Video Creator’s Channel Tha_VillaMan

So Youre In The Market For A Great
sub but you don’t want to break the bank well. I know if a big black beast of a bass box that I want to tell you about. This is the review of the monolith 12-inch Thx all just above her stick around Hey guys It’s a bit of mint here home theater enthusiast. Another article over and on this channel. We bring you the tech of entertainment so if you’re into that that hit that subscribe button and come along for the ride.
So After I Reviewed The Uk Uk 3000.
I got a bunch of comments from people saying that I should also check out the Manila subs. So I went out and I got the monolith 12 because it was pretty similar to the UK 3000 in size and came in a few hundred dollars cheaper too so. First let’s go over the specs of this beast. So we know what we’re dealing with from here on out I’ll be referring to the sub as the mono 12 because the word monolith and my tongue just doesn’t agree every time.
I Try To Say It Its Like
a dipped it in Novocaine so let’s not do that so it’s a 12-inch portal subwoofer from the UK arm of mother price as far as specs go. It’s a 12-inch glass fiber cone that’s mated to a 500 watts UK and 900 watts peak power amplifier together. They push the driver to have an eight millimeter peak to peak excursion, which produces a frequency response of 18 Hertz to 200 Hertz in extended UK and 20 Hertz to 200 Hertz in thx UK at minus 60 B and that’s what both ports open now those of you paying. Attention will notice that I didn’t mention plus or minus 3 UK at all just now because it’s not that standard of plus or minus 3 UK measurement that manufacturers published which tells you how flat of a frequency response a speaker has no. This is more of a measurement of peak output.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- mono
- bass
- monolith
So Its Basically Saying That At Negative 60
be lower than its highest output level. It can go all the way down to 18 Hertz I’d much rather see them publish the industry standard plus or minus 3 UK frequency range. Instead so people don’t have to guess or do their own measurements or try to interpret tables or charts with minimal labeling that they have on their website. Of course, frequency response will vary depending on your room when you consider things like room game, but it would be good to know what the baseline frequency. response is okay so now on to the design since it supported sub It takes up a fair bit of space.
It Measures It At 23 Inches
high, 17 inches wide and about 24 inches deep, so it’s sizable enough that you’ll need a good the space for it. It weighs in at 98 and a half pounds and comes in a variety of finishes. Oh only black ash Oh that said I really like the design of this thing. I mean you can only do so much from a design perspective because it’s just a big bucks, but the angles on the edges give it a very modern look and I like the cloth cover grill so much so that I maybe even consider leaving it on maybe it’s actually my favorite portraits of design in the size class. If you turn the sub around, then you’ll find the controls for fine-tuning the performance on the back.
Youll Find The Crossover Dial Which You
might not need. Then you have the phase control the level control beside that then you have the switches to enable the crossover. The UK selection switch to select ThX or extended mode and finally the one for power. The extended mode has a lower roll-off point by the Thx mode and that’s the one that I primarily use, especially since after I calibrated the sub for my room. I didn’t hear a discernible difference between the two so I call this sub a beast and I did that for good reason a ported sub like.
This Is Primarily Suited For Home
theater applications and that’s where this thing makes a name for itself. I think this is one of those cases where the performance. than what the pure specs suggest I mean 500 wattsNK] driving a 12-inch woofer doesn’t sound like much, but when I integrated this thing into my home theater. It most definitely made itself known, speaking of which you getting this stuff properly integrated isn’t as easy as the more expensive subs out there with wireless controls, but that’s one thing that you’ll be training for that under $900 ng price convenience and peak power, but then again that might not be a bad trade one of my favorite movies. The test subwoofers with is seen from interstellar where they’re travelling through the wormhole.
The Scene Has So Much Uk
for such a long time that it will literally shake things on your walls and that’s exactly what this sub did seems like that one and the intro scenes. The Overlord were especially amusing to me because of how. How much air was being displaced by the SUn so much so that I could actually feel the breeze from the ports on my feet. The sub is stellar with action movies for my room. The receiver has a calibrated 2-0 UK and I upped that to a plus 6 UK.
I Always With My Subs A Few
UK hot because one I believe the calibrated level of my Denon receiver has the subs a bit too low and too I love bass but after that no matter if it was the subsonic Rumble to build suspense the room shaking UK of the car lining in the intro to Blade Runner 20 49 or the absolute chaos that is the first chase scene in Mad Max. This sub managed to fill the room with deep powerful bass with impact you could feel in your chest. I was really impressed with. perform and how it just brought the entire experience to life? Sure the sub had a lot of bass for a medium-sized room like mine, but if you have something on the larger side, you might want to invest in a bigger, more powerful sub or even two of these especially since the gain was already set in the positive territory for a room of this size. If you haven’t checked it out yet, then you should check out the movie demo that I did linked in the card up there and in the description and while you’re at it check out the comparison I did with this and the UK UK P 3000, which is a similar stuff as far as dimensions goes, but is more powerful and has more features.
I Make Demos And Comparisons Like That
so you guys out there can have at least some idea. How they perform in a real world setting and why I come to certain conclusions in my you so what about music can a port itself be good for music as well as home theater well it can be. This sub comes with two foam plugs which you can use to seal the ports in order to give the bass more transients for things like music. In fact, I also made a music demo which I’ll be publishing very soon that compares the performance of the sub in a sealed versus ported mode, so make sure to stay tuned for that one, but as far as actual seal performance goals. There was a definite improvement in the sound of the bass.
It Improved The Musicality Of It, But
I wouldn’t say it was a degree to rival actual seal Tub. Other subs I’ve tested with built-in UK to help seal. perform better in that regard but that said the low end that Mono 12 created was never distracting and still blended well with the sound stage so who is the sub for well. If you have a smaller to medium-sized room and you want a high-performance sub primarily for home theater or gaming applications and you’re okay with not having customizations and convenience features of the more expensive subs like the custom UK wireless control. Then I think you should certainly consider the sub I was thoroughly impressed with how we performed and I’d say that not only does it punch above its price bracket, but it also looks good doing it sound off in the comments and let me know your thoughts on this sub are you actually interested in getting one let me know also if you like home theater reviews like this and want to see.
- referring sub mono 12 word
- portal subwoofer uk
- expensive subs like custom uk
- review monolith 12 inch
- sure sub lot bass
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consider it but just do it. If you want to help support the channel, so we can bring you more content like this. Then you should definitely get a home theater or gaming t-shirt from the Merch store that’s linked in the description you should even see some designs under the video. Don’t forget to like the video if you liked the video and share it with a friend thanks for watching and until next time this has been your friendly neighborhood de la Man saying peace.
The monolith 12-inch portal subwoofer from the UK arm of mother price as far as specs go . It can go all the way down to 18 Hertz and 20 Hertz in thx UK at minus 60 B and that’s what both ports open now those of you paying.& Another article over and on this channel.& We bring you the tech of entertainment so if you’re into that that hit that subscribe button and come along for the ride.& I try to say it it’s like a dipped it in Novocaine so let’s not do that so it’s a 12 inch glass fiber cone that’s mated to a 500 watts UK and 900 watts peak power amplifier together.& They push the driver to have an eight millimeter peak to peak excursion, which produces a frequency response of 18. Hertz to 200 Hertz.& This is basically saying that at negative 60 be lower than its highest output level.& So it’s basically saying ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video