Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

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checking in to a another audio video for Y’all again today we are in the Kicker series and this is probably the most requested sub for the Kicker series. Of course the Kicker Comp r in my opinion one of the best value overall Kicker subs you can get stay tuned thank you all so much for checking in again guys so if you saw the other videos first we had the regular comp and then the comp c and then the comp vr so next up. We have this guy right here and then we’re gonna just keep on going getting bigger and better with them. So we’re gonna get to this in one second, but guys if I could please ask Y’all to smash that like button and subscribe if you enjoy seeing this kind of content please do. That guys it helps out so so much.
I Know I Say That In Every
video but you wouldn’t believe how much it helps let’s get right into this of course Kicker pump r today right this is 500 watts Rms. Let’s open this thing up. We have our cutout right here so you can trace out the sub. Then we have some kicker stickers. We have some gasket material right there and we have our manual in here.
So Here We Are Of Course
we have the compar 12. I believe we have a dual 4 ohm version. The fs is 30. 8 Hertz so a little bit lower than the other subs. I believe sensitivity is 86.
9 D B.
There’s some of the other specs. It says 14 millimeters of x-max then over here. They have some specs and dimensions for building a custom box for this guy. Well here it is definitely beefier looking than the comp Vr that we did last time.
Ill Give Yall A Comparison Here
in a few but let’s get a little closer look up at this guy. They know that noticeable difference we have a bigger surround on this thing. It looks really nice in my opinion. We have the red stitching. Then we have that flatter kind of dust cap.
This Is A Dual Voice Coil Sub
and these have these kind of square terminals, which is really really neat something different Nice cover over here still has some sort of plastic cone like the other subs and then down here we have our nice motor. This guy is definitely bigger than the motors. On the other subs. We do have some pole venting right around there so that’s neat overall clean looking sub see that nice bigger surround this. Thing’s got I kind of like it has that little flatter dust cap looking into here We have a ton of glue on this thing to hold the spider down definitely Don’t see that tearing up there’s our leads for our voice coils and then we’ve got these neat terminals over here Nice looking motor definitely a step up over some of the other guys well I’m going to quickly compare this to a few of the other subs and then we’ll get this thing in the box of course over here we have the comp C and the comp V r so this is just the step right under this guy.
This Guy Of Course Is A Much
different dust cap and basket and everything a lot more like the regular comp, Whereas the comp r definitely resembles the comp c a lot more just overall similar build with. Of course, this guy just being bigger and beefier. You can kind of see how the surround on this guy is bigger and then the motor does look a little bit bigger than the Comp Vr as well certainly a lot bigger than what we got on the little Comp c but other than that not a whole lot of difference. We do have similar looking spiders and tinsel leads. However, it does seem to be a lot more glue on this spider and it’s got that kind of black glue where this has got more of a clear looking glue anyway yeah There’s just a little comparison for Y’all let’s get this guy in the box and start testing her out so 10 so my so had that little kicker putting in some work and in my opinion it sounds pretty good.
- overall kicker subs
- kicker comp come wanted
- video today kicker series probably
- kicker subs stay tuned thank
- checking audio video today kicker
Definitely Digs A Little Bit Lower Than Some
of the previous ones we have done before and it just overall seems to be a little bit tougher. Still no crazy excursion or anything like that, but I picked this sub up for like 120 bucks so not really expecting it to be anything wild overall pretty impressed with it seems to be doing fine sounds pretty good gets actually pretty loud sounds really good in this car sounds really good on this box as well that I have it in this box is two cubic feet two to like 34 or 36 Hertz and seems to be doing pretty good well. Let’s get to some test guys of course musical RMs test and the Db test just we can see how loud this thing can get and how long it can last at its RMs power we’re gonna start out. At 45 Hertz see what that does and then we’ll go from there only a little over 600 watts. We got a 134.
- kicker
- rms
- sub
- video
- subs
We’ll give that another shot was pretty loud one nine seven three almost two thousand watts. We got a 137. 9. There you go 3700 watts.
Hey Look At That Guys 140.
140 db not bad at all. I am definitely stoked on that probably could get it a little bit more but I don’t want to risk damaging it before we do the RMs test but still 140 plenty good in my opinion, especially with this cabin being so large people don’t understand this is a huge cabin to be doing these testing. I was in a smaller suv or like even a car or something like that we could get much better numbers, but hey 140 in this huge cabin not bad at all let’s get. into the RMs test see if we can make it through a full song.
We Have Gilligan By Dram Lets Get To
it so well. Base head family that is one more kicker review for Y’all stay tuned next we’ll have the Kicker Comp V X cannot wait to get that guy in and review that for Y’all and then the Kicker comp Q will come after that. I have wanted to try out that sub ever since they came out back several years ago, so cannot wait to have that in here as well. You also there made it through both test pretty well very happy with a 140 db and again. I think I could have got louder if I really wanted to push it, but Don’t want to damage the sub and made it through the RMs test no problem as well.
I Did Kind Of Sort.
of smell it a little bit but I think some of that probably just break in smell. I did not let this thing break in as long as I probably could have so that’s probably what that was again Sub didn’t have any issues whatsoever happy to see Kicker making it through just fine now. I think these things generally retail for like 150 bucks, but you can get like open box ones for like around 115 or so that’s about what I paid for this and in my opinion for that price. This sub is not bad at all, especially if you’ve got like two of them in Kicker‘s custom box that they make these things are pretty awesome or for that matter if you just got one of these in the custom box that they make for these things that is a great and easy way to get.
A Really Decent Sounding Setup Without Having To
go through the hassle of building a box or something like that but in my opinion, if you do want to put in the extra work. You can probably get something that would perform a little bit better for around the same price, But anyway Y’all let me know what do you think if you have if you absolutely love kicker. Obviously you’re going to want to go with something like this definitely a great value sub in my opinion well as I said stay tuned for more videos coming of course always have some exciting stuff going on here more kicker reviews then I’ve got that little six and a half inch sound cube sub we’re gonna be pushing that little guy to the test here soon. Box just came in for it today so stay tuned for that guys anyway. Let me know what you all want to see me review here on this channel guys drop them in the comments below really really appreciate y’all if you want to pick up this sub or this box that I used.
I Will Leave A Link In The
description below to where you can get that should you purchase something on ebay or amazon. After clicking on one of those links. I get a little bit of a commission and that helps out the channel so so much guys it really really does so I really really appreciate it and I appreciate each and every one of you well stay tuned for more videos guys keep facing on you.
The Kicker Comp r in my opinion one of the best value overall Kicker subs you can get stay tuned thank you all so much for checking in again guys so if you saw the other videos first we had the regular comp and the comp c and then the comp vr so next up. What is up Youtube thank you so much . We have this guy right here and then we’re gonna just keep on going getting bigger and better with them. We’re gonna get to this in one second, but guys if I could please ask Y’all to smash that like button and subscribe if you enjoy seeing this kind of content please do.& That guys it helps out so so much. I know I say that in every video but you wouldn’t believe how much it helps let’s get right into this of course Kicker pump r today right this is 500 watts Rms. I believe sensitivity is 86.& I believe we have a dual 4 ohm version.& There’s some of the other specs…. Click here to read more and watch the full video