers which are always a big thumbs up for that if we look down at the bottom we’re going to.
Find Out What Kind Of Fuse
setup we have plus we’re also going to see the power consumption which is 500 watts. The unit is set in our case for 110 volts that’s all internal a/c adapter. Now we get to the actual audio portion of it. We’ve got some combo jacks we’ve got two channels coming in to it and put one in put two so we can use either UK or quarter-inch UK UK set up for here. Then we’ve got our outputs just down below those are going to be UK our actual vine control on the system indicates the signal level Green is good so yes you’re gonna see this actively going the whole time you’re using it it will fade off into a red if it’s really bad and you’re hitting the limit normally I ran it at 0 UK didn’t find I have to.
It Anymore We Have No Problems Having A
unity issue when we play our music here so we tend to leave it at 0. We’ve got an extended low frequency, so if you are just using it at you know 30 percent, 40, 50 percent that sort of thing and you’re just playing around with that at home. Let’s say you can add some extra bass. If you want to you know hear the difference polarity. We can reverse it have it forward your choice, then we have on top the actual UK.
This Is Where Its Labeled Uk
208 to 10 to 12 to 15 the high pass and the bypass. Now if you do have an original UK series like a UK 8 or a UK 10. I wouldn’t have a problem just setting it up accordingly, you know just drop that to second generation product and just. line it up with that I mean you don’t have to run out and buy a new set of tops. Then afterwards you still have like I said the high pass which is at 100 Hertz and then the bypass down below which will allow whatever goes in here to come out there now remember up here it’s not just controlling the crossover point.
Its Also Has A Time Delay Built
into it and it also has a signal level in control between the input and the output to make sure that it’s going to match the volume output of what’s going on with the subwoofer what the proper volume output for the top so on the top you want to set it up at Unity P they both should be proportionate to where they are so this way the subwoofer gonna do its job properly. So there’s a big. Plus like I said straightforward easy There’s no fans there’s nothing to make noise so if you use this at lower volume levels. No problem d-class power amp by the way so what we’re gonna do now is we are going to demonstrate how this works so we’re gonna We’ve got the UK 210 beside it and then we’re going to swap it out for the UK 212 where I’m gonna show you how the sound is different. So we’re gonna play the UK 210 in its proper mode and then I’m going to switch it off and put it into let’s say the UK 212 and you’ll notice a difference in the sound in the tone so that’s a big difference.
Then Well Swap Out The Speakers.
This is just to show you how much work. The actual subwoofer is doing in getting the sound right for the top. of the volume level you’re gonna play it out if you’re running it at Unity you’re going to match up really really well so that’s a big plus At the same time. I also mention the type of person is gonna want to buy this now.
If Youre Uk For Fun Or Entertainment And
you know you’re working with crowds around 35 50 people. You know backyard stuff rec rooms you go to friends houses house parties that sort of stuff you’re at college it’s just for fun right. You may want to get two of these you could start with one but you’ll probably end up getting to The 12s are great for the top. If you need more volume or you need more projection for distance then get into the 15s for tops if you’re a band garage band or a band that just plays at a pub. And you’re playing at reasonable levels.
Remember Were Talking About 70 Uk That
sort of thing that’s gonna make a big dramatic difference. The have subs underneath your tops it just gives you a nice full sound. Remember a lot of times. It’s not about how loud you’re playing but how well it sounds and that’s that’s the big difference you know you can always turn up the volume but all you’re gonna do is make things louder you’re not going to make things lower or better.
- speakers just crossover point simple
- speakers uk 208 way
- smart actual subwoofer built match
- watts tx2 series tops altos
- altos gone lot trouble subwoofer
So With The Subwoofer.
You’re definitely going to achieve a much better bottom end without having to compensate with bass and treble on your mixers or on your controllers so that’s a big plus so it’s definitely if you’re looking for a well-rounded you can spend a lot of money on just one top or you can spend a reasonable amount of money. a top and a reasonable amount of money on a subwoofer and end up with a much better package if you’re looking at playing around 70 UK so that’s like twice that’s that’s regular house party level that’s you know that’s what we’re.
12-inch powered subwoofer at 450 watts to go along with their Tx2 series tops . Altos built to match up with their UK series speakers so if you have anything from a UK 208 all the way up to a UK 215.& This speaker will line up with it. It’s gonna sound better if it’s matched up properly with the type of top that’s on it that’s why package that’s like line of race work out so well because they’ve taken the time to engineer the whole thing to work as a package and that’s pretty much what’s going on here so you would think having a subwowoofer that pretty much lined up for their product would be good . It’s something that you wouldn’t think about sub will free there sounds good or doesn’t sound good but it’s gonna sounds good but sounds good if it’s gonna sound good . For more information on this article visit….. Click here to read more and watch the full video