Video Creator’s Channel Dave Taylor

Dont Get Rid Of Your Old Albums Get
a new turntable Let’s check this one out Taylor here and I’m checking out this. This is the record F-100p automatic turntable with built-in preamp and it’s really a great experience. It lets you either pull out those old vinyl UK that you have and just drop them on or if you’re new to this whole experience it does everything for you there’s no calibration you need to do you. Don’t need to go buy a separate needle nothing it’s super easy in fact let me go ahead and just start this and we’re going to be listening to this album just for a second or two. This is Ramsey Lewis.
Its One Of His Great Old Albums
now notice it spun up to the correct speed. It moved the tone arm and now it’s going to gently drop the needle onto. And then the for the speakers here I have Mitchell acoustic Ustream ones that also have a built-in amp. So I can make this really loud but just overall it’s just a really nice listening experience. Now Obviously I can’t just play this song as much as I’d like to because I don’t have the rights to it so I’m going to choose stop and it will lift up the needle put it back into the holder and then stop turning the album.
- turntables
- turntable
- preamp
- recordaudio
- bass
All Of Thats Automatic I Can Easily
just go ahead and close this and let it do its thing and there we go so all of that’s super easy to use now let me show you a close-up of all the controls just on the side of the tone arm. You can see there are two different speeds. There are separate controls for lifting the needle up. really helpful if you want to pause. This is sort of the old school pause Button and then start and stop automate the majority of what you’re going to want to do and when the needle gets to the very inside of the album, it will lift up.
- music reproduction better needle better
- turntables need need really firm
- music reproduction better needle
- 100p automatic turntable built preamp
- rid old albums new turntable
It Will Go All The Way Back To
the rest area and then the album will stop turning now. One thing that’s interesting is with 45s they were smaller albums and they had bigger holes in the middle. So a 33 has a little hole that’s maybe about a quarter inch maybe a little bit smaller than that. But this was the size of a 45 so you’d have to put this in the middle as a sort of spacer. This album player is smart enough that if you choose 45.
When It Lifts The Needle Up And
moves it in it. Will move it to the correct spot not just drop it onto the outer edge as it would with the 33 and actually I think it’s 33 and a third UK but be that as it may the album player the record player the turntable. Whatever you want to call it does everything so you don’t have to even know this stuff so it’s super easy to work with so it’s powered by a UK motor and it’s what’s known as a belt drive turntable with 20 to 20 000 Hertz frequency response 40 Decibels of Rumble, which you can adjust further by putting it on a more sort of sound buffering bass and that’s just sort of the rumble of the system itself. It’s the nature of analog audio and it has a signal to noise ratio of 62 decibels and here’s a stat that you only need to. Worry about with record players.
It Has 0.
06 percent wow and flutter and that’s a measure of Is it a consistent speed or does it slow down and speed up and slow down and speed up. You really want it to be as absolutely consistent in speed as possible to get the best possible music reproduction. Now it comes built in with a needle. This is the Audio Technica at 3600l very nice needle setup and here’s a close-up.
You Can See Its A Fairly Complicated
little Gizmo but that little tiny needle is what rests in the grooves of the vinyl and that’s really all that’s responsible for that music reproduction so the better the needle and the better all of the circuitry the better the experience it’s really pretty fun now. The tone arm itself is 8. 3 inches. It’s an ultra low mass tone arm with viscosity dampening. If you noticed when it raised and lowered it doesn’t bounce it doesn’t Jitter.
Its A Very Smooth Motion Thats That Viscosity
dampening and all of that is important to get the best possible experience. The units also pre-adjusted for tracking an anti–skating so anti-skating. For example, is if I bumped the table. I don’t want the needle to bounce all the way across the record that would not be good both for the record and particularly for the listening experience. They have stuff to make sure that doesn’t occur now Dimensions wise if I open this up.
You Can See A Little Bit More Of
the size. It is 16. 9 inches wide, 14. 3 inches deep and five and a half. If I close this now about five five and a half inches tall.
Its 12 Pounds.
It is a big heavy unit but turntables need to be they need. and really firm so that as they play music you’re not getting any vibrations in the unit itself it’s really nice they’ve really engineered this well not much else to talk about I will tell you that it sounds great. It’s super easy to work with my teenager watched me setting all this up and listening to some of this music and immediately said Ooh I want that that looks so cool and it is such a different aesthetic experience than bringing out your phone and saying play you know I mean yeah you can do that and you get billions of music and songs and choices, but there’s something about vinyl. There’s something about this whole kinesthetic experience that is really not just nostalgic for those of us old enough to remember buying albums.
But Just Is A Different Relationship Ship With
your music and the good news is. That there’s a lot of UK out there and some of them you can get at remarkable prices Yeah you’ll have to clean things and yes it’s analog so it does gradually wear down when you you know you can play the same song on Spotify 50 000 times and it’s never going to sound any different with this. It will gradually start to Decay but what a great experience to have is actually have a physical relationship with your music reproduction system so really the only thing left to talk about at this point is the price so let’s talk about that but before we get there I’m going to ask if you could subscribe to my Channel please a click or a tap on that subscribe Button then go ahead and click that notification Bell to make sure you know about my new content and we’re connected great. If you found this interesting informative useful go ahead and give me a like always appreciate those really do so cool this so I can tilt It Forward just a little bit here.
This Is The Record F-100P Automatic Turntable
with built-in preamp and it is 399 dollars. If you don’t need the built-in preamp, then you can save 30 bucks. The one without the preamp is 369 dollars. In both instances you can learn a lot more about it at recordaudio.
Com Me I Think Im Going To Go Back
to Ramsey Lewis let’s go ahead and get him rolling here and that means means that come on Mr. Lewis. You can do it that means that as soon as this happens, I’m going to have to catch you in my next video.
Record F-100p automatic turntable with built-in preamp is a great experience . It lets you either pull out old vinyl UK that you have and just drop them on or if you’re new to this whole experience it does everything for you there’s no calibration you need to do you. Don’t need to go buy a separate needle nothing it’s super easy in fact let me go ahead and just start this and we’re going to be listening to this album just for a second or two. It’s one of his great old albums now notice it spun up to the correct speed. It moved the tone arm and now it’s going to gently drop the needle onto.& And then the for the speakers here I have Mitchell acoustic Ustream ones that also have a built-In amp.& So I can make this really loud but just overall it’s just a really nice listening experience. It is really a great listening experience . There are separate controls for lifting the needle up….. Click here to read more and watch the full video