Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

What Is Going On Thank You All So
much for checking out the channel once again in today’s video we’re going to be starting off my kicker series on this channel, so we have the cheapest 12-inch kicker that you can get this is of course the comp 12 or the C12 let’s get into it 45 seconds first of all guys thank you so much for checking out this video. I really really appreciate it if I can get y’all to leave a like and subscribe that would help out so so much guys the more I grow and the better my videos do the more stuff I can do for Y’all soon we’re going to have some giveaways and whatnot so please please subscribe and stay tuned for more to come but let’s get right into this review of course Kicker comp 12 300 watts peak 150. Watts RMs so pretty low rated sub but this thing was like 80 bucks so let’s see is kicker worth it is kicker still relevant or not let’s get into it first off. We have of course a very nice looking box as you would imagine from kicker all the normal stuff over here. We have a little bit of specs shows kind of that optimal RMs power range below 150 watts and it shows for sealed and vented and it says the frequency response is 27 to 500 hertz.
So Lets Go Ahead And Open
this guy up so we get a few kicker stickers. Then we have a little specs sheet over here for the 10, 12 and 15. so let’s take a look at what we got going on. This is a single 4 ohm sub. It says the fs is 30 hertz and the spl is.
88 Db And Then Some Of
the other parameters as well and the X-max is 10.3 millimeters. It actually has some nice detail about how to build a box talking about you know how thick your MDF is and how to calculate for the internal volume of the speaker itself and whatnot so pretty cool there here it is guys. This is the first brand new kicker comp I’ve ever had so kind of neat to see one brand new. Normally you see these things reused all the time they’ve been making at least similar ones to this for years and years.
So Of Course We Have That
really low profile design over here. Then we have that little bit 10 millimeters of X Max. We have kickers kind of signature looking cone and their little ribbed surround over here we do have a plastic cover um around here. Then there is a some material down here to help it seal so that’s nice of course stamped steel basket as you would imagine nice little motor down here with a nice boot covering over it it is nicely painted and whatnot kicker does go to some nice lengths to make their products look nice and clean and what not of course a plastic dust cap and cone in here but that’s what you’d expect from kicker’s entry sub then this is a single voice coil sub-so we have our positive and our negative over here and then in there the utensil leads are sewn into the spider so that is nice for an entry level sub again and there’s all that plastic down there for that cone. You of course have some venting right in there and there’s the motor well super super basic sub as you’d imagine.
For Kickers Entry Sub That Being
said at 80 bucks does seem to be a little steep. There’s a bunch of subs that you can get around that fifty dollar range that seem like at least spec wise they would be better than this, but we’ll put this thing to the test see how it does let’s go ahead and throw it in the box and start letting it break in let’s see if it’ll fit in this scar box. This box is about two cubic feet tuned to like 36 Hertz. I believe so let’s see what we can do yes it does fit in there quite nicely so let’s get her hooked up. We’ve got it in here and we’re holding steady at 3.
- kicker
- kickers
- rms
- deal
- specs
4 Ohms, Which Is Pretty Close.
This multimeter does seem to run a tad bit low on the ohms, so I think we’re all good. There we got her in the box and got her hooked up. Let’s start playing a little bit of music, so we can just kind of hear it see how it sounds and then we’ll get on to some tests. So foreign so so so so not too much action there but that is no surprise.
This Is A Really Pretty Big Cab In
the pressurized so not surprised. We weren’t getting a ton of rattling and not a ton of mirror shaking or anything like that but hey. This is kicker’s little you know beginner beginner sub bottom of the line sub that they make and it does all right. It sounds decent in kind of that normal music range, but does not play the lows really that well at all of course, you would not expect it to, but just wanted to mention that and not really just. A lot of movement to it just doesn’t seem it just doesn’t move a lot guys some stuff like the scar, SDr and some other sub-definitely just move more than this so at least looks more impressive and does get louder and play lower better, where is this guy not really that great my opinion not worth the 80 bucks, but we’re gonna see how it does on some test.
Were Gonna Do The Musical Rms Test First
just to see if we can get it through a song playing it around it’s RMs power should do that no problem and then we’ll do the db test just to see how loud we can get it so let’s get to it so I was pushing that well above that 150 watts mark it pretty much stayed above that mark almost the entire song sometimes we were even peaking about. 300 watts and it made it through absolutely no sweat so quickly Rating this very conservatively good to see right under 3000 watts and we got a 134. 7 All right we’re into a 40-hertz test tone Little RMs test just to see how she performs 30 seconds 45 seconds just for fun. There did that test tone RMs test and we had it well above 150 watts the entire time for a whole minute and it did fine. It did start to smell, but nothing terrible and again.
We Started Like 250 Watts And
it dropped down to about 190 so well above their rated power of 150 watts RMs So pretty cool made it a minute through that made it through the full song absolutely no problem peaking a good deal higher than that 150 watts as well there so overall guys RMs test is definitely a pass. But this thing does not like to get that loud and it does not like to get that low whatsoever so just not that much to this sub well, it’s been fun making this again. I’m gonna do a kicker series so next up will be the next step up from this guy. Don’t remember exactly which one that is, but we’ll have that in here and get that done soon we are gonna run through them guys see how all of them do will be a really really fun lineup and next couple videos and then we’ve got some other stuff planned as well.
So Let Me Know What You All Think
is getting something like this worth the 80 bucks or are you really paying for the kicker name Y’all Let me know what you think please please like. I said earlier like comment and subscribe all three. of those have about the channel so much more than you all know and it means the world to me Also four subscribers we will be having some giveaways here soon gonna be giving away some really really nice stuff that I’ve got piling up back there so please subscribe to stay tuned for all that anyway Y’all have a wonderful wonderful rest your day guys and keep basing on I.
- kicker series channel cheapest
- basic sub imagine kicker entry
- kicker let know think
- looking box imagine kicker normal
- review course kicker comp 12
Kicker comp 12 300 watts peak 150.& Watts RMs so pretty low rated sub but this thing was like 80 bucks so let’s see is kicker worth it is kicker still relevant or not . This is the first brand new kicker comp I’ve ever had so kind of neat to see one brand new.& Normally you see these things reused all the time they’ve been making at least similar ones to this for years and years.& So of course we have that.& It actually has some nice detail about how to build a box talking about you know how thick your MDF is and how to calculate for the internal volume of the speaker itself and whatnot so pretty cool there here it is guys. Stay tuned for more to come but let’s get right into this review of the sub. What is going on. I really really appreciate it if I can get y’all to leave a like and subscribe that would help out the channel once again in today’s video ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video