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Car Audio Is An Intimidating Arena For
newbies to enter? Have you ever wondered? What’s the best way to match your subs in your amplifiers and have you spent countless hours reading blog posts trying to figure out your system. I get asked about it every single day. Hey James what’s a good amp for the sub. What’s a good subwoofer for this amp Can I use two subwoofers for the same joy need an amp for each subwoofer Does this amp have enough power for the sub is this too powerful for that why are you always yelling but there’s no better feeling than building your own system. The way you wanted this is going to be fairly technical so pay attention take notes do whatever you gotta do Hey James why are you wearing a cardigan because I’m a professor and you’re gonna learn today I got time.
Today, When Matching Subwoofers And Amplifiers There Are
four main points To consider first the rated RMs power input of the subwoofer or subwoofers. Second. The final impedance resistance in ohms of a single sub or multiple subs wired together at the amplifier. Third, the type of amplifier you are using monoblock to channel, etc. In the fourth is the type of enclosure for your system.
Our Ms Ratings Are The Measure
of continuous power that the subwoofer can accept you may see it sometimes listed as thermal power handlingNK] power is code for the maximum amount of power in watts that the speaker or subwoofer can dissipate as heat and sound without damaging the voice coil. Coil plenty of manufacturers overwrite their max power input and broadcast it everywhere, but it’s much more accurate to use the UK rating to determine the right amplifier, and although max power is a sexy number, it really only represents quick bursts of power not sustained power. For example, the UK drive K 912 D 4 is a powerful 4-ohm sub-woofer and has a max power output of 2,000 watts, but realistically that is only sustainable for 1 or 2 seconds. If you look at its UK input rating, you’ll see it’s 1,000 watts, which is a much more accurate display of its power manufacturers throw the max in your face just try to ignore it for your system. You’ll want to mesh the UK input rating of the subwoofer or subwoofers to that of the UK amplifier output that you have chosen.
Youll Also Need To Make.
sure that your amplifier will output this at the impedance that you have wired your subwoofers at. When dealing with multiple subwoofers combine the UK input rating of them to 350 watt 10-inch subwoofers will need 700 watts combined a rule of thumb that we use is to overlay your amplifier by about 10 to 20 percent. It’s okay to learn a little bit more or a little bit less power, but there are trade-offs to each an easy way to match a subwoofer with an amp is to use a little math multiply the subs rating by 120% and 90% to get the power range of the amp that is needed to 350 watt. NK] subs together need a total of 700 watts UK and am putting out between 630 watts to 840 watts UK will do now let’s talk about those trade-offs a slightly underpowered amp we’re.
Its Maximum Output Will Begin To Output Excessive
distortion. This distortion causes a large increase and heat at the voice coil eventually causing damage. So if you are under powering your enclosure understand what distortion sounds like and back the volume down when you here to prevent speaker damage. The reason we recommend a more powerful amp is for Headroom having a slightly overpowered amp also allows the amp to run cooler and with more reserve power and as we stated heat is a killer sustained periods of input power exceeding a thermal limit of the subwoofer will cause the voice coil to fail. You’re still with me if not rewind and watch it again.
I Dont Have Time To Go Over This
more than once just pay attention Jesus right now let’s move on to impedance. Impedance is the electrical characteristic of a speaker that restricts or impedes the. flow of current and is measured in ohms. If you have no idea what the guy just said Don’t worry just pay attention to the numbers it will become clear in a minute the problem. Most people have with subwoofer and speaker impedances is how to combine them when using more than one driver or if the driver is equipped with dual voice coils.
The Impedance Directly Affects The Load Of
the amplifier. Not the power requirement of the driver. The amplifiers have output ratings. Those ratings will show different power outputs at different output loads. Let’s say we have an amplifier with a max rating of 300 watts at one channel at 4 ohms and 700 watts by one channel at 2 ohms.
This Means The Largest Load You
can place on the amp is 2 ohms, so wiring your subwoofers to one ohm will either cause the amp. to immediately go into protect mode what will cause the amP to get excessively hot and cook itself larger resistance in ohms equals a smaller load at the amplifier or less heat generated by the amp. The trade-off of the smaller load is less power output from the amp. For example, an amplifier will usually double its output at 2 ohms compared to 4 ohms, but the amp will run much hotter as it’s being asked to work harder so why not just wire my subs to 1 ohm then and get insane bass well. If this amp was rated from 1 ohm loads, we would do exactly that but it’s not depending on the amount of subs and how you wire them you’ll need to match the final wired impedance of the subs to that of the power output rating of the amp at your wired impedance for example.
Kicker Cxa 1200 Point 1 Mono Block
amplifier has an armed astray ting of 1200 watts at 2 ohms and 600 watts at 4 ohms. When combining more than one subwoofer. You’ll need to figure out their impedance wired in series or parallel to match your amp. In this example, let’s use two two own single voice coil subwoofers with an UK of 500 watts each wiring. These in parallel will give you a 1 ohm load wired in series.
Theyll Give You A 4 Ohm Load.
So based on this you know that this amplifier wouldn’t be the greatest match for the 500 watt subwoofers. We need 1000 watts now what’s up should you get instead Y’all took calculus right we’ll take 1200 watts times 0. 9 or 90% from the base of the Headroom. This leaves us with 1080 watts, so if we purchased two subwoofers that had a rating of 450 to 500 watts each and were single voice coil four ohm not two ohm wired In parallel they would match perfectly to our amp, but what if the subwoofers you wants are only offered in dual voice coil, How do you figure out what subwoofers you need dual two ohm or dual 4-ohm Two dual voice coil 2 ohm subwoofers can be set up to have each of their voice coils wired in series making each woofer 4 ohms.
Then Each Woofer Can Be Paralleled Equaling
a 2 ohm load. They can also be wired in a 4-way parallel for a half ohm load. Ok you still with me good if not I don’t care I’m moving on what do you want me to do come hold your hand and walk you. With drawings now, how do you select an amplifier amps range from one channel model blocks all the way up to five and six channels. A mono block is generally the best option when powering multiple subwoofers.
Theyre Designed To Output Tons Of Power
at low impedances. A 2 or 4-channel amp can also be used, but they are usually limited in their power output. In their impedance capabilities by bridging channels. You effectively combined the output of two channels. So a 4 channel becomes a 2 channel and a two.
Chillen Becomes A Mono Amp, But
yet again. There are trade-offs. Most 2 in 4 channel amps. In bridged mode cannot accept a load lower than 4 ohms. Some full range Class D amps allow for lower loads, but Class A bees are the most common.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- amplifiers
- amplifier
- amps
The Reason For This Is In Bridged Mode.
Each output channel of. amplifier is seeing half the load, so they for own load. Half of the British amplifier is seeing 2 ohms. A monoblock can push any number of subs as long as the minimum impedance is not exceeded and the output power matches up to the subwoofers or speakers.
You Are Powering.
For example, you can wire 3-2 ohm dual voice coil subwoofers to a final impedance of 1 point 3 4 ohms or 3 ohms, then you just calculate the UK input power required for the subs. All added together to match the output of the amplifier. When trying to make a buying decision choose an amplifier that is UK 2006 compliant. This certifies that your amplifiers power output rings are real power numbers not inflated marketing ratings.
Lets Do Something Fun.
Let’s build a system from scratch remember you want to match the RMs and impedance we’ll start. With one of my favorite amps Rockford Fosgate P 1000 X 1 UK monoblock, which will output 1000 watts UK at 1 ohm. 600 watts UK at 2 ohms and 300 Watts at 4 ohms. So what size woofers do we want Do we want some 15 some twelves or some tens.
How About We Get Crazy And
do 4 12-hour An player can output 1000 watts UK at 1 ohm. This means we want to look for 250 watt UK subwoofers. In this system we will use the p1 s for 12 s we’ll wire these in parallel giving our amplifier a 1 ohm load for our 1000 watt output boom perfect match. These are a match made in car audio heaven what about if you want 3 subs with this amp. The Rockford P–10 inch subwoofer is a 300 watt UK subwoofer so three of these.
- good subwoofer amp
- rms power input subwoofer subwoofers
- sub multiple subs wired amplifier
- subwoofer does amp power
- amp use subwoofers joy need
Need 900 Watts Uk But Do
we need the dual tool or the dual 4-ohm. We want our amplifier to run at 1 ohm. Because at that load the amp will put out 1000 watts, which one of these will get us the 1 ohm load. If we choose to dual 4–ohm model the P2 D 410. We can only load the amplifier at 6 ohms or 2.
67 Ohms And That Isnt Going To Work.
If we choose the P2 D–tens. We can load the amp at one point 3 4 ohms or 3 ohms again and a perfect match with the P1000 x1 B D see you guys. This isn’t that hard so how do you know what kind of system is right for you the sub in amp you need depends on what you listen to in the amount of base you want it’s all personal. no rules if you plan on listening to music at moderate volume levels or have a smaller car.
A Subwoofer With A Lower Power Handling Say
100 to 250 watts and a matching amp is a good combo subwoofer. Enclosures also play a huge part in the amount of output. A system will have there’s some other important things to keep in mind. Like port enclosures requires subsonic filters and sealed enclosures benefit from more robust amps, but we will leave all of that for another video let’s go.
Car audio is an intimidating arena for newbies to enter? Have you ever wondered? What’s the best way to match your subs in your amplifiers and have you spent countless hours reading blog posts trying to figure out your system. What’s a good amp for the subwoofer for this amp? Can I use two subwoofers for the same joy need an amp for each subwoiner? What is the final impedance resistance in ohms of a single sub or multiple subs wired together at the amplifier. In the fourth is the type of enclosure for your system, and what’s the type the enclosure you are using monoblock to channel . For example, the UK drive K 912 D 4 is a powerful 4-ohm sub-woofer and has a max power output of 2,000 watts, but realistically that is only sustainable for 1 or 2 seconds, but it’s only sustainable to be sustainable for one or two seconds . We use the UK rating to determine the right amplifier…. Click here to read more and watch the full video