Video Creator’s Channel John Trotto Creations

- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- subaru
- seats
- speakers
Alright, Im Gonna Be Installing A Subwoofer In My
2017 Subaru UK and I thought I’d make a video about it because I’m installing a bit of an unconventional subwoofer. This is a spare tire subwoofer sits down in the spare tire you don’t have to take out your spare tire. You can still maintain it it’s supposed to sit down in it. It’s made by a pioneer it’s the UK X6 one zero a for those of you they haven’t UK you know that there’s not a whole lot of room in these things, especially inside the cab. I looked into getting some subwoofers that go underneath the seats, but I don’t think there’s any that fit under the seats of this thing there’s very little room even behind the front seats to sit up on the floor well here.
Ill Show You So Here You Can
see what I mean about not being much room in the back seat. The back seat is is a joke in these cars. No one no human with legs can sit back here. I have my driver’s seat adjusted to where it’s comfortable for me and there’s just a few inches behind the back seat or between the back seat in the front seat. Like I said there’s no room that I could see under the seats to mount a under the seats of I think it would be very tight any that do fit are probably junk.
I Also Thought About Mounting And Under
the seat sub on this surface, but I was afraid that it just wasn’t gonna sound very good and I thought I’d end up feeling it more than hearing it so I just opted to do something in. The trunk I thought about sticking one of the under the seat subwoofers somewhere in the trunk, but I didn’t want to take up any trunk space. There’s a limited it’s a cargo room in these cars anyway and I didn’t want anything in the way of being able to lay something and drunk and the sides of the trunk like any other car the wheel wells are not flat so you’re it’s hard to mount something flat to them so ended up picking this because when this is done you shouldn’t be able to tell it’s even in the car. The problem with these is I cannot find anywhere you can buy these in the United States. These are all overseas.
I Had To Get This Off Of
ebay and it came from Berlin. I forget how long it took it to get here wasn’t too bad for her. See shipping really as ball park had just under 300 bucks, including shipping they’re not too bad it’s supposed to be 200 watts. NK] I’ll put a link down the description all the specs to it stuff and then this is the subwoofer itself as you can see it’s very unconventional very oddly shaped all right This isn’t bad. bad I think it’s going to work.
Its Setting Up Slightly Higher Than
the rest of the surface here, but maybe maybe an eighth inch core value think it’s a quarter inch. So I think that should work just fine. If I have a slight hump in the middle. Why I can live with that you’ll see you back here in a B or is that you’ve got your your Jack lug wrench and stuff. And here is the factory amp It’s set up very strange.
The The Head Unit Powers The
speakers they’re in a dash and the tiny useless speakers in the back seat. This amp here powers the speakers and the doors and this is what we will be tapping into to get signal to go to this subwoofer all right. I’ll give you a look at what all comes with This tip comes with the subwoofer. Itself you’ve got your your main positive power lead with an inline fuse or up front to the battery. Hopefully that’s long enough the main wiring harness and this will take high level and low-level inputs and I will be using a converter to take the high-level inputs from the factory amp converting the low-level inputs go to use these UK cables and again the wired controller for the sub itself gives you gain and the frequency the cutoff frequency A large about a half inch thick foam pad.
I Believe This Is The Place In Between
the spare tire and the sub itself. I’m not sure if I’ll be using this because I just did a test fit and it’s it’s almost perfectly flushed and level in there now so I don’t want to raise any work past it. This is the same thing. I think. This is actually for the top if you want to put a little bit of protection between the top of the subwoofer and the floor of your trunk before you lay it on area.
- sticking seat subwoofers
- getting subwoofers underneath
- spare tire subwoofer sits spare
- seat subwoofers trunk
- installing subwoofer 2017 subaru uk
You Might Actually Use This In Between
the spare tire and sub couple Euler Rods and then notes and bolts here Wait. This is the air part of the wiring harness depending on if you’re using higher low level inflates and then there is a extended threaded rod to use to replace the thread rod It’s in your your factory setup the hole to spare tire that way it’s long enough to catch the subwoofer-hopefully. This all works out okay so what they’ve included here. It is this is your main wiring harness for the sub-everything plugs in right here on the subwoofer and there’s a plate included that covers all this up. Up got your main wiring harness and the wired control plugs in here so what they’ve included is the main wiring harness.
This Will Connect To The Other Yellow
power wire running up to the battery. Here’s your UK inputs. It’s got a long ground cable on and a very long blue remote turn on wire, which will be able to tap into the the stock amp that’s in the car. This is just to extend basically the UK connections on here If you’re going to run speaker level inputs. I think it’s long like this because if you need to run all the way up to your factory deck.
You Could Im Sure Im Glad These
rear seats fold down because otherwise I would have been doing all this in a trunk and fetal position anyway. I’ll try to give you an idea what is going on here so. You’ve got your wiring harness that comes from the sub comes over splices into its power cable down the ground and plugs in with UK jacks to the high-to low converter that I have that is spliced in to the factory of artists to the factory and that’s what took most of the time you splice the four wires for the converter into the factory harness and for ground. I used a bolt that was holding down the bracket for the factory sub now you want to make sure he cleaned that really well would get all the paint off of it. So it makes a good contact and in the control wire where the sub comes down wraps here runs through the center here underneath some carpet underneath the center console up to the front center console the yellow wire you see here is the supplied power cable.
That Came With The Amp It
runs along some factory wiring here alright So here’s a bit closer look at what’s going on it’s It’s a bit of a mess Right now I need to tidy it up a bit more, but I think I said you have your four wires coming from your your high to low pass converter and they’re spliced in to the factory harness wiring and then I don’t think you can see it but under here is a stud for this bracket that’s the one I say used for ground. I cleaned it up really well. There was ground for the converter itself and there’s ground for the the sub and for you there wondering what the back seat to the B or Z is like got the back seat folded down here and the bottom part of the seat you can get out almost. out with just one bolt and then you can lift it up, which helped me run the control wire through here underneath this carpet and then out the back not sure how the back of this seat connects, but I didn’t need to take it completely out of there to do that anyway so that control wire runs up underneath the console. I didn’t need to take it out.
I Just Pulled It Back Some
and tucked underneath of there and then the control harness itself. I will be using some 3m double-sided tape placing it right here. All right is everything put back in your factory start from spacing there. My rat nest of wires gonna bundled up and zip tied there got the plate put on here just two screws. It’s Nice that it keeps the wires pretty protected The only thing it’s kind of odd is the the factory flooring will lay over this and it’s going to lay on these wires a little bit.
So I Need To At Least Put Something
here to protect these later on, but other than that all seems to fit in there Nice and I just it gives you a ton of options for your mounting. There’s a few different threaded rods. There’s a some washers and spacers and nuts and things to adapt to whatever vehicle You have I stopped it for a metal washer and wingnut did just that’s I could get it in there tight with that it seemed to fit was right height. So here’s the controller for the sub I mounted it with some 3m tape stuck to the console there. I wish it was a little bit.
Smaller, But Its Its Tucked Out
of the way enough to where it shouldn’t be too bad. It gives you controls for gain or volume the frequency that the sub-cuts off and your normal and reverse phase alright. Now I’ll let you guys see what it sounds like now with any video on Youtube. You’re not going to be able to tell though actual quality of the sound but hopefully this lets you at least hear the the difference that it can make I’ll say that overall I am pleased with how it turned out and what it sounds like now I should tell you.
I Wasnt Looking For A Super
thumpy bass. I don’t want to roll down the road and shake the cars next to me. I I wasn’t looking for that I was looking for a a more full sound to the stereo system it by the time you cranked up any kind of bass on the factory setup. It just got really muddy and I just could not get a full sound out of it.
So This Is Just So.
I can kind of dial back the bass on the factory speakers and and use the sub to fill it in and hopefully get a lot better sound so one way. I show you is with the sub off and then I’m going to turn it up a little bit and hopefully you can hear the difference UK UK UK UK UK all right. Yet all the install done now just need to put in the factory trunk flooring and pretty much done.
I Ended Up Being Able To Run
the wires underneath the spare. Tire and pop back out and that way they’re not on top of the spare tire. When I put the factory flooring down and then delayed on overall turned out really good my main thing.
Subwoofer sits down in the spare tire you don’t have to take out your spare tire . Subwoofers that go underneath the seats of this thing don’t fit under the seats . There’s very little room even behind the front seats to sit up on the floor well here. The back seat is is a joke in these cars.& No one no one no human with legs can sit back here.& I have my driver’s seat adjusted to where it’s comfortable for me and there’s just a few inches behind the back seat or between the back seats in the front seat.& The trunk I thought about sticking one of the under the seat subwoofer somewhere in the trunk, but I didn’t want to take up any trunk space.& There’s a limited it’s a . cargo room in these . cars anyway and the wheel wells are not flat so you’re it’s hard to mount something flat to them so ended up picking this because when this is done you shouldn’t…. Click here to read more and watch the full video