Video Creator’s Channel DIY Audio Guy

What Ive Got Here Is A Really Big Box.
This is the Velva audio systems BSaP212. This is a powered subwoofer enclosure with a pair of twelves well first of all it’s packaged really well. There’s some damage kind of a bummer. I hope the enclosure itself isn’t damaged but it is double boxed, which is nice.
Ive Done Several Reviews Of Prefab Subwoofer Enclosures
and oftentimes they only come in a single box. They’re wooden boxes. How much packing material do you actually need so this one right here though because it’s kind of odd shaped. I think it needs a little more packing material let’s spin it around here all right there’s the money shot, so I’m really happy with the packaging. It had lots of foam on the corners and across the top to protect it in shipping.
Ive Gotten A Lot Of Enclosures That
didn’t even. have that so I’m glad They went through the extra trouble to spend a little extra money on the packaging. I got a little piece of plastic over it to protect it from any moisture during shipping. I think that’s important as well and what we’ve got are a pair of twelves. There are some minor fit and finish issues.
Here Keep Your Eyes Peeled For This Small
box right here that box has the owner’s manual the plugs for the speaker level inputs. The 3. 5 millimeter cable for the remote base knob and the remote base knob. Now that knob is made out of metal not plastic so good job, Sonic electronics and Belva for not cheaping out and giving us a metal base knob now for those who don’t know. Sonic Electronics has a couple of different house brands and Belva is one of their house brands.
is their entry level budget house brand You’ve probably heard of their higher end house brand NVX They’ve also got a fitness brand called Victor Fitness. The guys out at Sonic Electronics sent me this subwoofer to review So I’m gonna give you the full breakdown. I’m gonna take it apart. I’m going to do some measuring the cool thing about getting a product from a company is.
I Dont Feel Bad Taking It Apart.
So I didn’t spend any money on it and if you wanted to buy one of these things well, you wouldn’t ever take it apart because you’re going to hook it up and use it. But before we do that let’s talk a little bit about this subwoofer enclosure. So you can kind of understand what it is and what it’s all about one of the things you’ve got to keep in mind is this. is an entry-level product This enclosure which includes an amplifier two subwoofers and of course the enclosure itself is only 250 bucks and right now if you’re if you’re watching this in the tail end of 2021, there’s a black friday sale, so you can get 15 off of this thing.
So For Under 250 Bucks.
You can get some bass in your ride and you would be hard pressed to find the parts to put together to to replicate. This you can go on sonic electronics website and find the exact same subwoofers that are in the enclosure an inexpensive amplifier that’s the same brand as the enclosure and just a generic subwoofer enclosure and it would actually be more expensive and so this is kind of handy because it’s all in one package. One of the main advantages of a system like this with the built-in amplifier is. Don’t need to find a place to mount the amplifier, so it makes the installation just a little bit easier, but there are a couple other things.
You Need To Be Aware Of Before
you go and buy this and it’s the kind of thing that an entry-level car audio consumer might not think about well what do I mean by that well. I mean two things you’re going to need signal and you’re going to need power. If you don’t have signal and power. You won’t be able to hook this thing up so make sure that when you’re ordering the products you go ahead and get yourself an amplifier wiring kit now. This only accepts eight gauge wire.
I Recommend That You Go Ahead And Spend
the extra money to get eight gauge copper wire. I have a wire calculator that I use to figure out what size. That I need and it looks like you’re really going to have to go with copper wire In this case you can download this calculator. I’ll show you how to get to that a little bit. Later the manufacturer says that this is a 360 watt RMs amplifier.
Were Going To Take It Apart A Little
bit and look at the internals of the amplifier and see if we can figure out what its power rating actually is so make sure you keep watching so you can see that hey why don’t we go ahead and pull it apart right now and see what’s going on behind this amplifier plate all right. So I’m not an amp guru so i’m not 100 certain what I’m looking at here. There is a fuse right here and so if you were to blow the fuse a few screws and you can have. That fuse out this is a 40 amp fuse. You know the old rule of thumb multiply by 10.
- subwoofer enclosure kind understand things
- generic subwoofer enclosure actually expensive
- subwoofer enclosure pair twelves packaged
- website exact subwoofers enclosure inexpensive
- reviews prefab subwoofer enclosures oftentimes
If Its Got A 40 Amp Fuse Multiply
that by 10. We should expect 400 watts. This thing says max 840 340 Rms and so I think that their power rating is a fairly decent power rating as far as the accuracy goes. So I’m happy to see that it has a 40 amp fuse inside of it. The mosfets the chips to actually do the amplifying are up here and so this nice big piece of aluminum is going to be our heatsink.
Im Looking For Anything On The Board
that will kind of give me an idea what it is so I can try to Google RTP series AmP revision 1.2, so when I Googled RTP series AmP what I got was the first hit was actually sonic electronics. Web page and it was this right here. It’s an MTX road Thunder series. This was a two-channel amp so I wonder if it’s using the same board as the rode Thunder amps from MTX.
If You Know More About These Amplifiers,
you can tell me about it down in the comments. I’d love to learn more about this amp and and what it is and where it came from how about if we grab some test gear and check out the subwoofers and since we have access to the speaker leads we can do all kind of cool testing with it grab our multimeter set it to ohms for measuring the resistance and we see that the nominal resistance is 2. 2. So this is wired in parallel to 2 ohms, so they’re a pair of 4-ohm drivers let’s go ahead and hook it up to the dats next. Do an impedance sweep and see what we get looks like we’re getting something really close to 20 Hertz, which is a pretty low tuning frequency.
Its Not What I Would Have Expected.
Maybe I’ve hooked something up wrong. I did take the subwoofers out before I did this maybe I didn’t get them screwed down properly. When I put them back in so I’m not sure what to make of that let’s take the woofers back off and take a good look inside the enclosure and see if we can figure out what’s going on. These screws have these little bushings on them.
I Thats Cool.
I like that first thing I want to point out speaker wire decent size gauge speaker wire for the power. They took the time to rapid antesetate so that’s that’s good news they did solder on the connections. I like that it’s a. good solid connection! It looks like when they installed the screws in originally that they did have a little bit of a blowout Here.
They Do Put Some Sheets Of
polyfill in here and there’s the port here All right got the second woofer off. We can see that they are paralleled and soldered together that’s cool again there’s the tested tape on the wire. This wire also has tested tape on it as well so that’s good. There is a brace. The amplifier itself is going to be sitting in its own separate chamber.
Theres The Hole Where The Wire Came Through
for the amplifier. You can see right here behind the port the seam, where they did that nice round over on the exterior you can see they did a good job of sealing that as well so they did a fantastic job. You can see the caulk. right here, but they went through the extra trouble to caulk it up properly on the inside so overall. I think they did a perfectly good job of constructing the enclosure.
Even Though It Is An Inexpensive Enclosure.
They did go through the trouble to put some bracing inside of it and build it right. The port of course is a cardboard tube and that is perfectly fine for a low power application. Like this they did go through the trouble to support the port. You can see here as a port support that port support actually wraps around the back side of the port and holds it in place here as well.
So Thats Thats Good Its Like A Triangle
that fits in there as far as the port itself. Let’s see if we can get an idea how long that port is so the port was about 21. inches in total length and looked to be about three inches in diameter and of course it has those flares on the end now a little bit ago. I showed my dad’s result and said that hey this thing’s kind of tuned lower than I expected. It was tuned around 20 hertz and so I’m thinking it might actually be tuned that low because it does have a pretty large port for the diameter.
We Can Just Go To The
website for precision ports and they have a calculator that will tell you roughly what your tuning is when you have a flared port so let’s check that out so I don’t really know what the volume of the box is. I can’t find specifications for that it being a pair of twelves that could be anywhere from you know around two cubic feet or more so let’s say that. We’ve got two and a half cubic feet just to have something to work with let’s say it is tuned to 21 hertz and let’s say we do have a three-inch port. We hit the calculate button and we’re getting a flare length of 17. 85 inches to get a tuning frequency of 20 Hertz.
- enclosures
- enclosure
- packaging
- subwoofer
- cardboard
Thats The Total Length Of The
port and the flare is what this is so if this is a two-cubic foot box or to be a bit on the small side. We get a 22-inch long port flares included so it’s probably perfectly reasonable to think that this thing might actually be tuned that low I’m a little bit surprised by that actually I was afraid. I was going to crack. This thing open and have a tiny little six-inch long port. Now it’s going to tell you that it’s tuned to.
Some Crazy 40 Hertz Number And Therefore Not
really useful for bass, but it seems to be tuned actually quite low. Maybe even a little bit too low. I would have tuned it a bit higher if it were me.
The Velva audio systems BSaP212 is a powered subwoofer enclosure with a pair of twelves . Sonic Electronics has a couple of different house brands and Belva is one of their house brands. This& is their entry level budget house brand. You’ve probably heard of their higher end house brand NVX. They’ve also got a fitness brand called Victor Fitness. The guys out at Sonic Electronics sent me this subwowoofer to review So I’m gonna give you the full breakdown.& I think it needs a little more packing material let’s spin it around here all right there’s the money shot, so I’m really happy with the packaging. It had lots of foam on the corners and across the top to protect it in shipping. The 3.5 millimeter cable for the remote base knob is made out of metal not plastic not plastic so good job, Sonic electronics.& Now that knob is for not cheaping out and giving us a metal base knob…. Click here to read more and watch the full video