Video Creator’s Channel Shane Lee

Whats Up Guys Hope You All Had A Merry
Christmas. I hope you got all the gifts that you want to get but today We got a little adventure to do. We are going to be dropping off some Valencia seats over to the studio slash soon to be showroom over at ve we’re going to be outfitting the place with not only the seats. But I believe we’re going to be putting in either the A1 H Denon receiver UK once that shows up or we’re gonna be putting in the Marantz brand new Marantz pre-pro going into the place is going to be the new Pearlescent R70 Towers Also I think the R5C center channel I’m not sure what we’re going to do for surrounds yet but that’s going down there so let’s go ahead take a trip down there and see what we’re working with foreign so. the spot as you guys can see we already got the seats all set up.
This Is A Temporary Spot.
I think they might be putting up some full walls to kind of box. This area out right now it’s kind of open space. We didn’t finish all the paint, but I think it’s going to be you know a lot better looking once we get some walls and all that so. This is just a very temporary setup for now.
- seats
- surrounds
- showroom
- valencia
- walls
You Can See That We Did Set Up
the chairs. We got them all centralized up in here if you guys has missed the review. I’ll leave a link in the video’s description if you do guys if you guys do want to check out that review, but these are the Valencia luxury seats. You know these are in the the blue color really nice you know you can. Recline them put the feet up.
It Has Got Different Colored Uk Which
you can change from here. So we can get some different colors and the cool thing is that the headrest also goes up as well. So if you just want to chill put the headrest up well, you go all the way back. So it’s like a little pillow or if you just want to drop it all the way back lay down or lift the headrest back up. Now you can see the screen and let’s take a look at the screen.
We Got A 100-Inch Seymour Screen
and then flanking the screen. We’ve got the R70 towers. We got the D12s These big boys if you guys missed the review for that I also have a review on these subwoofers as well. Actually Actually I think these are the I think these are the D. These are the D tens not the D12s the D10s.
So I Actually Didnt Did Not Review These
yet but these are the tens not the 12s still pretty big anyways still gigantic speakers and then on the opposite side. You can see that we have the same thing towers and then another subwoofer there and then following around back for a side surrounds We’ve got these bad boys. These are the R4s’s so these are surrounds. You can either put them on a stand just like this or you can hang them on your wall. Foreign let’s take a look at the UK rack Now this is going to be a first I don’t think anybody has this yet I mean if they do maybe I just missed it but we’ve got the brand new Marantz av-10.
This Is Also Available At Value
Electronics if you want to pick it up and then powering. This is not the matching Marantz 16 channel amplifier, but this is one of my favorite amps for this year. This is the UK M28-seven Channel amplifier. One of the cleanest best sounding amplifiers. I’ve heard this year and then feeding it up top is the PanasonicNK] 9000.
I Think This Is The The One
that I have still probably the best player on the market that you can get. Although there is a couple other ones that’s going to be available really soon and then feeding that is the new Sony 7000 Es UK projector. This was recently in the shootout. You can also see a review on my channel here as well. I’ll leave a link for that video where I compare this with the UK Nz8 very top.
Top Quality Projector, But This Is Thats What
we got going on right here so um I’m gonna try to see if I can do like a review on the The Towers pretty soon and then of course, Oh! Sorry. I forgot to mention that there is the the center channel there as well, but I’m going to spend some time down here. Maybe I’ll do like a review on the tower speakers themselves and maybe compare them with the R5ts that I have in my house my personal pair of pearlescent speakers. Obviously the the smaller Towers.
The R5S Are A Little Bit Smaller.
I think it have like two less woofers, but Timbre match wise it should be very similar sounding all right so that’s just a quick little tour of the brand new kind of showroom slash Studio Space and of course, I’m gonna try to get. Also the review done on the Marantz Av-10 as well while I’m here so be on the lookout for that I’m excited to test that out since that is like their new flagship pre-pro for this year as always guys if you are not subscribed hit the Subscribe button so you can be up to date on the new future reviews coming out like share and subscribe and I’ll see you in the next video thank you.
- dropping valencia seats
- surrounds going let
- channel sure going surrounds
- going new pearlescent r70 towers
- seats studio slash soon showroom
We are dropping off some Valencia seats over to the studio slash soon to be showroom over at ve we’re going to be outfitting the place with not only the seats but the Marantz brand new Marantz pre-pro . I think they might be putting up some full walls to kind of box.& This area out right now it’s kind of open space.& We didn’t finish all the paint, but I think it will be you know a lot better looking once we get some walls and all that so. I think the R5C center channel is going down there so let’s go ahead take a trip down there and see what we’re working with foreign so. We got a 100-inch Seymour screen and then flanking the screen.& Now you can see the screen and let’s take a look at the screen . We got them all centralized up in here if you guys has missed the review. I’ll leave a link in the video’s description if you do…. Click here to read more and watch the full video