Video Creator’s Channel Digital David

- soundbar
- bar
- subwoofer
- speakers
- bass
Oh The Bass Sounds Nice All Right Lets
go Hey everyone digital David here today. In this video I’m going to be checking out the Finu d5 Tv sound bar I did receive this product to review, but any opinion expressed in this video is strictly my own that being said If you’re interested in this product. You want to find out more about it. The link to it will be in the video description. You can see the retail box and packaging right here check it out.
We Can Learn More About The
product on this side with all of our tech specs 200 watt output then on the other side you can learn how to assemble the sound bar now let’s go ahead. Let’s open it up and look at the contents here. All the contents first up. You can see we have our setup guide right here. Walking us through everything we need to know and how to properly set up and install our sound bar in seven easy steps on the back side.
They Have Additional Information For You
as well as the audio settings. Depending on the type of Tv you’re connecting this with next you can see we have our user guide in manual very similar walking through a lot of the same features right here. On the back side. They have some troubleshooting tips and tricks for you next you can see we have our mounting template with our brackets and our hardware kit and everything we need if we want to attach this to the wall next. You can see we have our remote control check it out.
We Have Their Logo Branding Down
here. All of our controls are input options you can see right here. This remote will need two. AAA batteries to use those are not included next. We have our HDMi cable, our power supply and adapter for our wall.
Then You Can See With Our Left And
right audio cable right here with our auxiliary 3.5 millimeter connector. Then we have the sound bar. You can see it’s in two pieces. So first up we’ll look at this piece.
You Can See Their Logo Right Here
and we have instructions so plug the audio connector into the other main unit align the arrows. So you can see we’ll be able to lock it all in place, So there’s one half of it and you can see the other half right here. Align the arrows and twist. On this side. You’ll see with the power button and our minus and plus button and on the back.
- tv sound bar coming
- sound bar seven easy steps
- output learn assemble sound bar
- sound bar like sure bass
- finu d5 tv sound bar
You Can See All Of Our Different
inputs right here so check. It out everything right there that you need with included cables and last but not least we have our subwoofer right here let’s go ahead. Let’s check that out in more detail here’s the subwoofer up close check it out you can see how everything looks we can look at it from the top the sides. So we have basically a fake leather design on this side. You can see it from the back side right here with our product information and we have our wire to connect to our sound bar for the subwoofer there it is from the top you can see on the other side.
We Have Our Fabric Right Here
covering it and then you can see what it looks like from the very bottom now it’s time to go ahead and connect our sound bar together so first up we’re going to take this cable. out of the one side and we’re going to connect it into the other side right here so just press to connect now you can see they’re connected together and now we’re going to line them up and just gently twist. So we have them in place and then we’re just going to twist to tighten and there you go you can see our fully assembled sound bar right now check that out nice length very simple design looks great the feet are working great too now the only thing that’s left to do is to connect our subwoofer so we’re going to connect that on the back where it says sw out so there we go we now have both of our pieces together for our Tv soundbar system now let’s go ahead let’s connect this to a Tv so now we have everything connected with our on Roku. TV so first things first we have our power supply connected to the sound bar as well as the subwoofer. Then we have an HDMi cable running from the subwoofer into the back of our Tv make sure if you’re going to use HDMi it’s got to be the arc connector one should be labeled arc for you.
I Didnt Configure Any Other Settings, But If
for some reason you’re having trouble. You can refer to the user guide and manual depending on your make and model and make any adjustments as needed. So we’re going to go ahead we’re going to play a couple of seconds of this previous review video. So let’s listen in packaging right here with their logo and branding so everything looks great. This is a 165 Hertz gaming monitor with 1080p resolution.
Now Were At 65.
Let’s open it up and look at the contents here. All the contents first up. We have our customer service and contact card followed by a quick start guide. Walking us through how to set up the stand and get everything installed.
So I Probably Wouldnt Go Much Louder.
Everything sounds really full and rich, especially compared to the built-in speakers on your Tv now we’re gonna play some music off of music chef’s album Bounce let’s go ahead let’s give it a listen Oh the base sounds nice all right let’s go everything sounds really nice the bass is great. We just have a nice wide range of sound with this system. Now you can see we’re connected to our soundbar via Bluetooth, so it’s going to show up as d5 when you pair to a new device and now we’re currently active and connected to it if you. To get to Bluetooth mode, you can always press the bluetooth button on the remote control or you can cycle through by pressing the power button a couple of times until you see the blue light here.
Letting You Know That Youre In Bluetooth
mode now let’s go ahead let’s stream some music so we got some more music shaft pulled up right here let’s give it a listen that was close to max volume. Now we’re at about 50 a little bit less let’s jump to another track. Everything sounds great so let me show you guys my final thoughts in regards to this Tv sound bar. This is coming from somebody that’s not gonna be an audiophile just thinking about the average consumer on the market today and if you’re upgrading your Tv from its built-in speakers you will really enjoy the improvements in audio that you get. a sound bar like this be sure to get one with the bass if you really like to have bass in your movies gaming and music.
If You Dont Care About Bass And
you want to forego that then you can find sound bars that don’t have the bass and you can save even more money, but overall this is feature rich HDmi Arc is a big plus bluetooth 5.0 and the dedicated subwoofer that’s going to be the way to go in my opinion. Obviously, you can find better sounding sound bars out there but the question becomes how much do you want to pay well that concludes our video thank you so much for watching Don’t forget the product link will be in our video description below please go ahead check it out and do your shopping from there any purchase made through that link help support our channel at no additional cost to you. So we’re really grateful and thankful for all of your support while you’re at it can you go ahead and hit that like button for us and subscribe to our channel. We have new content coming out daily and we don’t want you to miss anything please go ahead and give us a follow online and make it a clean sweep.
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Finu d5 Tv sound bar has 200 watt output 200 watts output . The sound bar can be purchased from . I did receive this product to review . Any opinion expressed in this video is strictly my own that being said If you’re interested in this product.& You want to find out more about it.& The link to it will be in the video description.& We can learn more about the product on this side with all of our tech specs. On the other side you can learn how to assemble the sound bar now let’s go ahead. Oh the bass sounds nice all right . Let’s open it up and look at the contents first up.& Then you can see with our left and right audio cable right here with our auxiliary 3.5 millimeter connector. Then we have our HDMi cable, our power supply and adapter for our sound bar. The bar is in two pieces. We have our mounting template with our mounting kit and everything we need to attach this…. Click here to read more and watch the full video