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Todays Video Is About A Powered Under The
seat subwoofer I’m going to be doing a review on also get it installed and do a couple of music sound tests on this thing stay tuned let’s go ahead and dig in so this is the QB Us-10P powered under the seat subwoofer from MVX that they offer really cool and going to be awesome to see how this thing sounds today get it hooked up and installed and hope you all enjoy this review and overview so let’s go ahead and dig in. This is the 10-inch subwoofer. They also offer these in a 8 as well. You’d have to check out their site to see more details on it also all links in the description. I don’t like to say everything in the manual because you can read that yourself.
But Ill Give You The Overview
that I see. On it! This is a rated at 500 watts that’s going to be peak power and this is a slim subwoofer, making it usable to be able to actually be installed under the seat and in a really tight space and of course, we’ll go ahead and look into the manual in a minute too but first off let’s get the actual amplifier and powered subwoofer all in one reviewed first so this actually is a powered subwoofer not just a amplifier or not just a subwoofer, but a combine of both to make it very user friendly to be able to get it installed and in into one location without having to have multiple equipment pieces to make it universal for your convenience. You can see the footprint space is really compact based on the size of my hand and of course it’s a 10-inch subwoofer. The back of. Box I just showed you was the measurements on it and a really nice look to it definitely heavy.
It Doesnt Feel Like It Looks
like. It’s heavy on the video, but it is fairly heavy. Weighted for being a shallow mounted subwoofer and a really cool machine design that they have for the NVX logo and look at that a little mini vented ported enclosure design so event port design that they have here to add a little bit extra maximum base performance. So it’s not a sealed enclosure but a little mini port there and also let’s look into the fuse rating looks like it’s a 15 amp fuse rating with 8 gauge power and ground inputs. Also the base remote control will look at a second.
You Can Also Adjust Your Phase.
You can have an auto power on and off setting that you can turn on. or off the low pass bass boost and your input volts so a lot of the things that an amplifier already offers, but with this amplifier-powered subwoofer enclosure. You’re actually able to not have to wire a subwoofer input and negative and positive to it so it’s already wired for you and it is a 4-ohm impedance, but its output impedance is 2 ohm for the amplifier that is powering it so on the back you can see a couple of screws. You can actually disamount to be able to disassemble it.
Im Not Going To Be Taking
it apart today and also it is moisture resistant is what I’m looking at the manual that’s pretty cool so if you accidentally spill something you would be okay as long as it doesn’t hit the wiring component area so let’s go ahead and look at the base knob real. Quick it’s going to be a really simple base knob, just to be able to have your mid max to be able to control it, but it includes a bass knob so that’s actually a nice extra perk. You can be able to put that all the way next to your seat and you can control the output of this base. Just by this little simple knob and another thing. I want to mention is the heat dissipation factor of it at the bottom.
- 10 inch slim subwoofer
- us10p 10 inch subwoofer
- amplifier powered subwoofer reviewed actually
- seat subwoofer mvx
- powered seat subwoofer mvx offer
I Actually Get To Try This Out And
actually see the heat that it reacts and releases when I do the music test that you’ll see in a couple of minutes as well. In the video so it’s pretty cool that it has that feature too so let’s look at the manual. Real quick. This is once again a 10-inch slim subwoofer so a lot of. know these as shallow mounts and it has every feature that you saw It has an aluminum die cast heat sink so that relates to the heat dissipation that I mentioned earlier and everything else really you just need to check out the links.
In The Description, Im Not Going To Read
down the manual. One other thing that I think is really important to know is that this has a high level input of 1 volts to 8 volts. So it is really compatible with even a stock radio station system or if you have an aftermarket upgraded stereo system, so it gives you different options for how you’re going to actually connect it. Whether you use your stock radio or your stereo system so that’s pretty cool so hope you enjoyed that quick review also hit a like if you haven’t already it goes a long way and stay tuned for more videos and subscribe so now that I gave you a little overview of this let’s go ahead and get this thing installed all right let’s go ahead and get this thing installed there we go got the RCa’s installed got the ground remote and 12 volt power all installed so now let me go ahead and get this thing tuned so for tuning this I’m not going to mess with phase. They have a phase option.
Im Not Going To Have Phase On 0
or 180 degrees I’m just going to keep it on 0 degrees. No need for me to change that I’m going to have my low pass going. to go ahead and set that since this is a subwoofer for subwoofer output coming from the RCa’s of my stereo head unit. I will be tuning this to around the 80 to 95 Hertz range. So I’ll turn it all the way down to make sure I can dial it right and it’s nice that this gives me that 80 to 95 Hertz range so I’m going to put it right in the middle around that that 90 Hertz range that’s going to be for my low pass so that way I get all of my bass will play up to that before it gets actually lower cut off point from the crossover my bass boost.
- subwoofer
- amp
- amplifier
- rms
- speakers
I Dont Want Any Boost On Here
so I’m going to go ahead and turn that off and my end volts are going to match my actual stereo head unit volts, which is 2 volts so depending on your actual RCas where your RCa pre-out voltages of your stereo head unit depends on that not going to use any devices to tune the gain today the input voltage here will be two volts for the RCas and of course I’m not going to be using a remote base knob for this they came with it, but I don’t need it for this, but it is a nice factor to use and that’s all it takes for me to get it tuned now for me to make sure everything’s good. I’m gonna go ahead and make sure the setting is off get the vehicle turned on and let’s turn this thing. For first turn on Okay, I’m about to go turn my vehicle on for the first time. This amplifier powered subwoofer has been ever turned on and we’ll see how it does auto power on is off currently, but it did turn on using the remote wire. I honestly don’t know why you would need the auto power on but there’s a feature that it offers for this but you can hardly see but it has turned on with no issues.
The Little Light Is On So Now
let’s go ahead and do a couple of subwoofer sound tests and see how this thing sounds get a little more detailed breakdown on it too all right so I’ve got two songs. I’m gonna play both of these will be from Youtube studio. The first one’s revolutionary It’s not going to really be able to see very much not taking off. this panel because it’s a lot of disassembly, but we’ll get a little port flex action here and see how the subwoofer flex sounds not going to be most optimal because I’m outside.
If I Put In The Vehicle, You
would hardly hear it too just because of camber doesn’t pick up sound quality a subwoofer outfit very well so here we go. I’m gonna set it down on the table that gives you a realistic feel that it’s vibrating all right. I actually could feel a little bit of heat dissipation underneath the amplifier portion of this so definitely working not going to be an extreme subwoofer just enough bump to get you better than stock speakers. Since it is only a 200 watt RMs rated subwoofer as I mentioned earlier.
So Now Lets Do One Other Song And
definitely got a little bit of flex action here with the pressure coming out of this porch, so it’s pretty cool to see that and the vibration you hear what I said on the table is give you an idea of what kind of output it’s putting out just through vibrating all right so next song here. This one is from Youtube studio contact so oh can definitely feel the punch of the pressure coming from the subwoofer from where I feel but you can’t tell on video but definitely really nice NVx subwoofer powered amplifier style hope you all enjoyed that video be sure to give it a like as well as a comment what you think about it and I really be glad to be able to see what y’all’s feedback is on this budget friendly powered subwoofer amplifier so. You it’s the GB Us10P 10-inch subwoofer got a little bit warm. I was actually playing a little hard for Y’all, Even though you can’t tell on video but really exciting to see the output.
This Things Putting Out For A Little Punch
for a small compact space you. Whether you want to put it underneath your seat in the back in a hidden area in the trunk just give you a little bit more bang than your stock speakers as I mentioned earlier for a good price so check out the links in the description and shout out to NVX really nice powered subwoofer here and stay tuned for more videos. Hope you all enjoyed that subscribe and I’ll see you on the next one you.
The QB Us-10P powered under the seat subwoofer from MVX that they offer really cool and going to be awesome to see how this thing sounds today get it hooked up and installed and do a couple of music sound tests on this thing stay tuned . This is a rated at 500 watts that’s going the peak power and this is a slim sub woofer, making it usable to be able to actually be installed under the . seat and in a really tight space and of course, we’ll go ahead and look into the manual in a minute too but first off let’s get the actual amplifier and powered subwowoofer all in one reviewed first so this actually is a . combine of both to make it very user friendly to . make it a combination of both but a combine of . the . user friendly and make it easy to get it installed and in into one location without having to have multiple equipment pieces to make . your convenience for your convenience . The box is heavy on the video, but it is fairly heavy ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video