Video Creator’s Channel Driven By Gears

All Right Guys So In This Video Were
going to be installing this Rockville 2 8-inch sub-box and it comes with this rock mill as you can see here amp with the wiring kit and all that so that’s what we’re going to start installing today and the honda fit so keep watching all right so just like it is with any amp. We’re going to start with the power wire. First has the fusible link as you see here and a power wire with some conduit here to protect it, but we got to run this thing all the way from the engine battery. So all the way from here and find a place to go through the back, which I kind of seen this spot right here where the rubber boot is. If you can see it to the left, I could probably um go.
Through There So Were Gonna Try To Feed
it around through the back and go all the way down the side here as you can see the mess already half down this trim down the side so let’s see if we can see this boot up here yeah so I can’t see that at all so I would probably have to take the glove box out. I guess to see it so give me a second to get this glove box out. I think we’re taking the glove box out. See how you can see at least the firewall back there. We’ll probably have enough off here to where we can at least find it and then we can start working it down the side here all right so the trick to feed wires through areas that are hard to get to just find a metal clothes hanger and just.
Cut The Hook Part Off With Some Angle
cutters and then just take whatever pliers you can and kind of bend all this straight straight as you can get it and you can leave a little curve in here. If you have to have it so there you go that’d be a nice long straight piece and you’re basically going to use this to poke through your rubber boot. You know halfway through one side and the other and this will help you feed the wire through alright and run that wire through it that’s the problem so there we go there we go all right so you can see there in the back. I fed that through I had to drop the air cleaner housing down so I could get my hand in there to reach through it. So all we’re going to do is tie this end of.
This Cable Through This And Were Gonna Pull
it through and that will get us going on the hot cable for this amp install. If you’re having trouble running it through and it keeps falling out. You can kind of do this number. Like this make a little hook and then tape it and then you basically just pull the hook through and it won’t fall off on you all right so the next part of this process you’re basically going to install This fusible link that came with the kit so make sure when you take these covers off you put it on first or you’ll end up messing it up. So basically you’re just going to cut a little chunk off to kind of go from one end to there to this so we’re just going to clean cut it we’ll just take off about like that let.
Me Get The Wire Strippers So Basically
just strip this wire and then you’re going to take this and feed it through then this here it has an allen so you just find a little Allen unscrew it like that stick it in until she’s nice and secure slide that back up get your clear cover and then that thing should be waterproof. So now we got that in and basically you’re going to do the same thing to this other end. After you figure out where you want to hook this up at so we’re going to strip both ends of this one do so you’re gonna stick that in there make sure it can’t come loose stick your rubber back on cap. Then on this end we’re going to put the terminal in there we go hopefully Y’all can see that cover it up with your little boot. And then this side is ready to hook up wherever you want to hook it up at now.
Were Going To Wait And Hook This
up until we got stuff on the inside ready because it’ll be a hot wire, and we don’t want it ready for hot so we got that other end where we need it so let’s go back into the vehicle so what I did I took some of this conduit um let’s see if I can get the light on here and I run it all the way down it just in here because it’s in the engine bay all the way to that grommet as you can see and basically I’m gonna be just hooking it up right here to my little terminal so that’s where we’re at right there and we’ll use some of this conduit the rest of it on the inside. here right around underneath the pedals and stuff where it’s going to come across and once we go down in through this track. We won’t worry about covering it up in there so here you run your RCa cables and your remote down through here because we’re going to run all these together down the side and then also this um Ethernet looking cable that goes to this space booster We’re gonna run it down at two so um that’s where we’re at there we’re gonna start tying all these together down here and then running them across so UK UK UK UK UK UK all right so let me show y’all kind of where I attached this stuff at as you can see there we came across make sure you tie everything away from your little steering. We came all the way across right in here and then we’re. Coming down through the side and we’re just going to run all this all the way back all right, so we finally made it back here to the trunk.
The First Thing Im Going To Do Is
screw this here on the back of this box in a nice easy location here all right all right so the next piece of the puzzle here is going to be to do this ground wire so basically you find you a good spot with metal to hook this up to um so so you all right so I think I found a place under the seat here. I can hook up as long as the bolts are not too big matter of fact. I might just drill a hole on the side of this bracket hook it right up to it so let me get a drill bit shouldn’t affect the seat. And all that you all right so the next thing you want to hook up is your speaker wires of course and on these just try to get your polarity where it should be so you can see how this side has red so we’re gonna stick it in the red one here UK UK all right so as you can see here we have our ground remote 12 volt speakers. This side we have the RCa the remote and speakers so that’s about it for up here everything else will tidy it up and should be back up at the radio all right so the simplest way to wire up a radio is with these little shrinkable splices with the solder sleeve in the middle so I just slide them all on on all my wires on this one I’m using the red ones here as you can see.
Here Its Like A Whole Kit But You
can get on amazon. There’s fairly cheap and it’s way faster than trying to do those crimp ones. NK] and basically. This is for the Honda fit but you can see how they’re all color coded to pretty much the same so that is all we’re gonna now these I’m actually going to wait and do because I got a remote wire in the car so let’s see if I can get these two together so let me get my little heat source all right so we’ll start off with I guess this yellow one now you give it a little bit before you kind of let it go because it will be kind of soft still so UK UK UK UK so basically that’s all there is to it to soldering these super quick and take long at all all righty. righty guys so this is what it looks like in the trunk here and man does she thump good man.
- wiring
- wire
- conduit
- amp
- wired
- sub box comes rock amp
- rockville inch sub box
- installing today honda fit watching
- amp going start power wire
- installing today honda
Im Really Impressed As For Now
and stop this from sliding around until I build some brackets. I’m just gonna do the old hillbilly special there stop that from sliding around so every time we turn the corner so but man it hits good and I put my little base switch like right here right in that hole fit just perfect everything’s wrapped back up man it hits so good all right guys so here she is in all her former glory. I’m gonna play a Youtube video so I won’t get demonetized and Y’all can hear the song here. This thing kicks so good so it’s good yeah that does it for this video here now I was really surprised how well that thing hits but that this.
Is A Hatchback So Such A
small space in the back, you know it really makes it thump even harder. You could probably if you cranked it up high enough. You could probably almost blow a wind out, but we’re not gonna test it yep that’s about it for this video here for that install basically got everything all wired up and all that so she should last me a long time so thanks for watching thanks for tuning in till next time.
All right guys so In this video we’re going to be installing this Rockville 2 8-inch sub-box and it comes with this rock mill as you can see here amp with the wiring kit and all that . The trick to feed wires through areas that are hard to get to just find a metal clothes hanger and just cut the hook part off with some angle cutters and then just take whatever pliers you can and kind of bend all this straight straight . As you can’t see that at all so I would probably have to take the glove box out.& I guess to see it so give me a second to get this glove box .& I fed that throuel through one side and the other and this will help you feed the wire through alright and run that wire through it that’s the problem so there we go there . There we go . There is no way to see at least the firewall back there in the back.& See how you can the firewall…. Click here to read more and watch the full video