Video Creator’s Channel Car Reviews by KJ

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Ain’t stopping shout out to my notification gang Don’t forget to get that ballerina man hey man Don’t forget to like that video all right so today We’ll be getting some speakers installed on the hellcat I already talked to him. He said it was gonna be a quick job we’re gonna do forearm what is it for four gauge wires. My wife is sitting right here looking at me record kind of weird she can’t. You can’t see her, but it’s cool I’m about to take you out to the trunk. So you can see what’s going on shout out to my wife melissa all right.
- amp
- gauge
- speaker
- speakers
- trouble
My Bad He Had Walked Up To
negotiate the price, and he does negotiate I guess well for me because I’m always I’m a return customer, but I’m at a Vista,_California” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>chula vista audio truly. Vista car audio you always get me right it’s always same day work. I never had to really come back actually bought this amp from them. So today we’re putting in a ceremony vega 1000 wide amp. Then we got the kickers here excuse this a little.
I Dont Know What That Is But
I tried to get it off with some goo gone, but it’s not coming off right now We’ll continue to scrub at that as we go but yeah I’m gonna put it in a factory position as you can see I already put one of them in there it’s sitting there pretty good. I am going to have to get some more screws. Some wider screws because the ones I had just went straight in so I’ll see if he can fill those in but he’s going to run me a base knob a base knob. all the way through into the front so that way I can control the base. I don’t have to worry about like riding by the police or anything like that without getting in trouble.
I Can Just Turn It Off But
yeah We’ll be replacing it man because the Harman Kardon. They sound good but it’s not enough bass. He said it might not sound as good but I’m gonna test the theory I’m gonna see how it sounds I’ve seen a couple other people do it so we’ll see how it come out Yeah so shout out to Omar that’s Omar over there that’s him over there I got on the left come see him let him know Kj sent you he can. He can work some deals with you yeah. We’ll see how this thing come out and I’m also getting him to give me a quote on.
How Much Itll Be To Get My Windshield
tinted and also darken my front windows up here and my wife also needs some some tint on her jeep. So we’ll get a good quote on all of that but yeah Oh so I’m gonna get the amp mounted up here like on the back of the seat. So give me a second. We got a little dirt stick there. We go.
- bought amp today
- 1000 wide amp
- amp today putting ceremony vega
- vega 1000 wide amp
- amp got kickers excuse
Im Gonna Get The The Amp Mounted
on the back of the seat so that way. When I let it down. I can you’ll hear the speakers better and everything and it also it’s just a good place to keep it out the way. So I still have all my storage space that was the main deal. He was like I should get a box, but I don’t want to get a box because if I get a box.
Then Its Going To Take Up Some Of
my my storage space and I don’t want to add too much weight. You know just consider to raise a race car so this weight already factored in and everything these speakers is they’re not that heavy It add a little bit more weight to the to the deck coming to the ground. So that way I can get some traction but yeah I’ll come back when he started putting it in all right. We finally got this thing installed I’ll be playing some Kenny g that’s what I use to study so don’t be roasting me plus I got my iphone recording so I can’t put the music I want to put on. But we’re going to see what this Kenny g hitting on real quick this high sound right here it’s from the outside got a little bit of flex.
Stamp Right There So It Sounds Pretty Good
Got a little flex in it Nothing too crazy you ain’t gonna knock no pictures off the wall or nothing. I’m gonna show y’all what so I I highly recommend doing this if you plan on doing it it is a different day. You know. I finally got to got around and shooting it again.
Im Supposed To Do It So We Can
alright so here go to base knob right here. I got it on like so that’s full I got it kind of like in the middle right there so that way when I turn everything up it’ll come on but let me go to my audio. This is how I got it set up right here so I pretty much got the bass down to like one negative one I got my mids up a little bit in my. Trouble like on four or five so that’s how I normally keep mine set up because I don’t want the bass to hit and plus I don’t want the bass and the other speakers to over not overpower the subs, but I don’t want him to like it to take away from the trouble.
So I Keep My Base Down On
my inside speaker so that way the subs can do his job and you know get the base but that’s pretty much the end of this video. If you like this video please. Don’t forget to hit the like button follow me on instagram if you’re not doing that and we’ll be back with another video Here soon all right y’all at y’all.
Today we’re putting in a ceremony vega 1000 wide amp.& Then we got the kickers here excuse this a little.& I don’t know what that is but I tried to get it off with some goo gone, but it’s not coming off right now. We’ll continue to scrub at that as we go but yeah I’m gonna put it in a factory position as you can see I already put one of them in there it’s sitting there pretty good. I am going to have to get some more screws.& Some wider screws because the ones I had just went straight in so I’ll see if he can fill those in . But he’s going to run me a base knob a base . all the way through into the front so that way I can control the base.& He said it might not sound as good but he’s gonna test the theory, but I’m going to see how it sounds I’ve seen a couple other people do it so we’ll ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video