Video Creator’s Channel Digital DJ Tips

In This Review Were Looking At The
KrK classic five monitor speaker and the KrK 8S2 subwoofer. A pair of the KrK Classic monitors and this subwoofer for 5 600 pounds euros. Around that kind of mark will give you a really nice system for Dj practice at home for getting started in production and for stepping up from whatever speakers you began your Dj career with whether they were multimedia speakers or bluetooth speakers or the home cinema system whatever it was when it’s time to get your own studio and it’s time to set up your own space. You’re going to want your own monitors and this kind of system. Here is going to just blow your mind.
If Youre Stepping Up To It And Youve
never had anything like it before so. In this review we’re reviewing them in the individually in the written reviews and there’s. a link underneath this video to both the written review for the monitors and also for the 8S2 subwoofer, but for the purposes of the video review. We’re considering this system together because it’s a great value little system and even if you started off with the monitors somewhere in the back of your mind. You’re probably going to want to upgrade and add this at some point so if you enjoy this review as we always say please do hit that button and hit the bell so we can let you know when we do more things like this so meanwhile, all that said let’s get started and we’ll start off by looking at the monitor speakers so these are a entry-level monitor and they’re also a small monitor.
Theyre Near Field, Which Means Theyre Designed
to be set up near to your ears, which is the same with. DJ producer type Monitor speakers they’re not like designed to fill a room and be the other end of the room They’re designed to be near to you. So positioning is always going to be important with these and they are as I said small so they’ve got a five-inch woofer a one-inch tweeter. They pump out about 50 55 watts of power each, which is 30 watts in the base speaker and then on the the treble speaker or the higher speaker is 20 watts so 12 50 55 watts power over a hundred spl. So they’re going to be loud and you buy these individually so if you’re new to this kind of speaker.
You Buy One Of These And You Buy
another one. You normally You normally buy two together, which means that they’ve got their own power supplies and everything like that so let’s have a look on the back of one of these speakers, So zoom in on the close-up camera and we’ll turn around this one here and I’ll show you what’s going on at the back here, so what we have here is the power input because I said these are individual speakers so they need a power input. The on off switch for each individual speaker so again. If you’re not used to this you’ll be putting power leading to each one putting on turn them on and off individually and then the inputs now again. These are individuals so these are mono inputs so from the back of your Dj controller.
If This Was A Left-Hand Speaker.
You’d put a RCa single RCa cable to there and if you. You can use balance there’s a balanced Trs and a balanced XLR as well. So one of your mono signals from the stereo output from whatever you’re feeding these from is going to plug into each speaker. Now at the top here we have our high frequency and low frequency adjusts.
These Are Not Designed Like Bass And Shareable
controls where you’re meant to just be constantly tweaking them. These are more for tuning the speakers to your room. So you have got the speakers positioned so that the high frequencies are right in your ears and you want to roll them off a bit where you can do that. If you’ve got the speakers set up so that there’s a bit of bass boom that you’re not interested in you can roll the bass off or of course, vice versa and then you’ve got the volume control the volume. Control is actually stepped so it’s not smooth.
You Can Feel The Little Clicks As
you move it around, which could be quite useful. If you’re a bit OCD and you want to make sure you’ve got both of your speakers. If you buy a pair at exactly the same volume Because you can roll it all the way down and go one two three. Four five six. Seven eight nine ten count it up to whatever volume it is you want to set it to, But the idea is that this is kind of set and forget you’ll set all this and then you’ll use your Dj controller or your mixer or whatever to control the volume and so on that’s coming out of these speakers without really reaching around the back too much to do anything else.
Now Around The Front Of The Speaker, The
iconic Krk Cone. Of course and then the tweeter up here but you’ve also got your bass reflex port Now This is at the front. This is useful because a lot of speakers have a port back which means you need to have the speaker not on a bookshelf or against a wall or something like that and the base reflex port is basically to allow the air. When this speaker here is doing its thing. You can see me moving the speaker here in my hands.
This Allows The Air Here To Kind Of
do what the speaker isn’t doing it allows the speakers to more efficiently move air and therefore to give you better bass now talking about efficiency and so on these are class a B amplified which means you get the best of both worlds. You get some good sound quality out of them, but you also get the volume. They do get quite warm in use, but that’s absolutely normal so that’s the monitor speakers. Our overall impression of these was for the money really really good. The highs may be a little bit little bit dominant at times the the low frequency is great.
Theyre Not Going To Punch Your Tummy
that’s what this is here for but the low frequencies sound great and the mids maybe just a little bit rolled off. Maybe just a little bit muddy, but you can adjust that you can adjust it on the back and just get it to suit your room. Positioning is important with these now if position is important with these then it’s really important with the subwoofer so now let’s move on now We’ve talked about these two to talk about the. Subwoofer so this is the eight S2 subwoofer The follow-on to the eight s I can’t see a massive amount of difference frankly and it’s a really good pairing with these. It’s about right to have an eight inch subwoofer 100 watt.
This Is With Like Five Inch Driven Speakers
down here so these are a good pairing together and the idea of this is you buy one of them and that’s because bass frequencies are notoriously unidirectional. You’ll you’ll hear the hear and feel the bass everywhere it doesn’t really matter so much for direction so you only really buy one of these to go with your system. So the way it works is like this let’s just reverse this one and we’ll have a close-up look at this one too so the way it works is like this you plug your stereo output This time oops that’s not. Let’s just pull that forward a bit you plug your stereo output into here from your mixer or from your controller or whatever it is that you’re using this with and then you have your outputs to your two speakers coming from here. So these two basically double up as as do the same job as the ones on the back of your mixer or controller.
- subwoofer
- monitors
- speakers
- monitor
- rcas
So You Need One Output From
your from your audio into here and the other ones then take it off to the speakers so that’s the way it works you don’t need an extra output from from what you’re playing into or playing out from to to work with the subwoofer. You also again have your balanced XLR and your balanced trs outputs here. So you’ve got a choice of and inputs so you’ve got a choice of whether you want to use balance. cables or just normal tr sorry normal RCa cables so that’s the inputs and outputs. There let’s just carry on talking down this side of the speaker as to what you’ve got so Here is a foot switch pedal.
- 8s2 subwoofer pair krk classic
- monitor speakers overall impression money
- monitors subwoofer 600 pounds euros
- written review monitors 8s2 subwoofer
- dj producer type monitor speakers
This Is A Foot Switch Pedal Plug.
This is really quite useful because if you’re a producer using these speakers, you you know this gives you a wonderful rolled off base, but you might just want to hear what it sounds like for me and mortals who don’t have a subwoofer. You can plug a foot pedal in there and this can turn off your subwoofer and then you can just turn it on again. When you want to get back to feeling the full frequencies in your production, so it’s a good way of switching this in and out of your mix. There’s a standby built in there’s just a.
Little Standby Lamp Here On Off And The
IeC input as well right so let’s move over to this side of the speaker. So again we have our volume again. It’s stepped not quite so useful when you’ve only got one of them, but anyway it’s a step volume control there. This is a crossover now This is important.
The Crossover Decides How At What Frequency This
speaker cuts off the bass so in other words, this is dealing with the bass for you, so you don’t need to send bass to your other speakers. So this says okay at put it up there a hundred hertz um we’re gonna not send anything lower than that to these speakers generally with little monitor speakers you can set it to the top one and leave it, but you might wanna experiment with this the more you roll this down the more. You’re going to hear a difference between the cut-off point between this one and this one so bear in mind that that is the bigger the speaker. The lower you’re going to want to set that so now down here for the switches the input sensitivity it is apparently we haven’t tested this but apparently this input sensitivity Button Here is if you have unbalanced inputs coming into the rcas, but then balanced output so that just gives you the right balance going out again.
Polarity Is Important.
I’ll talk to you about that finally at the end actually so um standby just decides whether the speaker turns off automatically after half an hour or not to save you have to lean around the back of your speaker on the floor to turn it off if you’re lazy that way and ground lift is just designed to try and help. You’ve got any hum coming through on the speaker hum and buzz it just attempts to fix that for you okay, so I said, I talked to you about the polarity Button because this is one of the things that we found is important.
A pair of the KrK Classic monitors and this subwoofer for 5 600 pounds euros will give you a really nice system for Dj practice at home for getting started in production . In this review we’re reviewing them in the individually in the written reviews and there’s. a link underneath this video to both the written review for the monitors and also for the 8S2 sub woofer, but for the purposes of the video review. We’re considering this system together because it’s a great value little system and even if you started off with the monitors somewhere in the back of your mind. You’re probably going to want to upgrade and add this at some point so if you enjoy this review as we always say please do hit that button and hit the bell so we can let you know when we do more things like this so meanwhile, all that said let’s get started in this video review . The KrK classic speakers pump out about 50 55 watts of power each, which is 30…. Click here to read more and watch the full video