Video Creator’s Channel Lance’s Auto Vlog

Hello And Thank You For Coming Back
to the channel. This is lance from Nasa‘s Autovlog once again coming back with another video um so we have this toyota phone we’ve done already once I said I’ve done it. We’ve done it already and what we did was Originally is. We put a Audison bit 10 in here a Audison five channel in here and we did a um upgrades. I heard speakers in the dash here with tweeters six by nines then some deadening.
We Did Some Rear Back Speakers,
some hurts in the rear some shinto so everything in this car is shinto pros everything except for the rear hatch. It was a factory speaker and the weakest link in this whole system was the subwoofer the JBl sub, so our advice to the customer was. He really wanted to keep the original sub because he thought it. Would be pretty decent. His budget was so so much, but we kept telling him hey it’s possible that you got throughout that sub and then once we got everything set up and tuned.
It Was A Sub That Weakest
link so yeah as you can see we’ve got the factory Jbl sub here and we’re going to upgrade to the Hertz. So this is the brand new Hertz Melee Pro Mps 250 1000 watts rated We’re going to do this in a universal box trump trunk style box. The woofer is recommended space was i think. 65. This is similar close we’re going to work within the primer is that because the customer wants something to get detached.
In This Case.
Typically we would build something in here to replace the stock woven, but we’re gonna do this so let’s go as far as unboxing the sub and see. See what we got here so when you get this? This is the millipro MPs250. This is the two ohm version 10-inch shallow woofer um let’s see like I said it’s rated at 1000 watts. So this is what you get in the box.
Lets Open The Box Up It Comes With
a cutout so you can cut this out to get your hole. If you don’t already have it in that box. You’re going to get the shot shaker the manual for the new melee pro so they’re going to make this at a 10 and a 12 shallow you get the cover for the protection. You also get to a removal message give you instructions on how to remove the mesh that’s cool and you get the woofer and you get the hardware to mount the woofers even the screws and everything that goes with it okay. So let’s unwrap So so let’s unwrap the woofer and see what it looks like so we got this woofer unpacked out of plastic and as you can see it comes with a metal grill, which a lot of woofers they sell the grille separately so them selling giving you the woof the grill that makes it really convenient for how you mount it as you can see it.
S Got A Vented Pull Piece Event Im
sorry a vented um vent in the actual diaphragm here you could actually see the voice coil and that’s really cool. You can also see the spider here and you can see it’s all part of one enclosure there’s no there’s no vent in the pole piece here so you can actually mount that one for flush with the whatever box you build or whatever box you’re using and then you have your push. Pin connectors here and it’s also got the foam padding on the bottom of the box. So you can mount it to a flatter surface. Let me see if I can pull this grille off real quick so one thing.
- rear hatch factory speaker
- jbl sub advice customer really
- deadening did rear speakers
- speakers hurts rear shinto
- factory jbl sub going upgrade
I Did Find Out As A Secret Instructions
say that there’s a notch in the grill located by the hertz logo. And this is true so when you want to pull that grille out you’re just going to put a screwdriver into the lay right here and then pop that grill off here and you can see the notch when there’s no other notch on that panel anywhere you go there’s no other notch on there so that’s the only notch so it’s located at the bottom location on the left as you can see the dust caps on top um it’s a pretty stout woofer It’s pretty stiff um. I know people say it’s compared to some other brand a or brand B or brand C but to me. This woofer looks like it’s pretty aggressive as it is with a big control magnet on it and I’m interested to see how it’s gonna perform now. I’ve done this woofer in a different enclosure actual custom box we did for another customer with a forerunner and we found that you know as the woofer broke in it actually performed better in the long run.
- subwoofer
- speakers
- speaker
- woofers
- rear
The Car Came Back For A Couple
of readjustments and man that woofer just hammered. So I’m willing to bet I’m going to get the same results if not similar results Because I think this box is slightly bigger than the one we use so we’re going to fill up a polyfill and load the warframe and see how it works now the customer does. want to re-tune so it’s going to be some re-tuning involved and we’ll go from there so we got the woofer loaded into the box. I had to do a little rewiring because I ran the woofer in series. So basically I had to rewire the woofer to make it play obviously not in series because it’s a single voice call driver um and now I play it it’s actually really really good.
This Is Like Damn Good Well
for when it comes down to it. I’ll play one track here maybe two we’ll go from there. Oh no try this right sounds really good for the single 10 inch holder so I changed the crossover point for the front speakers to about 80 hertz to 24 db per octave and then I rolled the sub over to 70 hertz at 12 db per octave. Now it’s frequencies as far.
Points You Could Play With And
it gives you different results. So I always say recommend play with crosshair points. I like 24 on front speakers and rear speakers, but that’s just one of my rule of thumbs, but when it comes to sub 12 and 24 you’ve kind of got to play with on the subside and you’ll get you’ll find it works differently depending on what you’re trying to do in the car, so please continue to watch stay tuned for the next video peace.
Lance from Nasa’s Autovlog once again coming back with another video . This is lance from the Nasa’s Autoovlog channel . We’ve done it already and what we did was Originally is. We put a Audison bit 10 in here . We did some rear back speakers, some hurts in the rear some shinto so everything in this car is shinto pros everything except for the rear hatch . We’re going to upgrade to the brand new Hertz Melee Pro Mps 250 1000 watts rated . Lance unboxed the subwoofer in a universal box trump trunk style box . He says the woofer is recommended space was i think.& . We are going to work within the primer is that because the customer wants something to get detached from the box. Lance also gets the shot shaker the manual for the new melee pro so it’s going to make thiis to the new mayhem pro so they’re going…. Click here to read more and watch the full video