Video Creator’s Channel Shane Lee

Whats Up Guys Today Were Gonna Take A Look
at a pair of UK UK 92 subwoofers now before we get these unboxed if you’re new to the channel and love home theater UK or new movies, then be sure to tap the subscribe button for new weekly videos Alright let’s see what’s in the box inside the box. We get a power cord and here we have a high-level input adapter Now. This is a tiny little subwoofer. It’s a totally sealed enclosure measuring twelve point nine inches wide by thirteen point eight inches high by fourteen inches deep, and it’s a stout 44 pounds. It’s got a shiny gloss finish with an impeccable build quality up front.
Youll Find Only The Uk Logo While
on each side are dual opposed side firing nine inch drivers. The cones are a hybrid aluminum / paper pulp and there are very. Now both of the drivers are active and powered each by their own 500 watt Class D amplifier. Since these are opposed drivers, they’ll cancel out any internal cabinet vibrations. TheNK] 92 was rated down to 11 Hertz, which sounds really impressive for such a tiny subwoofer around back is the expansion port.
A Variable Crossover From 40 To
140 Hertz. The volume knob an elephant able UK presets a face which had either 0 or 180 degrees. So it isn’t variable a ground lift switch which is used in case you’re hearing any type of hum here’s the high level input if you want to wire these right to your speaker’s only issue is the adapter is so small you’re limited Towe think of a cable you can use next to that is the unbalanced line inputs. They’re selectable high-pass filters and line outputs and underneath that is. the main power switch and the UK input for setup I’ll be hooking both subwoofers up using the UK input using an unbalanced UK cable I’m a little surprised.
There Isnt A Balanced Uk In At This
price point, but it is what it is Both subs are going to be hooked up to at rental of altitude 16 and I’ll be using as a UK Pro-4k media player to playback any content. The subwoofers are also going to be paired with Bowers Wilkins UK series speakers in my dedicated theater. I’ll be turning off any room correction in the processor and using only what’s available on the subwoofers to make any adjustments for listening purposes. I’ve only tested these with movies first being My Go-to for 20/20 Midway on 4K Blu-ray.
Its Got A Demo Worthy At
most mix with the crazy sustained peak at about 28. Hertz it happens during the first aerial attack when that little girl is playing outside if I didn’t tell you which subwoofer was playing you might think it was this giant 18 inches Kendo sub doing all the work surprisingly enough. Two of these UK 92s blew my mind at how low they can go and how hard they shook my theater. You would not think all of the space was coming from these little cubes. I’m gonna go ahead and say it the extension kind of seemed as good as my UK 16s next up.
I Threw In Interstellar On 4K Blu-Ray.
This movie has some crazy peaks at 30 and around 55. Hertz. It’s also got one of the best musical scores. So I wanted to see how well they integrated with my speakers and handled Hans Zimmer’s work.
Im Still Amazed At How Great The Uk
92s. The shuttle takeoff. They’re able to play painfully loud, but still remain clear at louder than normal listening levels. If you crank the volume to hard. You can make them run out of steam and get a little sloppy, but we’re talking about levels that will make listening to an entire movie very unenjoyable.
The Wormhole Scene Is Another Subwoofer
killer with organ notes that drop intensely low, but plays extremely loud. It’s one of the redeeming qualities of this mix. It starts off subtle, but slowly swells up to deafening levels is beyond a dream it. The UK subwoofers did a stellar job handling the dynamic swings and they also have some fantastic musical prowess. It played those low rumbling background notes that heightens the soundstage and expands everything outwards now to test how fast and punchy.
These Subwoofers Are I Had To Throw
in fury on 4k blu-ray. Already know the type of slam you’re going to get when those tanks start shooting well. I figured since they sounded so good with the interstellar musical score. They’d be equally impressive with a quick loud tank fire. They’re fast they’re quick it’s like being slapped in the face.
Its Sealed Subwoofer Goodness Last But Not
least is edge of tomorrow. Everyone knows the first few seconds plays down to infrasonic levels its space that you feel rather than here so let’s see what these tiny little enclosures can handle they didn’t do bad. I didn’t get any single-digit hair-raising response But I wasn’t expecting that you kind of need a bigger box to move a lot of air and these little guys just can’t cut it that being said there’s still plenty of extension down low. I think if you’ve never felt infrasonic sfrom this movie, then you probably would have never known it was there and you’d still be blown away by the sheer output from the calf’s. At the time of this video, a single UK 92 retails for $2,000.
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- amplifier
- speakers
- enclosures
I Know Many Of You Are Gonna Say
you can pick up a much bigger subwoofer from Brand UK or R. But these subs aren’t for the folks that want a gigantic commercial grade subwoofer in their house. It’s near that level of performance just hidden away in a tiny package its small and unassuming and can compete with subwoofers many times their. can sound just as good and even in some respects sounding even better than those bigger subs now to be fair. I was getting knockout performance in my listening space.
- good tier subwoofer really
- 92 subwoofers unboxed new
- deafening levels dream uk subwoofers
- pair uk uk 92 subwoofers
- subwoofer performance small package uk
I Dont Have The Biggest Room And We
know that the room plays a big role. In the kind of response. You can expect to get so depending on the type of room. You have these subs can either sound better or worse than what I’ve experienced. If you’ve got a large space, then one or two subs might not be able to move as much air to shake your room like I said with the interstellar.
If You Play These Too Loud You Can
make them sound a bit sloppy, but these are levels you wouldn’t want to sit through for an entire two hour movie. You’ll just have to give these a listen for yourself as mentioned before. I was surprised. There were no UK inputs at this price point for two thousand dollars. Just having unbalanced UK ends isn’t good enough.
This Is A Top Tier Subwoofer And
should really have top tier connections. So maybe in the next version, we’ll see that happen well that about wraps it up. I think if you want large subwoofer performance in a small package. The UK 92 is gonna be a hard act to follow it’s an amazing home theater subwoofer and will also sound fantastic in a two-channel music setup. It’s quick and responsive and punches well above its physical size.
Its Now My Favourite Small Sized
subwoofer and even something I contemplate keeping for myself so what are your thoughts on the UK UK 92 have you heard it and how do you think it sounds. Also why is it that we never hear about kept subwoofers. A comment and let us know as always guys thanks for watching. If you found this video useful, then give it a like and if you’re not a subscriber, then tap the subscribe button and we’ll see you guys again in the next video.
The NK] 92 subwoofers were rated down to 11 Hertz, which sounds really impressive for such a tiny subwoofer around back is the expansion port . The volume knob an elephant able UK presets a face which had either 0 or 180 degrees . Both subs are going to be hooked up to at rental of altitude 16 and I’ll be using as a UK Pro-4k media player to playback any content . The subwowoofe is a totally sealed enclosure measuring twelve point nine inches wide by thirteen point eight inches high by fourteen inches deep, and it’s a stout 44 pounds . It’s got a shiny gloss finish with an impeccable build quality up front and the drivers are active and powered each by their own 500 watt Class D amplifier . The subs are a hybrid aluminum / paper pulp and there are very. There isn’t a balanced UK in at this price point, but I’m a little surprised. Both subs will be hooking up using an unbalanced UK cable…. Click here to read more and watch the full video