Video Creator’s Channel JacobViral

Hey Nice Job Chris My First Half
out ever first first half out ever first half out use discount code Jacob vile to save when you shop at Sky High Car Audio, explicit audio and others links in the description thanks for watching and enjoy the video so so you went from 24 Subs to now 16 and your ratio performance with a 3-1 wow Are you still pretty with me too or if you want how’s your frequency responsibility still pretty good brand new didn’t have less than two hours playoffs Oh these are these five okay. This is Chris Lee’s Bill everybody. It looks really good thank you are you. This is blue guy staying on wood but I put it over top of all the steel very Nice wow how big is this this is like a 10-inch round over wow so you haven’t dialed the. Yet you got a lot of work, so I can do the load stuff.
The Lows Still Good But Not
like it was because of that yeah foreign Oh Okay wow that’s a pretty cool head unit setup yeah Hey Jeff sorry about that we haven’t gotten here they ain’t had but maybe two hours yeah going on everyone this is Jacob Hall I hope you enjoyed the walk around we just got of Chrisley system. This is the first system I have ever sat in ever that I tapped out in so you got to stay tuned for the video really crazy demo so be sure to give them a like if you haven’t already as well as comment let them know some positive things you like about his system. An impressive system he’s got he’s come a long way the last five years since I’ve met him this. is at the Savannah Seaport show in 2022. Savannah Georgia.
- subwoofers
- amp
- hey
- tuned
- appreciate
Hes Running Only Eight Of These Amplifiers So
one amp per two subwoofers. These Sundown Nightshade V5 series, 12 inch subwoofers and a big ratio fourth order and as you can see this is an extreme cabin work vehicle that he has in his van to make this a big ratio fourth order with a center console here which makes this an extreme vehicle and he has so much fabrication work involved to get it as loud as he can about to get a musical demo and we’re gonna get a Tap Out demo in this video. So 173 Decibel plus is the tap out Mark for me in this video so be sure to subscribe and enjoy the demo thank you foreign foreign wow. I mean I’m a little nervous but I’ll sit in go over so I guess.
You Climb Over It Yeah! Oh Sit
down this way right here Yeah sit down right there that’s the front now again foreign two minutes that’s like a 77. no yes well in the gig up here Yeah Wow foreign Hey nice job Chris my first half out ever first first half out ever first half out it actually gave me a little Shake Yeah Yeah I mean you could take pain but you don’t want to do that to your body Hey help me for a few seconds. It’s good for an experience that’ll make you have a heart attack that’s a pretty cool head unit setup Nice job. Chris congrats on the numbers and of course, I know you got some tuning but good job very good job Chris thank you for watching everybody as well as thank you Channel supporters if you want to become a channel.
Supporter Check Out The Links In
the description to show support as well as thank you everybody for supporting the channel. Also if you haven’t already use discount code Jacob Vile when you shop at Sky High Cardio explicit audio and others and also if you haven’t already check me out I am on social media Facebook Instagram Tick Tock and UK as you are seeing here go ahead and hit that like button. If you haven’t already I really appreciate it and subscribe stay tuned for more daily videos and I’ll see you all in the next one foreign.
- wow pretty cool head unit
- tuning good job good job
- inch subwoofers big ratio fourth
- setup yeah hey jeff
- blue guy staying wood steel
Use discount code Jacob vile to save when you shop at Sky High Car Audio, explicit audio and others links in the description of the video . The first system I have ever sat in ever that I tapped out in . The low’s still good but not like it was because of that yeah foreign Oh Okay wow that’s a pretty cool head unit setup yeah Hey Jeff sorry about that we haven’t gotten here they ain’t had but maybe two hours yeah going on everyone this is Jacob Hall . He’s running only eight of these amplifiers so one amp per two subwoofers. The system is at the Savannah Seaport show in 2022. He has so much fabrication work involved to get it as loud as he can about to get a musical demo and w.& Yet you got a lot of work, so I can do the load stuff. Hey nice job Chris my first half out ever first first half of the demo. The low’s still good and the low is still good…. Click here to read more and watch the full video