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We are going to review the rhythmic FVx 12 ported subwoofer. It is a direct Servo-controlled subwoofer. It’s 12 inches. It’s got 400 watts RMs and a whole slew of features and specs that’ll leave on the screen here do keep in mind. The extension spec can vary based on how you have it set up so feel free to hop on the rhythmic website and check that out so you guys know I’ve reviewed a few rhythmic subwoofers.
Now The L12, The L22 And The F12
Se pair that I own myself and I’ve been pretty impressed with them so far and I wanted to see what their ported subwoofer could do because I don’t know about you guys, but when I learned about that direct Servo technology and how it controls the cone and stops it from doing anything. It’s not supposed to be doing I kind of thought like man that’s probably going to be a great combination for a ported sub because let’s be honest-ported subwoofers generally speaking while they’re great for theater. Most audiophiles are going to be staying away from them for a two-channel music-only system because they’ve got overhang they could be slow to respond. Sometimes they can be outright sloppy or dominate the presentation or even be boomy. If you’ve got a cheaper one and you know those are all valid reasons to not want a ported subwoofer in your music system.
Some People Are Willing To Deal With
that sacrifice because they have a mixed system and so on or like an 80-20 system where you know theater is the primary function, but again. I i had a hypothesis if you will that the servo technology would perform very very. a ported design and really shine so I got my hands on this bad boy and let’s make no mistake. Though it’s big okay so that is that is one thing to keep in mind. It’s definitely not the size of a sealed 12-inch subwoofer but with one port closed and set up to integrate properly with the right phase gain and frequency.
If You Came Here Sat In
the listening position with your eyes closed and had to guess what it was you would not guess it was a ported subwoofer. All those things I talked about just a second ago. You know those things ported subwoofers aren’t great at that you know that overhang that being slow to respond that little bit of sloppiness. This has none of that absolutely none of that for all intents and purposes. It essentially plays like a sealed subwoofer, but has more.
And Output Capability At Those Lower Frequencies.
I will in fact go as far as to say. In some ways it is better than quite a few sealed subwoofers, but let’s get into what it sounds like and then we’ll do some comparisons so the mid-bass articulation excellent phenomenal very very very very very good. All the rhythmic subwoofers I’ve reviewed so far have been fantastic when it comes to mid bass blending if you need to blend up high you know 60 70 80 Hertz rhythmic is a great subwoofer to look at not. All subwoofers have good bass note distinction and even information in that frequency range a lot of subs are great you know 50 Hertz and below above 50 Hertz.
I Find Most Subwoofers Kind Of Theyre
not going to be as articulate as the speakers you’re trying to match them to generally but this. is very good at that just like the F12 Sc. In fact, let’s move on to the actual base itself very well textured very good transients, speed recovery articulation all very good extension authority don’t even worry about it tons okay it’s got tons of it um Overall I found the presentation to be fantastic for music now with that said like is it going to be killer for a theater setup yeah of course absolutely if a subwoofer can be really good at music as long as it has the power and output spl capability for theater it’s going to be fantastic um so let me see if there’s anything else. I want to talk about before I move on to comparisons let’s jump into comparisons let’s start by comparing this to some of rhythmic’s own subwoofers that I’ve reviewed so far so let’s remember being an f model. subwoofer it is a step up from the L model subwoofers, So this compared to the L12.
Its Going To Have A Little
bit better even mid-bass performance a little bit better Transients actually better speed if i’m being completely honest, it actually plays a little tighter than that sealed L12. I mean it is double the price so I guess that’s not too surprising I’ll be honest from top to bottom if it was between the L12 and the FVx 12. I’m going for the FVx 12 as long as I have the space for it yeah I’m not even going to really get into the Nitty-gritty. The FVx-12 is better than the rhythmic L12. It just is um let’s move on to the L22 that’s kind of like a unique situation because like the L22 is this like odd double stack 12 in a sealed cabinet.
I Dont.
SpL because again this is a music system. So I don’t know which one of them has you know the the Max SpL but again being an F model subwoofer. It is a step up so it’s sound quality overall and all those words we want to use to describe sound quality whether it be bass detail transient response speed articulation bass note distinction I did find the FBx 12 with one port plugged and integrated properly to be one step above the L22. The L22 is still very good, but um.
There Is A You Know The
one that’s going to be more similar to this is going to be like the E22 that’s the metal cone version of the L22 anyhow. I don’t know why they didn’t call that the F22 but who knows let’s talk about this compared to rhythmics F12 Se because this is essentially. A ported version of that and I do own a pair of those here. I really like those subwoofers a lot they disappear in the room very well. So does this.
I Could Not Believe It Because Its Big
she’s a big girl okay. I’m gonna make just no that’s just not a secret. It’s big okay um so that is like the one thing to keep in mind. That is the one area where it cannot compete with a sealed subwoofer is just size if you’re looking for something small that’s going to look nice in your room and be tucked away and hidden. You know what I mean you probably want to stick with the sealed models anyhow this compared to the F12 se everything.
The F12 Sc Can Do Good This
can do good except this will give you more authority down low just more output in. That subterranean base level those infrasonics, it’s just a lot stronger there obviously being ported. I did not notice any difference in speed. If I’m being completely honest. I did not notice any area where the F12 I felt had an edge.
I Did Actually Have One Area Where I
felt the FBx 12 had a slight edge. I felt the FVx 12 was just a touch more dynamic than the F12 se so this this has been a surprising situation because look I did expect it to be good because again. My hypothesis was that the servo technology would do very very well in imported design and and you know I of course, I thought I was right because it was my own thought so I wasn’t surprised that it was good. I just didn’t expect it to be like this good. You know what I mean I.
I Thought You Know The Servo Tech And
imported sub. It would like clean up some of those downsides of a ported sub and make it like acceptable, but this isn’t acceptable for music. It’s fantastic for music. If you’re a bass head and you’re like you know like sealed subs are great. They have that like speed that precision that articulation and I love that I just need more authority down low rhythmic FVx 12 or mixed system.
If Youre A Mixed System User And
you know you you do a lot of theater use and you’re like you know it’s really like I need that output for theater use, but I still need a subwoofer that is going to be articulate enough for music that is going to still disappear into the room that’s not going to dominate the presentation that’s going to be more adding to the presentation and adding to the experience and not dominating it rhythmic FVx 12. I’m going to say This is a great for a music only system. I’m going to say it’s going to be great for a mixed system. I’m going to say it’s great for music. I’m sorry theater only system overall it’s just great.
I Cant Think Of Any Downside Aside From
two one I already mentioned is the size it’s large most ported subwoofers are The second downside is more perhaps personal, but I’m not a fan of vinyl finishes and there is a white paint option available, but I would like to see a matte or satin black option in paint to be available. I think that would be awesome. I find that finish to really add a touch of class to a subwoofer and make it look you know like the thousand dollar box. It is sitting in your living room. The matte black finish is good.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- servo
- l12
- f22
I Have No Issue With It.
I just don’t like vinyl finishes personally on anything whether it be speakers subwoofers cars I don’t like vinyl I just don’t. I prefer paint all the time so with those two kind of complaints out of the. way let’s move on with the comparisons, Let’s get a little crazy here and let let’s talk about how this compares to a pair of Rel T5x’s little tiny subwoofers eight inch drivers class A B amplifiers and those with 125 watts Rms. If you watched my review for the rel T5x.
I Sang That Those Subs High
praise I really really like those um. Those were just outstanding for music and I I went as far as to say any descriptor you want to use to describe sound quality. The t5x is phenomenal at the best big winner amazing that’s basically what I said and I can say the same about this with the major difference between the two is strangely the smaller T5x I found to be a little bit more dynamic, but in terms of sound quality articulation transients bass note distinction mid bass articulation. The Relty 5x pair compared to this they were both even playing field man even playing field now Obviously this behemoth is going to have quite a bit more spL capability and as I mentioned prior, the T5x pair did seem to have a little bit more dynamics to them. Let’s move on here.
See What Else Can I Compare This
bad boy to Hmm. It’s tough because it is one of the first ported subs I’ve had on this channel I have owned a lot of ported subs in the past. Like I owned the SvS PC2000, but it was the non–pro version which is I believe discontinued now so I can’t really wouldn’t make any sense like comparing it to that let’s see what else have we reviewed Wouldn’t make much sense to.
- subwoofers compared l12 going
- rhythmic subwoofers l12 l22
- direct servo controlled subwoofer
- subwoofer direct servo controlled
- fvx 12 ported subwoofer direct
The rhythmic FVx 12 is a direct Servo-controlled subwoofer . It’s 12 inches. It’s got 400 watts RMs and a whole slew of features and specs that’ll leave on the screen here do keep in mind. The extension spec can vary based on how you have it set up so feel free to hop on the rhythmic website and check that out so you guys know I’ve reviewed a few rhythmic subwoofers. I’ve been pretty impressed with them so far and I wanted to see what their ported sub woofer could do because I don’t know about you guys, but when I learned about that direct . Servo technology and how it controls the . cone and stops it from doing anything. I kind of thought like man that’s probably going to be a great combination for a ported subwowoofer. It’s definitely not the size of a sealed 12-inch sub woofer but with one port closed and set up…. Click here to read more and watch the full video