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Hey Everybody Im Here To Do A Review
on this klipsch subwoofer. This is the UK W12 and I have owned this subwoofer for a number of years and I am completely completely happy with its performance. So I wanted to do this quick review to talk to you about its features and tell you about my opinion on the product. So firstly I’ll just get down a little bit lower to the level of the subwoofer as you can see it is quite big. This has a 12-inch subwoofer um that that points downwards.
It Has A 12 Inch Downward Firing Driver
pretty much and hopefully I can tilt it up to show you what it looks like. Let’s see if I can just tilt it up because it is quite episode there you can see there is the actual subwoofer. It is 12 inches. It looks awesome. I like it because it is concealed when you have this in your living room or wherever you have it? One of the coolest things is that it just looks like a piece of furniture and you can even put something on top of it as long as you sort of tape it down because it does produce a lot of vibrations because it is a subwoofer, but you can tape something down on top of it and it just looks like a piece of furniture.
You Can Literally Just Have It In The
corner of the room and no one will think anything differently of it other than it’s. You know it’s a like an end table or something like that. A low end table. So I’m going to spin it around and show you the backside with pretty much all of the inputs outputs and features and so. Forth so let’s take a look at the back.
You Can See That There Is
a port right here. I like this because usually you generally speaking. People will put this port facing the wall because this is the back. The subwoofers energy and the subwoofers air will come out through the port. Hit the wall bounce off the wall and then it will allow everyone in the room to hear the subwoofer because it is it is you know reflecting off of the wall.
Its Not Pointing Right At You
so you don’t get a lot of air circulation in the room and and anything like that but the sound sort of bounces off the wall. The air dies against the wall, but the sound bounces off the wall and gets to everyone in the room that’s why I like this subwoofer over a number of other ones that. I have tried so you basically have a few basic features and functions Okay you have your input right here. So you can see that there are two ports for the input the line in so that is the basically the sound that comes in to the sub woofer that it will produce and so forth. Then you have two different sections over here for your speaker out.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- w12
- speakers
- receiver
- 12 inch subwoofer um points
- subwoofer uk w12 owned
- review klipsch subwoofer uk
- review klipsch subwoofer
- actual subwoofer 12 inches looks
So You Can Put Two Different
speakers out and then you can also have two different sections. You have two different sections for your speakers in you can use these I generally don’t use these because I just have my wires coming from my receiver to the subwoofer. Then I plug it into the wall with the power outlet and then I leave these empty because I use my receiver to get my speaker’s powered and to get my you know my. speakers the sound coming out of my speakers, so I don’t use these, but they are definitely there and you can use them. If you take a look right here you have your phase.
You Can Choose Either 0 Or 180
completely your preference. You have your power. I leave it to auto, meaning the subwoofer will sense when there is sound coming in towards it and it will turn on and be powered and then when there isn’t any more sound coming in towards it. It will automatically turn off, but you can choose off or on where it stays on the entire time or completely off the entire time or Auto. If I’m going on a trip or if I’m going to believe if I’m gonna be away from my house for a while I usually just turn it off, but if I’m going to be home and I’m just going to work on a regular daily basis, then I just leave it at Auto the entire time.
Ok So You Can Choose Your Hertz
right here. You have from 40 all the way up to 120 and the cool thing about. This is that you can fine tune it on some subwoofers. You can just choose 40 70 100 120. They’re just different options.
But Here You Can Choose Lets Say You
want it somewhere halfway between 7 the N100 You could just. leave it right there It is completely up to you and the type of bass. The level of bass that you want sort of whether you want more high frequency or low frequency and then the final feature Right here is the level. You can choose basically how much power you want to feed to the subwoofer. It just has 10 different sorry 11 different levels.
You Can Go Sorry About That You
can go from 0 from 1 to 11 um completely up to you. I always leave mine at the max because I love bass, but if you have you know young children in the room and you don’t want as much bass in their face. Then you can change it to somewhere in the middle of the range sorry about that I keep hitting my camera and the last thing I wanted to point out is. The fuse right here there’s a little fuse. Obviously that you can refer to if the subwoofer stops working or if you find out that the fuse has blown, then you can just take a look at that fuse port right there and see if the fuse has blown and that’s basically it.
This Is My Clips Uk W12 Subwoofer
I have owned it for many years. I have used it for many years and I really really like it and that’s why I wanted to do a review of this subwoofer. I like the size of it it’s big. It really takes control in a room.
So If You Have A Big Theater Room
or a big family room or living room that you watch movies in this is great because it’s not something small. It’s big, but it does produce a lot of bass so it you know. It does a good job for its size. It does you know take control of the corner of the room, but it does produce a lot of bass.
I Must Say And Thats What I
like if you’re looking for something that just produces a little bit of bass. Then maybe you should consider a smaller sub woofer, but if you want something that produces a lot of bass and you don’t mind the fact that it takes up quite a bit of space in the room. Then this is definitely an option that you should consider and that’s all I have for you today thanks for watching.
UK W12 has a 12-inch subwoofer that that that points downwards . It has a downward firing driver and it looks like a piece of furniture . You can even put something on top of it as long as you sort of tape it down because it does produce a lot of vibrations . The subwoofers energy will come out through a port facing the wall . Hit the wall bounce off the wall and then it will allow everyone in the room to hear the subwowoofer because it is it is reflecting off of the wall. It’s not pointing right at you so you don’t get the air out of the back. You can literally just have it in the corner of the room and no one will think anything differently of it other than it’s a like an end table or something like that. It just looks like it’s a low end table.& I’m going to spin it around and show you the backside with pretty much all of the inputs outputs…. Click here to read more and watch the full video