Video Creator’s Channel The Toxic Twinkie

All Right So This Is How To Install
a subsystem into a 2010 Lincoln Mkz. So first thing you got to do is you got to run the power where for yourself and so if you look up under here. I saw another Youtube video where the guy pulled this plastic thing out here and then drilled a hole right there, but I was looking around and I noticed and I already have it run. But there’s a little plastic let me get my flashlight up there there’s a little plastic tab sort of dealio up here that’s already there and it’s made to have a hole drilled through it there’s actually a I have it right here. This piece was like already pre-stamped out.
You Just Had To Rip It
out where the tabs were and usually I just ripped ripped it out of there and lo and behold. This like plastic piece and then on the other side. I pulled the pulled the battery out here There’s aluminum foil you peel that back and all it is is just a plastic little piece that’s basically just made to be drilled through it. So all I did was drill a hole through it and now I got my power wire coming out here so the next step is to run to the back of the car so to get the weather stripping out basically. You just take a screwdriver and you just very carefully Pry up you be careful with your pry because it’s held down with clips.
But Once You Get It Started.
You can just take your thumbs and push up and the weather stripping and the plastic will all start to start to come out and then you can kind of see where you could potentially. run your speaker wire or speaker power wire I should say so we started running and we pulled a bunch of this up it all clips in the same way. We just ran it right underneath there and you peel this back and running through Here is kind of a pain in the ass and also so I guess there’s a little clip up here. It clips into that kind of broke that but whatever I’ll just sort of Jb weld it back together if I can see it but I’ll just maybe throw some JBl to me.
Ill Just Throw It Back In
place. Let me find whatever you get through that I took a long piece of metal. In this case. I used my magnet shoved it through this hall here and then I tape the other end to there and I just pull it all the way. Through put the seats back pull this thing out here see that and so we’ll just be running it under there and into the back and some useful thing kind of pulled that up a little bit more and then look into the back here so the cables come through there just doing the old shove that stick through the hole tape it to the end and pull it out.
The Other End Kind Of Dealio
right here so all right a little update so we’ve tucked all the molding back together there we go I ran it here kind of tucked it all in here Oh gap. I can’t really see and then it comes up around the top and it comes out nice and clean so now we gotta move on to the next part Alrighty so 12 hours later um so I picked up this sni 35. line output converter everybody was saying that the stock line input converter on the Rockville subwoofers was not the greatest and that you should get one of these so that’s what it did wired it up to the left and the right speakers and I soldered all that stuff in and taped it up. Now I’ve been looking for a line out or I’m sorry a remote turn on connection and instead of re-running all the wire because I forgot to run the remote turn on to begin with. I decided to rip up the back and see what I could do here so.
I Believe This Is The Fuel
pump wiring harness and I tested with my electrical tester here and it’s kind of hard to tell but the green wire is constant 12 volt power. I’m not entirely sure what the yellow one is or the white one. The red one but the gray one is a i’m assuming that’s a relay wire switch for the fuel pump because when the key is not in the ignition, it’s off. There’s no power to it and then when the key is in the ignition just in the accessory position and when it’s turned on. This wire has five volts going to it, whereas the green wire has 12 volts going on all the time.
- piece pulled pulled battery
- battery aluminum foil peel
- run little plastic let flashlight
- hole got power wire coming
- flashlight little plastic tab sort
So I Temporarily Wear A Little Wire
to my remote turn on switch and connected it to here with the key in the ignition and turn to the accessory position as well as the um turned on the car and it seemed to work so that’s what I’m wearing it too also I should know I ran the cable up taped. It fastened it and it works pretty good all right so what’s been done. So far is I’ve wired it up and tested it out so like. I said before we got our left and our right and just Janky taped down the middle for now we go into our SN35, which then goes into the input right there. Then we have our power our remote turn on and our ground and then we have our two speaker wires, so it took me a little bit of research to figure out how to tune the amplifier, but basically what you do is you go turn your volume on your car to max or the highest it’ll go before it starts to distort and then you play 40 Hertz signal continuously and make sure you turn all your main card speakers off and then unplug unplug these here before you play the 40 Hertz so you play the 40 hertz, but before you do that.
You Take These Out You Take
your multimeter and you take your two probes you put each of these probes on each of those pins there. It doesn’t matter which one then you set it to ac volts about that bigger so and then so. These are four ohm speakers with 200 watts of power. So the math that you’re going to do to tune the gain on your amplifier is going to be the square root of 800 because 4 ohms times 200 watts that’s 800 so the square root of that ends up being about 28 or 26. I can’t remember 28 or 26 and that’s gonna be the voltage that you want so that you want to set so basically what you do is you turn this all the way down.
- flashlight
- wiring
- battery
- ignition
- install
You Turn This All The Way Down.
You turn this all the way up and this. all the way down you make sure this is switched to the left and then so you play the 40 Hertz signal with your probes on so there’s no speakers disconnected. You look at your multimeter and you basically just turn this knob to the right until your multimeter reads 26 or 28 volts. In my particular case it may be 30 40 depending on what you all got going so but this is for the rockville dual 10-inch sub kit and then once you do that then the low pass filter kind of gets set to like whatever you feel is good, so I kind of just put it to maybe I don’t know maybe like 80 ish Hertz around there something like that.
Now The Subsonic I Tried To Do
like 30 30 Hertz because that’s what looked pretty good and then once you do that and. It should work pretty good and it does I’m just gonna so I haven’t wired this thing through the car. I just kind of got a strong Janky ways through here so we’ll just get the car on here okay so now This thing is on let’s turn this like two notches away from the max but basically maximum there let’s connect my phone We’re gonna play a song here real quick and I’ve turned the volumes mostly up so yeah It works decently for you know a little under 200 or like right at 200 for the whole whole thing so um I’m pretty satisfied with it so peace all right so here we have like a seven or eight-month update. I actually installed these subs when it was like May of last year and right now. I’m in a parking garage and it’s winter and it’s cold.
And Its 23 Degrees So Let Me
pop the trunk and show you what I got going on back here um as you can see my car is almost as salty as my personality is sometimes anywho so update is I mounted everything on the side. Here added a few components, so what did I do so. After about two months of using this rockville 10-inch sub-system that I got for. I don’t know I was like under 200 or something like that I started to realize because I tapped into the rear speakers using this let me pull it out here. This sm-35 um line output converter, which is now can we talk back there that I had to fade the sound to the rears a lot more in order to allow the line output converter to have a high enough signal to send to the amplifier.
Would Then Would Send It To The
subwoofers essentially I couldn’t have an equal distribution distribution right distribution of sound to all the speakers in the car. Because I had to fade into the rears to feed this thing. So I was like okay. So we need more power so what do we need to do here so the first thing I did is. I went out and I got a little RCa preamp um.
Theres A Piece Of Tape There To Hold
the knob where I wanted it to go but essentially what it does is the blue RCa cable comes from the amplifier. The SN35 goes into there. I turn it up almost all the way, but I never turn things completely all the way up because um you might destroy something or the internal components anywho and then from out of there goes into the amplifier. However, I have these two gold things what are these so these are actually 70 Hertz-low pass filters or otherwise they’re known as fmods and the reason I added those is because when I plugged this thing in I realized that you know this amplifier is not the most expensive amplifier in the world. You can definitely tell it that it’s not the most expensive amplifier in the world because it doesn’t filter out the high frequencies, especially when you’re tapping in the rear speakers now normally you’re supposed to tap into the head unit I don’t want to tear my head unit apart because it’s pain he has to do on these cars, but so I tapped in the rears and so I had to compensate.
So I Got These 70 Hertz
low pass filters. I did purchase 50 hurts low pass filters as well and. Then I plug them in line in different combinations and those really reduce the signal, so I I stuck with the 70s.
This is how to install a subsystem into a 2010 Lincoln Mkz. All right so? This is . how to installed a subsystem . into a . 2010 Lincoln MKz. The next step is to run to the back of the car so to get the . weather stripping out basically . The weather stripping and the plastic will all start to . start to start to come out and then you can kind of see where you could potentially . potentially . run your speaker wire or speaker power wire I should say so we started running and we pulled a bunch of this up it all clips in the same way . We just ran it right underneath there and you peel this back and you peeled this back . You can just take your thumbs and push up and the weather strip and the . plastic will start to come out . It clips into that kind of broke that but whatever I’ll just sort of Jb weld it back together if I can’t see it but I’ll just kind of…. Click here to read more and watch the full video