Video Creator’s Channel Kpaceguy

##Nk] Um Yo Whats Going On Youtube, Welcome Back
to the channel and welcome back to another video of the Rockville Ss8P subwoofer Now if you haven’t seen my first video on this, I did a complete unboxing of it. I showed you guys how to install it, and then I talked about how it sound initially out of the box, but now that I’ve had it for a couple of months. I have a lot of different opinions about it that I want to share with you guys. This is raw fields probably most popular under seat subwoofer. This is a shallow mount under seat subwoofer for those who don’t want to put a big 10-12-inch box in their trunk.
They Want They Want Something A
little bit better on the base side, but nothing huge and this is definitely for those kinds of people, but we have to talk about exactly what this thing can and cannot do so. This video is going to help you decide if this is worth getting or not, so I’m not going to do a huge overview of this again again. I made a video in the past. So if you want to see more about the subwoofer check that video out, but this will go break it down really quickly for you so again. It’s A 400 watt small compact under seat subwoofer made to give you just a little bit more thump inside your car to make up for the lack of base that your door speakers have or don’t have I should say so this is going to help you out with that 400 watts.
It Has A Frequency Response From Two For
I think 20 hertz up to maybe 250 Hertz whatever with a built-in subsonic filter at 20. Hertz also has a bass boost at 45 Hertz 0 to 12 db. So this thing has a lot of thump to it for a small package. It is an 8-inch driver so you shouldn’t come in expecting too much out of this and that’s going to be a key part of if you like it or not now to show you how I have mine in my car when you open. Door I have mine underneath my driver’s seat here and you can see it at this angle, But when you’re actually in the car or you’re getting into the car, you can’t see it at all and that’s really the purpose of having this kind of subwoofer.
You Want To Be Able To
hide it away. So nobody really knows you have one it doesn’t take up any extra space in the trunk or in the cabin, But you do have a little extra base to help out your door speakers that you may or may not like so it’s really just for the people who want to add a little more thump not a lot but just a little bit gives you a little bit more a little more bass presence in your music. When you’re driving you know to wherever you’re going to be going and so I really like this I like this low profile with this one it’s actually very sturdy. It has a lot of good build quality to it a complete metal casing. It’s not ported being a small little box.
- purpose having kind subwoofer want
- overview video past want subwoofer
- inch subwoofer sitting
- popular seat subwoofer shallow mount
- coming really soon subwoofer seat
Like This It Is Sealed So Youre
going to compromise in a lot of low end so I went ahead and pulled it out just a little bit so you can see it. You can see that’s not very long, not very thick, not very deep. It has a 8-inch subwoofer sitting right there in the middle of it with a rockville symbol and that’s just about it. On the other side of the amp is the actual amplifier where you’ll do all of your settings that’s your crossover from 50 hertz up to I think 200. And then you can um change your input gain it’s not a volume knob, but you can set your gains there for your sensitivity and you can also set your bass boost as well.
It Has The Ability To Do
a high level or low level input. So if you’re coming straight from your door speakers, you can do it that way or if you’re going to connect it via RCas, which is what I have going on, then you can connect that way, but what I want to talk about is its sound quality. Of course. Now there’s one make or break reason that you may or may not like this subwoofer If you’re someone who’s looking for a system that’s really going to bring some dump really going to bring some rattle it’s going to shake your mirrors. It’s going to be able to perform at high volumes.
Youre Going To Hate This Subwoofer Youre Going
to not like it at all. If you’re coming from a dedicated subwoofer in the trunk a big box 10s or 12s you’re going to hate the subwoofer If you’re looking for a low end bass sub 30 stuff like that you’re gonna hate the subwoofer, but if you’re looking for a base that you know um not too deep you know just reinforces the lower end that your door speakers can’t handle it’s going to do that if you’re looking to get you know pretty moderate volumes out of the sub you’re gonna like this subwoofer. It’s really the expectation that you have going into the subwoofer that’s going to make you either keep it or return it for me. I’m actually looking to get scar evils 212s to put in the back trunk. So this is a temporary sub just.
Until Then, Which Is A Video Coming Up
really soon, but for now I have the subwoofer under the seat just to help reinforce the base that my door speakers just cannot handle and that’s what the subwoofer is made to do and that’s the expectation you have to have when you buy this because if you have anything greater than that you’re going to be disappointed, but what I really want to talk about is the how the subwoofer performs itself. There is one major problem with this subwoofer and it’s it’s DsP. It’s digital sound processing and i’m going to show you example of what I’m about to say in just a moment when you’re listening to a song of any type R B rock hip hop. Once your sub just reaches a certain volume level, it stops turning up so for example, if I’m listening to a. Song right now and I turn up the volume My door speakers continue to get louder as I turn the volume, but the subwoofer stops at a certain point to protect itself.
So It Really Starts To Be Drowned Out
from the rest of the car and that’s because it’s only 400 watts peak and it’s not very powerful. It’s not going to be able to keep up with the rest of your sound system. If your sound system is a good sound system as you turn it up the subwoofer stops getting louder so what I’m going to do. Right now is I’m going to play a song right now On spotify. It’s going to be a non–copyright song Of course, I’m going to play a song with the door speakers on just so you can hear the two together and then I’m going to play it with the subwoofers and I’m going to turn up the volume and you’re going to see that the volume level doesn’t increase after a certain point take a look all right so volume warning we’re going to play a song and let you guys listen to it really quickly so you’re gonna hear a moderate amount of bass and I’m gonna turn it up and we’re gonna see what happens one more time alright so what we had happened just now the volume as the volume increase the subwoofer stop moving and that causes the big issue with sound balancing so when your speakers get louder your subwoofer kind of gets drained out by the overall sound.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- enclosure
- bass
- subsonic
You Bring This Helmet Back Down Now
your subwoofer is much higher than the rest of your sound system, so there’s a bad bloatiness when you’re listening at low volumes. But there’s a lack of bass when you’re listening at high volume. So the sub doesn’t have enough power to keep up with high volumes, but gives you too much whenever you turn the volume back down because you’ve had to tune your gains so high just to match it at high volumes just that makes any sense. So what this sub really suffers from is a lot of issues. When you get to moderate silence volume levels.
It Just Cannot Keep Up With The
rest of your system and it’s almost like your sub just turned off on you in the middle of a song all right so what I’m going to do now. I’m going to play the same little part of that track there. I turned off all the door speakers and all I have on is the sub and we’re going to turn the volume up and we’re going to watch it perform and see what it can do so. Here we go so you can kind of hear that if you have a good system or headphones. We’re going to turn up the volume and see what happens next so right around here not even halfway is when the subwoofer stops turning the volume up or it starts to um just crap out on you so here we go so I’m turning the volume up on the sub and it’s going nowhere so between 15 on the volume rocker all the way up um onward it doesn’t make any difference.
It Doesnt Get Any Softer Or Louder Until
I hit 15 and then you can hear incremental differences in volume all right. Guys I’m not sure how well I was able to portray what I was hearing through this Youtube video but I tried my best you’ll kind of have to take my word for it. The subwoofer sounds okay it’s it’s good, but it’s not great there’s others on your seat subwoofers that will probably far outperform this one. But this is probably one of the more cheaper ones that’s why it appeals to so many people but out of audio standpoint off a performance standpoint. It’s not that great it’s really good when it comes to its purpose, which is just to be.
Im Hidden Out Of The Way Under A
seat reinforced a little bit of bass that your door speakers can’t handle it’s really good at that but when you start to turn it up is when you find its weak points when you try to turn it. down you hear that it’s really bloated there’s a lot of Dsp inside this amp, so it doesn’t let itself turn up too loud. It protects itself at high volumes. It also over emphasizes certain frequency ranges to sound bigger than it is around that 55 60-70 75 hertz range. It really gets muddy and bloated because the sub is trying to give more than what it can because it’s smaller and it’s trying to fool you into thinking.
Its A Bigger Enclosure When Its Not
so it sounds okay but it’s not great by any means, but it is worth the money that you’ll spend for it. I wouldn’t spend any more than 100 110 on it anything more than that you’re better off getting something else over this but anything under 100 or at that point you’re actually perfect in that price range, so it’s gonna stay. in my car for just a little bit longer again, I am.
The Rockville Ss8P subwoofer is a 400-watt 400 watts . It is an 8-inch driver so you shouldn’t come in expecting too much out of this and that’s going to be a key part of if you like it or not now to show you how I have mine in my car when you open. I have my mine underneath my driver’s seat here and you can see it at this angle, But when you’re actually in the car or you’re getting into the car, you can’t see it.& Hertz also has a bass boost at 45 Hertz 0 to 12 db. It has a frequency response from two for I think 20 hertz up to maybe 250 Hertz whatever with a built-in subsonic filter at 20.& So this thing has a lot of thump to it for a small package. I made a video in the past. Check that video out of the previous video out, but this will go break it down really quickly…. Click here to read more and watch the full video