Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

What Is Going On Base Head Family Thank
you for tuning in to another review over here We have my first a dyer sub this is the KH 501 series Sub-Woofer and we have a carbon fiber dust cap which I think is pretty cool so we know it’s going to be a good video. Let’s get into it how’s it going Youtube thank you for checking in to another video excited to get into another sub review for Y’all now real quick I was at the may mayhem audio show here this past weekend. It was great to get to meet a few of you there and get to demo a couple of vehicles wasn’t a huge show but still was really really neat either now or at the end of the video, I’ll show a few clips from that just so you can kind of see what. We’re working with, but let’s get into the review. Let’s get a quick look up at this thing.
Guys Looks Pretty Neat, Lets Go
ahead and jump into some specs on this guy. Now the regular MsRp on this guy is I believe 249, but Paul over at G2 Dynamics said he would lower the price on this thing to 179. So if you want to get it at that reduced price for all my viewers just click on the link in the description below that is an affiliate link so should you purchase a sub through that link it does really help out the channel, which is awesome it allows me to order all this stuff that I do for Y’all so yeah check out that link if you want to get this at the reduced price, but let’s take a look at the specs here real quick this. Is a 2. 5-inch copper coil non-press paper cone and does have a real carbon fiber dust cap which is really really neat.
I Have This American Base Over Here
which I thought had a real carbon fiber dust cap from the pictures, but then I got it and realized it just has a cheap plastic dust cap so very cool to see actual real one here. Progressive spider with heavy duty lead wires. We’ll show all that in a second. We have a Y35 ferrite magnet 500 watts RMs and you can get this in a dual 2 ohm or a dual 4 ohm. We have some other specs, but let’s go ahead down here to see what Y’all really want to see VFs is 34.
8 Sensitivity Is 84.
69 db. The x-max is 50 millimeters in one direction and of course RMs 500. Here are some other just cutout. Whatnot enough for the specs let’s get a little look up at this guy.
We Of Course Have This Really Really
neat carbon fiber dust cap really just kind of sets this stuff apart. We do have a nice mid-roll surround over here. It is not sewn onto here, but there does seem to be plenty of glue. Then our cone is not the stiffest cone out there but again that’s okay. This is not some crazy spl sub or anything like that This doesn’t look like a stamped steel basket, but we do have a really nice coating and texture on there and then here are our leads.
We Have Single Tinted Leaves That Are
sewn into the spider there and the connections over here do look to be pretty nice Looking into there. We can see our 2. 5 inch copper coil. We of course obviously have some venting. have a nice triple stack motor with a pretty good size, top and bottom plate on her and then we do have some center venting right there so overall a very just simple and clean looking sub that is really what there is to see guys let’s get her in the car.
Were Gonna Of Course Play Some Music
like always just so you can kind of hear how it sounds and see how it moves. Then we’ll do our Db test and our musical RMs test just to see if it is up to par let’s get to it Now I have had the dead game huracan two in here, which is just a beast of a sub-absolutely monstrous has been a great sub again. I’ve had it in here since I made that video that was about two weeks ago and it has given me absolutely no. problems and I have been playing it pretty hard so very very pleased with it, but let’s get it out of here. One thing to note this does have these smaller terminals on it so if you’re putting big wire in here it does not fit all that well of course for a 500 watt Rms sub you don’t need wire anywhere near this big you’d be completely fine with some standard like 14 gauge or something but that is just something.
I Did Want To Make Sure
Y’all were aware of so so Mr. What’s this oh sign up time for the musical RMs test now This thing is rated at 500 watts Rms and I think we’re gonna make it through that no problem, but I guess let’s see what happens for this test. We’re gonna be just playing a normal full-length song keeping it as close to. 500 watts as we can and just see how the sub does we have off these by Jid let’s get to it so always a good thing to make it through the full song. Don’t really smell anything so that’s good and there’s some warmth on the dust cap not a whole lot, but there definitely is a little bit of warmth.
- carbon fiber dust cap think
- video excited sub review
- kh 501 series sub woofer
- specs guy regular msrp guy
- g2 dynamics said lower price
There It Is Nice And Cool Right
around the cone though so it’s just right at tippy top of the dust cap next up let’s do the Db test and see how loud we can get this thing now This box likes to peak at 43 Hertz so that’s what we’ll be doing the test stat let’s start out at low power and see what happens super low power and starting out with a 135.2 348 watts and a 137. 6 that brought it to its max right there. But that was 1700 watts and not bad at all got a 141. 3.
- specs
- msrp
- woofer
- g2
- price
Now The Reason We Are Maxing Out At
such a low power is This box is 2.5 cubic feet. It’s actually a pretty big box. This sub only calls for a 1. 75 cubic foot box.
So When You Have That Much Air Space
inside a box. It just allows the sub to mechanically max out a whole lot easier but still even on pretty low power. We still got into the 140s, which out of a single 12 in a cabin that is this huge that is really not bad at all well guys. Let me know what you think that of course is a dire audio. KH 501 not a bad little sub for sure I really like the motor on it got a nice size motor and I think that that carbon fiber dust cap.
Just Really Gives It That Extra Cool
factor and overall sounded really really nice definitely liked my box, even though it was a little big for it. This box is tuned to 32 Hertz and the sub did sound really good, playing some of those rebased lower songs. So overall the quality of the sub seemed to be pretty good, just overall build quality and sound quality and it got down pretty nicely definitely bumped well again guys, let me know what you think again if you do want to get this sub. There is a link in the description below which of course is an affiliate link that helps out my channel should you purchase it through that link. They said stay tuned for more videos.
We Just Gave Away The Two
black blackbrick BB2 so super super happy about that but we have some more stuff coming in. Here soon to review for Y’all have another dead game sub two of you for you all here soon and I’ve actually ordered a few things as well, and then I also might blow up some more subs coming here too soon. Y’all seem to love the video of me blowing up the two cheapest scars and then throwing them off my workshop. So we may do something like that again here really really soon that’s gonna do it for this video keep basing back in business on we’re back in business to be so so this.
This is the KH 501 series Sub-Woofer and we have a carbon fiber dust cap which I think is pretty cool . The regular MsRp on this guy is I believe 249, but Paul over at G2 Dynamics said he would lower the price on this thing to 179 . Click on the link in the description below that is an affiliate link so should you purchase a sub through that link it does really help out the channel, which is awesome it allows me to order all this stuff that I do for Y’all so yeah check out that link if you want to get this at the reduced price, but let’s take a look at the specs here real quick this.& Is a 2.5-inch copper coil non-press paper cone and does have a real carbon fiber Dust cap which is really really neat . We have a Y35 ferrite magnet 500 watts RMs and you can get this in a dual 2 ohm or a dual 4 ohm.& Progressive spider with heavy duty lead wires…. Click here to read more and watch the full video